Whats your experience with sarms?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
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what up fellas.

i'm wanting to start a 15 week cutting cycle here in about 2 weeks or so and was looking into implementing some sarms in it.

the one's im looking to stack with it are: S-4 andarine, GW-501516, and LGD -4033. Have any of you had experience with these?

my cutting cycle as follows:

sust 250 at 500mg week 1-15
tbol ran at 50mg a day week 1-6
arimidex at .25 mg every 3rd day.

and of course some clomid and nolva at the end.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Lol. Stick with stuff that is proven to work. Want to cut use tren mast test and eat less. Really simple. Sarms ...throw that shit in the garbage, peptides...same place. Garbage
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Lol. Stick with stuff that is proven to work. Want to cut use tren mast test and eat less. Really simple. Sarms ...throw that shit in the garbage, peptides...same place. Garbage
appreciate the input brother. i've heard great things about these though so was just trying to see if anyone had any experience with them. anyone?
agree with tkasch about the sarms, disagree about the peptides/mk-677
I have been running test p 150 mg EOD for about 10 weeks. I just added 20 mgs of GW-501516 to my mix. I am very impressed to say the least. I have a lot more endurance, strength has gone up, I have taken cardio to an entire another level. One week into it I have lost 10 pounds, my waist has gone down a full inch, and people are taking notice. I think this stuff is definitely the real deal. I am also in a better mood and thinking more clear!
but that's not a sarm
what up fellas.

i'm wanting to start a 15 week cutting cycle here in about 2 weeks or so and was looking into implementing some sarms in it.

the one's im looking to stack with it are: S-4 andarine, GW-501516, and LGD -4033. Have any of you had experience with these?

my cutting cycle as follows:

sust 250 at 500mg week 1-15
tbol ran at 50mg a day week 1-6
arimidex at .25 mg every 3rd day.

and of course some clomid and nolva at the end.
roachboy101I have run that exact sarm stack but have found sarms to work while on cruise. I am up in years and been running cruise and blast for some time. Lets face it bro s gear eventually does a number on soft tissue add age and years of iron and joint and connective tissue wear and tear enter the sarms. This is where I find they help. I do not get sides from s4 so I can dose it heavy and feel its effect. I had good results with rad and sr9. The positive with sr9 I know tech not sarm is the effect I had on lipid profile bloods to prove it. Also gw and rad140 and sr9 great for cardio while on tren. Best I have found. My lady ran gw and mk2866 had great impact on her while running winny. If any of these did nothing I would say so but I did get positive effects and would run the sarms again. Peptides I have not used but know bro s that like them and claim positive effects. Sarms or peptides are not gear have a different effect still have there use. I am on cycle now a custom 4 way blend in mig testp npp tren a and mast p with a tbol kicker. Shortly I will be adding Gw and most likely mk2866 at cycles end when I go back to cruise. Other note I also cycle in temisarten similar action to sr9 partial ppar look into that very helpful with bp and fat loss.
I have run that exact sarm stack but have found sarms to work while on cruise. I am up in years and been running cruise and blast for some time. Lets face it bro s gear eventually does a number on soft tissue add age and years of iron and joint and connective tissue wear and tear enter the sarms. This is where I find they help. I do not get sides from s4 so I can dose it heavy and feel its effect. I had good results with rad and sr9. The positive with sr9 I know tech not sarm is the effect I had on lipid profile bloods to prove it. Also gw and rad140 and sr9 great for cardio while on tren. Best I have found. My lady ran gw and mk2866 had great impact on her while running winny. If any of these did nothing I would say so but I did get positive effects and would run the sarms again. Peptides I have not used but know bro s that like them and claim positive effects. Sarms or peptides are not gear have a different effect still have there use. I am on cycle now a custom 4 way blend in mig testp npp tren a and mast p with a tbol kicker. Shortly I will be adding Gw and most likely mk2866 at cycles end when I go back to cruise. Other note I also cycle in temisarten similar action to sr9 partial ppar look into that very helpful with bp and fat loss.
appreciate the info and response man. i see you mentioned custom blend? as in you brew it yourself? ive been lookin into doin that myself but struggle to find powder source. I don't want go get them from out of the country. know any domestic sources?
appreciate the info and response man. i see you mentioned custom blend? as in you brew it yourself? ive been lookin into doin that myself but struggle to find powder source. I don't want go get them from out of the country. know any domestic sources?
roachboy101PM me brother.
I realize GW is not a sarm. Why does it get thrown in the same category? I've always wondered
Ignorance, imo. i like mk-677, fwiw, which also gets lumped in with the sarms but is a gh secretagogue. i've been experimenting with 10 mg of that and 100mcg cjc no dac/100 mcg ipamorelin in the evenings. when i run out of the peptides, i'll probably up the mk-677 to 20 mg per day and may add in some cjc w/dac for awhile to get the constantly elevated gh ala actual gh for awhile. i don't want to stay on that for more than 3 months though, as i feel it's not too good for my health to have constanly elevated gh/igf-1.
GW would probably be good to run with mk-677 as mk can, from what i've heard, can increase insulin resistance, and gw should combat that effect. i've also hear telmisartan is good for insulin sensitivity and acts as ppar agonist or something like that.
GW would probably be good to run with mk-677 as mk can, from what i've heard, can increase insulin resistance, and gw should combat that effect. i've also hear telmisartan is good for insulin sensitivity and acts as ppar agonist or something like that.
bossmanYes bro good combo and Telmisartan is partial ppar similar action to sr9. I always run telmisartan while on cycle. Helps in many positive ways. Check out Bill Roberts write up. Gw and sr9 assist greatly with cardio on tren and off. sr9 helped my lipid profile greatly. There is another gw out that deals with inflamation in the lungs. Much more costly and hard to come by have not tried it yet think its a gw7.
i don't think the actual sarms have any benefit to oral aas, at least the ones i've tried--ostarine and lgd. in fact, i think they're inferior. i'll take anavar over them any day. ostarine makes me shed too.
Ive seen some of my buddies get huge off sarms. As with everything else, everyone acts different to different substances. I used s4 to help aid in fat loss. It seemed to help me not put on too much fat. But I wasnt losing much because it made me so insanely hungry. I was eating about 6-7k cal a day, when really I only need 3 lol. I wouldnt say sarms are garbage. Every drug has its place in the game. Just some respond better than others. Even when it comes to anabolics. For example, some people swear by anavar, others say its a waste. It all comes down to your body. I'd say give it a run and decide if it's worth it.
Ive seen some of my buddies get huge off sarms. As with everything else, everyone acts different to different substances. I used s4 to help aid in fat loss. It seemed to help me not put on too much fat. But I wasnt losing much because it made me so insanely hungry. I was eating about 6-7k cal a day, when really I only need 3 lol. I wouldnt say sarms are garbage. Every drug has its place in the game. Just some respond better than others. Even when it comes to anabolics. For example, some people swear by anavar, others say its a waste. It all comes down to your body. I'd say give it a run and decide if it's worth it.
d3r3kWell said brother, Well said! I never got the hunger from s4 but also responded well to it.
Im about to step into this sarm game. Lol all ive ever run was aas. Im just finishing a 15 week test tren mast cycle with tbol kicker n finisher. Its time to cruise for awhile. Im adding 35mg of s23 a day to my cruise n see where it takes me. Everyone has an opinion. I need to experience it though or my opinion is void.

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