What you warm up with on bench?


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Trainer at gym kinda called me out as I warm up with 225
Well FUCK before my strokes I didn't touch anything LESS than 315

I explained to him when you lift more 135 just don't cut it
which is cool but bet its like a feather!
See I start with 225, works up to my heaviest say 295-315 for the day then go to 135 or 225

From standard flat bench to wide grip, narrow, fast twitch guillotine, pause reps, etc
135x20 to 30, 185x 20, 225x15, 275xhow ever many I can get, 315x???? 405x?????

I don't set my reps when I start getting heavier in weight, If I can push 10 to 15 reps with 315 once I get there then I do it, if I can push 10 to 15 with 405 then that is what I do and when I can only get around 6 reps I drop down to 225 and do another set of how ever many I can push. This was before I was injured, not sure I will get back to those types of workouts, probably keep it a little lighter when I get back at it.
Yeah I miss my heavy days.
I still out bench most if not everyone at my gym which is pathetic.
Lol if only could be once was
I say this question can be answered in a variety of ways based on one's age and health.. When I was 25 and taking Adrol, I was doing 225 x 20 reps like nothing. Fast forward to being over 50 and still taking gear but NO ORALS, I always start LOW and work my way up to the working sets so I do not injure the old joints or muscles.... MOB......
my shoulders are fucked. these days i go like 135, 185, 205 and call it a day. hopefully i can get to some higher numbers now that i'm back in the gym. have lately been doing more ring pushups, low flys with resistance bands and pole at home, dips. my chest actually looks better now from training it in different ways, but i haven't pushed myself on bench yet. only been back in the gym for about 3 weeks and as i'm older now i want to ramp up slow. 🙂
agreed def depends on a lot of factors
my right side fuked 90% of my power comes from left but with 135 its just not heavy enough IMO to 'warm up"
I like to take a 10lb plate and do circles with each arm while holding the plate then arms at sides and raise them couple other things to get shoulders warmed up a bit. Iv tried starting with 225 and I feel like it’s just to much weight to start out with. Once u fuck up a shoulder there never right again. At least in my case.
Age factors in now back in the day 225 warm up work my way up to the 400's.
Now at 52 left shoulder has a surgery pending. Last year injured my c5-c6 right tricep atrophied loss a alot of strength. I stop at 205 now with reps into 15-20 range.
Be sensible and warm up and adjust with age. Gear can give you a false sense of immortality (ex tren!!!) You might be able to lift that heavy weights, but your joint might say something different!!!!
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I honestly cannot flat bench anymore. Significant shoulder injuries keep me using dumbells n hammerstrength equiptment.

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