When does everyone take their ancilliaries and estrogen blockers etc?


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Basically when do you take your either aromasin, arimidex, and or nolva, how much and how often and what parts of the day????

And why?
I generally start Nolva 2x a day at the beginning of my cycles. Then I add Aroma (preferably) about 2 weeks later. Dose dependent on any sides I'm having. If sides start to get away from me, or I don't have Aromasin, it's straight to caber.
TSizemore said:
I generally start Nolva 2x a day at the beginning of my cycles. Then I add Aroma (preferably) about 2 weeks later. Dose dependent on any sides I'm having. If sides start to get away from me, or I don't have Aromasin, it's straight to caber.
what is your timing, when throughout the day big guy? Thats what I'm trying to compare
I take aroma and caber at night with my post workout meal or shake and nolva in the mornings when needed. Might just be in my head but for some reason I feel tired when I take aroma in the am.
I take Aromasin 12.5mg at 6am and 12.5mg at 6pm ED.

If I feel the need to take caber while running High doses of Tren or Deca I take .5mg at Night before bed E3D only if needed though.
TSizemore said:
I generally start Nolva 2x a day at the beginning of my cycles. Then I add Aroma (preferably) about 2 weeks later. Dose dependent on any sides I'm having. If sides start to get away from me, or I don't have Aromasin, it's straight to caber.
What makes caber a substitute for Aromasin?
tbonexl said:
You should have everything before hand. Excuses, excuses...

Caber and Aromasin aren't even the same thing man! Lol
Mick said:
Prove that please? Aro/Stane is easy to get, Caber orals domestic? Hook me up!
Ok...guess I should have been a little clearer. Tbone, you're absolutely right...Always try to have everything on hand before your cycle begins. I miscalculated on my last cycle and didn't have any Aromasin. Now, to the second statement (which isn't quoted here)...No, Aroma and Caber are two completely different creatures. What I should have added in my post was, ALL my cycles always have either Tren, Deca, or Npp....So, in my case, Caber is a definite go to if things start to get wonky. I can trust Caber to knock out my sides SUPER quick.

And, thirdly, MICK...Aromasin is real easy to get. Paxton and EGH both carry it. I think DYEL does too...but, I had a situation where I needed something almost overnight...it was for my last show....and All4muscle in his "true to help out a brother ways" had some caber that he shipped to me in a rush as a favor. So, it was quite readily available for me, without having to place an order to someone to reach minimums and go through Money exchanging and order emails and all that stuff..........that's what I meant by "Available"

Sorry, if I confused some of you...didn't mean to.

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