What does over or under active thyroid mean


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What Actually Is an Under Active Thyroid and What Can You Do About It?
Little gland, big implications

Chances are you’ve heard of thyroid problems, in the context of someone you know trying – and struggling – to get to a healthy weight.
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An under active one is associated with a hard time in the getting lean department and is a common experience – according to The British Thyroid Foundation, one in 20 people in the UK will be affected by thyroid problems at some point in their lives, with the majority being women.
But before we dive into what the symptoms of common thyroid problems are, let’s clear up WTF the thyroid is.
So... what is your thyroid?
Quite simply, the thyroid is a gland. It sits at the front of your neck and is made up of two lobes, each the size of a halved plum, that straddle the windpipe.
You could think of them as powerhouses for your cells because their primary function is to keep your cells – and you – active.
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They do this by secreting carefully balanced levels of the hormones thyroxine (aka T4) and triiodothyronine (aka T3) into the blood, as directed by the pituitary gland, which releases the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Together, T3 and T4 influence the speed at which your cells operate.
And if the level of hormones goes out of whack? You guessed it. You’re landed with thyroid problems.
What are the symptoms of an under active thyroid?
Hypothyroidism or an under active thyroid; whatever you call it, say hello to the most common of the thyroid problems.
'Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid is not secreting enough thyroid hormone,' says Professor Simon Pearce of Newcastle University and medical spokesperson for The British Thyroid Foundation.

'This means your cells function more slowly than normal.'
The symptoms of hypothyroidism?
• Fatigue
• Feeling cold
• Weight gain
• Poor concentration
• Symptoms of depression
• Constipation

'Around 6-8% of women will experience subclinical hypothyroidism,' says Lyn Mynott, chief executive of Thyroid UK.
'This is where they demonstrate symptoms of the condition but their levels of TSH have not gone out of range. Two per cent, however, will have overt hypothyroidism. Although a woman’s risk increases with age, we are seeing the condition in all age groups.'
'The truth is, though, because hypothyroidism is a slow burner, it is often misdiagnosed as depression,' Mynott says.
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Which means the real numbers of those women affected could be much higher.
Not great when you find out that low thyroid function has also been linked to greater odds of experiencing the symptoms of diabetes, according to The Endocrine Society.
And what are the symptoms of an over active thyroid?
This condition is pretty much the 180-degree opposite, occurring when your thyroid is more active than it should be.
'When too much thyroid hormone is secreted, the cells are made to work faster than normal,' says Professor Pearce. 'Everything speeds up, including your metabolism, temperature and heart rate.'
This is why the symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:
• A faster heart rate
• Quicker bowel movements, which could result in diarrhoea
• Heat intolerance
• Weight loss
• Anxiety
• Sore, gritty eyes

Women are ten times more likely than men to experience hyperthyroidism, with the condition affecting around 1% of the population.
And why do thyroid problems occur, in the first place?
But why does it happen in the first place?
'Thyroid problems are typically the result of an autoimmune condition, in which the body’s immune system attacks thyroid cells,' says Professor Pearce.
'For hypothyroidism, the most common cause is the autoimmune disease Hashimoto; for hyperthyroidism, it is a condition called Graves’.
Thyroid problems are also found in around 2.5% of pregnancies and, according to research by the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Centre, if you suffer from migraine symptoms, your chances rise by around 21%.

Other thyroid problems include nodules on the thyroid and thyroid cancer (although this is very rare).
Most common thyroid problems can be treated with medications designed to rebalance the levels of thyroid hormones in your body.
How can you reduce your risk of thyroid problems?
Family history plays a key role in determining your risk of developing thyroid problems. Lifestyle changes may help, too, but the research to support these is limited.
According to Mynott, however, reducing stress – she recommends through practising mindfulness – could make a difference.
And what about diet? Surely that must play a role, right? Well, in terms of managing the symptoms of thyroid problems, the jury is out.
What does the research say?
• Iron deficiency during pregnancy can elevate a woman’s risk of thyroid problems, says the European Society of Endocrinology.
Turkish researchers found that more than 75% of people with Hashimoto are lactose intolerant.
• According to the Loyola University Health System, a low-carb, gluten-free diet with plenty of vegetables can provide an alternative to surgery for those experiencing Graves’ eye disease.

Professor Pearce believes that simply following a well-balanced diet is best. Izabella Wentz, author of Root Cause, found that cutting out dairy and gluten, eased her symptoms. Nicole German, aka the Thyroid Dietitian, suggests the following:
• Reduce or eliminate added sugars (think sugar, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, agave, honey and maple syrup), as these can increase total body inflammation and exacerbate the autoimmune response.
• Switch vegetable oils for monounsaturated fats such as avocado, olive oil, and nuts, which promote a reduction in inflammation.
• Focus on nutrient-dense foods. Thyroid hormones are better supported when you have plenty of micronutrients. They also need selenium and zinc to convert T4 to its more active T3 form.

Furthermore, it is believed that caffeine may inhibit the absorption of thyroid hormones, while foods such as kale, almonds, sweetcorn and soya may – if eaten in excess – prevent the thyroid from using iodine.
This is an important nutrient in the production of thyroid hormone, and found in milk and white fish; note you only need 150 micrograms a day – it is not a case of more is better.
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The one thing that is for sure, though, is that support for women with thyroid problems is limited at best.
'Many women feel they are not being listened to,' says Mynott. “And often family members don’t understand what’s. There are a few support groups around but Thyroid UK has the largest forum, which many people have told us is a lifesaver for them.”
Now you're clued up on thyroid problems, find out more about foods that cause inflammation and here are an extra 4 ways to combat inflammation.

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