what to do cruise and blast or pct


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
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OK guys back in April I did a 10 week test only cycle at 500 mg a week, then cruised about two months starting at 250 down to 125 mg a week

Then I went on a 20 week bang started with tet at 500, deca at 400 and 4 week kickstart of d bol at 50 mg per day. Upped test to 750/deca stayed at 400 for total of 14 weeks.

Then switched to test 500/tren e 400/ mast p 200/ anavar 50 mg daily for last 6 weeks

Tomorrow would be my 15th day if I start pct however heres my situation. Im going for shoulder surgery Dec-Jan. I'd like to get another blast in before then cause that will have me off quite a while from everything. Tendon and bone spur.

Im thinking just cruise a bit and get that blast in before surgery, and not waste the pct, save it for then.

I feel great Im 39 years old 5'8" 212 lbs 13% bf

Some of you may have seen my pics in BOP

Id like some experienced guidance

Thanks in advance
I say cruise bro your at a good age and I think the test will help you recover after your surgery. When I was on cycle over a year ago I caught valley fever I still give test credit for a speedy recovery and maintaining some weight.
It is really up to you, but I'm never gunna pct again. I'm having way to much fun.

Over at Pro Muscle, there is a member there named tough old man
He is in his 70's, juices, fucks mexican whores, and strong and big as an ox.....

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