which is stronger pre-workout? tne or tren base?



tne makes me strong as kingkong, but I've never tried tren base
Any day now about to get some tne... never used any before so will report how it goes as a Pre... that's my goal/reasons for trying it.
I have tried TNE twice (solid gear) and really did not notice a difference. Used 100 MG BTW. At the time I was running around 1,200 test.
Anonymous said:
I have tried TNE twice (solid gear) and really did not notice a difference. Used 100 MG BTW. At the time I was running around 1,200 test.
In two weeks I am going to have both and a surprise ;D

>>>did not notice a difference<<< You my friend used SHIT TNE, end of story.

Anonymous said:
In two weeks I am going to have both and a surprise ;D

>>>did not notice a difference<<< You my friend used SHIT TNE, end of story.

Anonymous Not sure I would agree with that. If the guys already loaded up with 1200mg test already, Not sure I would expect a big boost from 100mg tne.
I have only used one bottle, not like Im an expert. Just wouldnt jump straight to that conclusion. I have used some from a source here. It was ok but not spectacular.
Anonymous said:
In two weeks I am going to have both and a surprise ;D

>>>did not notice a difference<<< You my friend used SHIT TNE, end of story.

AnonymousIve ran 1200mg of test a week 350mg tren ace and 50mg of deca ed and I could still feel my tne
Kick in and benefits were noticeable in gym..I did notice that when it wore off I got tired/lethargic.
But that could be just how I react to it...I agree u shoukd try a differnt source for tne..its good shit
Hard to say...Tren is a much more potent anabolic/androgenic then Test.....however, to unleash it's full potential, Test is needed to accentuate it for Estrogen purposes.
Is tne taken IM just like regular test or sub q......or both? and can you mix it in the same barrel with lets say regular old test e if it was an hour before work out ?
You can mix in same syringe. Never sub-q!! Always I'm with any oils.

Anonymous said:
Hard to say...Tren is a much more potent anabolic/androgenic then Test.....however, to unleash it's full potential, Test is needed to accentuate it for Estrogen purposes.
AnonymousI don't have science to support my theory's but test is wise to use with tren but not needed.
I ran tren ace 75mg Ed for 5 weeks along with winstrol 50mg Ed and gained 17 lbs and dropped bf by 2%.... Those are only two compounds I used.
Anonymous said:
I don't have science to support my theory's but test is wise to use with tren but not needed.
I ran tren ace 75mg Ed for 5 weeks along with winstrol 50mg Ed and gained 17 lbs and dropped bf by 2%.... Those are only two compounds I used.
Did your dick work? Did you want it to work? You used two cutting compounds and gained 17lbs? Really?
Im not convinced there is such a thing as anabolics for cutting puposes only. I think you could bulk on Tren, winny , var and primo. Its more about the diet than the gear. But it is better to use compounds that bloat you up, anadrol, dbal, test deca.
To the original idea. The tren should be way stronger.

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