What do you say when people ask


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
If you are on steroids. Every once in a while some dip shit at the gym get up the balls to come up an ask me what I'm taking and if I'm on steroids. The standard answer is typically that I'm taking protein and creatine and such. Every so often (especially on tren) I rip into them and tell em if they were in the gym half as much as I am, I might be asking them the same question.

What do you guys say to people outside your trust group?
someone in class was talking to me and asked if i was on steroids. He was really loud everyone heard. I was like. No Bro. looooool
Ummmm....steroids? Those are illegal, makes your dick small, and gives guys tits. Why would I want to do that nasty shit?

Then I choke slam the fucktards.
Why, are you JEALOUS!?!?

Why? Do you WANT SOME!?!

Or sometimes Why? You don't like TESTOSTERONE!??!?!
Too Small said:
Ummmm....steroids? Those are illegal, makes your dick small, and gives guys tits. Why would I want to do that nasty shit?

Then I choke slam the fucktards.
Too SmallThat's funny!!! Karma for you!! 😉 More Karma if you post pics of the Slam!!!! Lol
dont get asked anymore :/
I tell people that I eat alot of ice cream!

I say that I am always eating and growing and training everyday hard. I take a pre workout drink, a during workout drink, and an after workout drink. All aminos and some creatine and sugar.

I say I have never taken anything like steroids and that I am afraid of needles(I am full of tats from head to toe lol)
I have had some dumb ass kids ask me what kind of steroid I was drinking at the gym. A man can't even have some BCAA and creatine mixed up to drink at the gym.
I figure if they are asking I'm doing something right. I'd hate to be one of those that are on and no one ever questioned it!!

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