Which is worse on the body tren or orals


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I know orals are hard on your organs more than most but how hard is tren on your body compared to orals
just personal xp i'd say certain orals definitely on how long you running are worse for you
I have almost always included winstrol in most of my cycles. Winstrol enhances the effects of a concurrently ran steroid. Even if it's just for a couple weeks I'll add winny in there. My favorite stack is test prop tren ace and winny
I have used a lot of tren over the years and a few times @ high dosages It for a fact ups liver values puts stress on renal function but orals if abused can take those organs out. Such as Halotestin Cheq Too much SD etc now Tbol winny anavar much safer. I prefer all in inj form to avoid digestive trac. As I am older and hopefully smarter I find less is better You are better off running the anabolics on the lower toxic scale and with moderation or not at all run the toxic ones.
If you ran tren vs an oral and ran it week for week, then yes. Orals. ESPECIALLY the ones Supernaut listed.

But as stated above tren can jack you up. Thats why i recommend to everyone adamant about running tren to start with Ace, see how their body reacts and then go from there.

Blood work is number 1 for longevity in this game.
IMO it would sometimes be dependent on the oral your cycling.

Anavar, primo are two very mild hormones as compared to Halo or Sdrol.
Tren shit is devil piss.
What about winstrol?

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