Where I'm at what I'm doing


Vino 1

So for anyone that cares. I came off everything completely for about 7-8 weeks or so. I dropped quite a bit of weight. From 205ish down to 190 currently at 6'2". Finally said F this and got back to 250mg test e weekly. My diet has basically been garbage as of late. So I'm stepping it back up. Cleaning the diet up, tweaking the training. Right now I'm focused more on leaning up and definition more than the weight. Tired of trying to bulk for the time being. I've sworn off stepping on a scale. My goal is to be nice and shredded come summer time, maintaining current weight of 190 or so. I realize I am quite slim and could gain a few pounds but I'm not worried about it right now.

Currently running: EGH labs
250mg test e
2iu gh 5on 2off- will be bumping up slowly to 4 or 5iu
T-4 200mcg daily

Considering throwing anavar in at 40-60mg daily. Input or motivation or criticism all welcome. Thanks for it in advance brothers. Will try to get some
Pics up later
Just for fun the last pic is of me when I first started training. Weigh 140-150pds

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I think it's a great idea to stay on trt dose you only go backwards coming off everything. Not only do you lose size but your throwing your hormones off wack with those short breaks, pct has its place if your gonna go into surgery or trying to have a baby over a long period of being on. Don'tbe afraid to cruise on var one of the most mild orals out there.

If it's a concern get blood work but I guarantee your fine if your healthy and drink as much water as your supposed too. Eat pineapple blend that shit make smoothies very good for the liver better than live 52 natural as can be. We all know the secret to staying lean i dont know how you feel about tren but it definitely helps lol
Lol yea I'm ok with tren just trying to avoid other AAS at the moment. I really want to try and be patient and let the gh do it's work. I won't be trying to pct again that was a mistake.
Your body will always let you know what is right. As far as the GH, just be patient and be in it for the long run. It is worth it.
Dropped the T4 and gh for the time being. Added 40mg anavar. Added a front pic cuz that's all I could get a good one of by myself.
I'd like to see a front lat spread pic or front relaxed pose. I think it will better show your physique then the single bicep selfie.

TRT is definitely the way to go to maintain blood hormone levels and gains. PCT has it's place (like 9er said), but isn't for everyone.

Why did you drop the GH? Get that diet cleaned up, and you'll see results.
Man vino glad you're doing this log to keep track, get motivated and seek advice. I like the strategy.

When you are specific about your goals, you can attain them and beyond.

Don't let Tsize talk you into more pics, creepy! Lol
Thanks guys, I'll try to get a few more up. I'm not good at posing. I will be sticking to TRT from now on. The gh I hope to start up again in the future. I started this week cleaning my diet up and so far so good.
Vino 1 said:
Dropped the T4 and gh for the time being. Added 40mg anavar. Added a front pic cuz that's all I could get a good one of by myself.
Vino 1
Yeah, like TS said, get a run at a GH cycle and don't stop. Anavar and TRT make for a nice combo, especially as lean as you already are. Good luck bro.
Ok guys so I'm now using the gh 3x week 10iu post big workouts: legs, back, and chest. Also bumped up anavar to 80mg ed thinking about goin to 100mg ed. I'll post up pics in a few weeks I think to show progress. What do y'all think about the var at 100mg? Test is at 250mg a week right now.
Vino 1 said:
Ok guys so I'm now using the gh 3x week 10iu post big workouts: legs, back, and chest. Also bumped up anavar to 80mg ed thinking about goin to 100mg ed. I'll post up pics in a few weeks I think to show progress. What do y'all think about the var at 100mg? Test is at 250mg a week right now.
Vino 1
I've always heard 80mgs Var is the top end before diminishing returns.
Same here. There's a study I think on pubmed if you wish to view it. Anavar has diminishing returns beginning @ 80mg's/day.

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