What's Your Approach to Designing Cycles?


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Are you a lower dose, 1-3 compound user? Or are you more of a higher dose kitchen sink type?

What about the concept of low test cycles?

I think my approach over the past 8 years of use has been pretty basic/simple. Usually blast on 2 oils and 1 oral, then cruise.

Lately I have been experimenting with the lower test concept. Jury is still out.

Just looking for a general discussion on this...
lower test for me equals less sides... i run 125mg year round... just add other compounds on blast.. keeps me from having to find the right AI dose etc...

low test and NPP , mast e ... has been golden for me...
krustus said:
lower test for me equals less sides... i run 125mg year round... just add other compounds on blast.. keeps me from having to find the right AI dose etc...

low test and NPP , mast e ... has been golden for me...
What are your doses for NPP and Mast, and what does the Mast do for you?
run NPP between 300-450 a week... love mast and run it 600-800 a week..

mast is great for mood libido and muscle hardness... not a bulking drug for sure... but a great addition to almost any cycle... if money is tight though...mast can be a little pricey for what you get from it...
krustus said:
run NPP between 300-450 a week... love mast and run it 600-800 a week..

mast is great for mood libido and muscle hardness... not a bulking drug for sure... but a great addition to almost any cycle... if money is tight though...mast can be a little pricey for what you get from it...
I've had some Mast on hand for a while, maybe it's time to try it.
Does anyone take into consideration things like collagen synthesis?

I've read that Anavar can increase collagen synthesis, especially with lower test, like under 200mg test.

I didn't pay any attention to this until I tore my rotator cuff and had to endure 4 anchors being installed to reattach the torn cuff.

Leading up to that tear I had been blast cruise at pretty high test levels, in fact I wasn't really coming off cycle with my "cruise" being 400mg test lol.

Now I feel that the Krustus approach as described above is more my speed, especially at age 42.
I am in love with mast. It keeps any sides away for me and gives me a rock solid look. Strength climbs slowly using mast, but it keeps climbing. It's the kind of drug where you think, "I don't think it's doing anything for me and all these amazing gains I'm getting are just from hard work."

I tend to run cycles for no less than 12 weeks. Test as a base, but nothing over 500 a week, split into 2 doses. Then I couple it with either EQ and Mast or Tren and Mast. If I'm using EQ I'll throw in an oral dbol just so I'll see strength & weight gains sooner.

I use about half the amount Krusty does though when it comes to mast, but I'm thinking about boosting it.
higher doses of test does inhibit collagen synthesis... NPP, EQ, Deca , Anavar, ...all increase collagen synthesis.

i like NPP for shorter cycles and faster results... plus collagen sythesis and some joint lubrication
Krustus do you ever run with the devil? (Tren)
only done tren once... back in june july... 4-5 weeks ,,, shot about a half cc daily sub q.

it was decent ...not much better than the NPP, mast e stack... but maybe cheaper... as i believe tren would give you all you want with no additional drugs... i believe tren and a low dose of test would be all you would need for a cycle...
tren and test work well, only downside is some cant handle tren so luckily we have mast and npp and deca and orals etc. finding your sweetspot in terms of compounds and dosages is key in fitness and longevity and good quality life
drakonrep said:
tren and test work well, only downside is some cant handle tren so luckily we have mast and npp and deca and orals etc. finding your sweetspot in terms of compounds and dosages is key in fitness and longevity and good quality life
I think I'll give it another try, in the past I ran test higher and my trensomnia was deadly.
with tren many, including myself, find it that test has to be on the low side (say 2-300) and tren can go up. what i also found is that controlling bloodsugar, meaning no ups and downs (which happen very often with tren) really does help the situation with tren sides like insomnia, feeling frustrated etc. the body is 1, all is connected so always think outside the box of just hormones.
Goals. I take a lot into consideration when building a cycle but the goal of it is number one. What do I want to accomplish with this cycle and what compounds are going to fit best for the goal at hand.

Health. Where am I health wise and what may be the best options to run or perhaps not run a cycle at all. If i just came off a harsh oral perhaps its not time to run a cycle thats goal requires another oral component.

Commitment. Am i ready to give this cycle 100% mentally, physically and diet wise? Or are there things in my life that may take priority and its not the right time to invest my time in this right now.

Current shape. Am i where I need to be physically to accomplish my goal and run the cycle I am proposing. Maybe I need to cut a bit more weight before i bulk on 20 more pounds. Or maybe i can cut 10 more pounds with a simple test cycle before I embark on a tren, mast, prop, winny cycle. Am I going to get the most from the current condition I am at.

Personal experience. What do I know about the compounds I select and how have they worked or not worked in the past. If I have not used a particular compound that I think about using, I do a lot of research.

What the compound has to offer the goal... You can pound a nail in with a screw driver but that does not make it the best tool for the job. Now some of this goes back to personal experience using a certain compound and you can make the argument diet trumps all but some compound DEFINITELY work better than others for certain goal.

Time limit. If i have a certain time frame i may choose short over long esters or if I really want to knock something out of the park perhaps I will pick one compound over another.

Mental health. I put this one lower on the list just because its not as big a factor as it used to be. However for some stress, anger and other sides that can come into play need to be considered. Perhaps you have a big work or school project coming up. Maybe a tren cycle may not be a good idea.

Financial. Do i have the finances I need to meet the goal i want. Half assing a cycle or using cheap compounds in place of others that may work better is no way to run a cycle
Can i afford the propper foods I need to fuel this cycle either bulk or cut?

These are some things I consider that have been working for me as of late
^^^^ damn LT... that was a great post!!!^^^^

you covered a lot of bases... all of which will be very important to selecting anyone's next cycle or blast!

should be a sticky...
krustus said:
^^^^ damn LT... that was a great post!!!^^^^

you covered a lot of bases... all of which will be very important to selecting anyone's next cycle or blast!

should be a sticky...
Thanks my friend

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