While on a HUGE cycle.....


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I supposedly got my wife pregnant. I was 14 weeks into 400mg Test E, 300mg Deca, 200mg Tren E, 300mg EQ E3D plus Tren base/TNE pre workout and winstrol.

She swears up and down that she only has been sleeping with me. We did have a problem with her cheating when we first got married (I know, I know, fucked up). So this is why I am concerned. I have heard of guys on test getting their ladies pregnant but Ive never heard of anyone knocking up there women so deep into a big cycle. My balls were literally the size of almonds! She told me when the baby is born I can get a paternity test and everything. She swore on our sons life and all. So has anyone else ever got their women pregnant on such a big cycle?
Ok now check this out, I got my wife pregnant with our second child while on a big cycle too, I was doing 1500mg test e, 750mg deca, 50mg dbol. I was months into my cycle and it happened. Now on the flip side with our first child it took 8 months after I got off a big cycle to get her pregnant. We even went as far as to go to the doctor and ask him what we should do and he said if she don't get pregnant in a couple months come back and he would do some tests and not a month after he said that she got pregnant. My point is things happened differently each time and there is really no predicting it wont happen or it will happen. You can go months or even years and not get anyone pregnant then one time it happens out of nowhere without ever changing anything. The human body is weird sometimes.

bro... I was on 2x as much gear for much longer than you and got my girl prego... don't jump the gun...it happens.

btw...that's not a HUGE cycle... no offense intended.
You still poduce spent when on cycle albeit much less than normal. But it only takes one to do the deed.
Well, if it comes out black, you won't need the test! ;D
I'm with TMM, MattyIce, and Tuna.

The human body is amazingly complex and sometimes quite unpredictable.

It's truly a miracle biologically speaking that ANYONE get pregnant!!!

Take it from a father of 4, sometimes it was easy, sometimes it took a LONG time.
Over 2 years with 1 child, and sex EVERYDAY for 1 whole year(yes, we put in the hours).

Some people don't shutdown very easily, and some sperm count is going to happen anyway, I'm sure.
Plus, I think 14 weeks is not that long for some people. 😉
Yep ive heard this story before. Lol. Its definitely not the first time or the last time. Some get shutdown easily, some never do?
Akhusker said:
I supposedly got my wife pregnant. I was 14 weeks into 400mg Test E, 300mg Deca, 200mg Tren E, 300mg EQ E3D plus Tren base/TNE pre workout and winstrol.

She swears up and down that she only has been sleeping with me. We did have a problem with her cheating when we first got married (I know, I know, fucked up). So this is why I am concerned. I have heard of guys on test getting their ladies pregnant but Ive never heard of anyone knocking up there women so deep into a big cycle. My balls were literally the size of almonds! She told me when the baby is born I can get a paternity test and everything. She swore on our sons life and all. So has anyone else ever got their women pregnant on such a big cycle?
Long story short .... 3 times. Once was twins but I wasn't using Tren, Deca or EQ. I was using NPP, Masteron and Primo.
Like said above, it only takes one real good swimmer to do the job, so technically speaking if you were shut down to the point of only shooting one sperm per load as long as it was a strong swimmer she could get pregnant, and of course you could have a billion sperm and none be good enough to make it so no pregnancy! I told my wife that all my guys must have been having a pose down with each other trying to impress her egg instead of crossing the finish line and winning by getting her pregnant.

Hey bro I'm expecting my first and got my wife pregnant while on test, tren, mast, EQ, var and winstrol. This happened a few before my show late year so I was well into my cycle. I'm over 37 so it's good to know the swimmers are in working condition.
not sure the size of the cycle matters but the duration you're suppressing natural funtion , i got my X pregnant while on trt for over a year, So its no surprise

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