who has used super high mg gear?


Iron Killer
Vendor Rep
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
i see mutagenic and hulk body that have this high mg gear and i just wonder is this stuff
legit and doesnt it hurt like hell? i seen these places that have test p that was like 250-300mg? oouch that shit has got to hurt. or these ones that are 1000-1500mgs? if that can be made without horrible pip i think more people would be making it? anyone tried it?
if its made good its smooth.
Agent Yes's TPA is 200 mg short esters prop/acetate
super smooth
I only use EG vendors...erikgearhead has test 400...smooth, and Heisenberg has test 600
Heisenberg Pharmaceuticals gives me orgasms. I thought to myself, maybe it is not that strong but i went overboard and felt it. i can pin a 3 cc of the high stuff
hulk is good, been running there products for a while now.... I was on test e 600 and eq 400. Didnt hurt too bad, but PIP has never really been a huge issue unless its short esters.
I have never shot high dose gear, I stick to the basic mg dosage gear and just shoot more of it or more times a week. I think the highest mg I ever took was 325 and that was a "so called sustanon" blend, it was a very long time ago too. Now it is standard things like 100mg, 200mg, 250mg. Shot frequency doesn't bother me as I am used to shooting everyday be it long ester cycles or short ester cycle, but I can see where other people that don't like pinning ed would like higher dose stuff. A matter of preference and convenience I guess.
Just curious how you guys know there really is 600 or 800mgs? I have a buddy hes actually real good at what he does and told me there is no such thing as 800mg pip free test he said it would hurt so bad u would never wanna use it again. This guy makes tren base and test suspension water based so I think he knows what he talks about
49ER said:
Just curious how you guys know there really is 600 or 800mgs? I have a buddy hes actually real good at what he does and told me there is no such thing as 800mg pip free test he said it would hurt so bad u would never wanna use it again. This guy makes tren base and test suspension water based so I think he knows what he talks about
49ERFrom what I understand it takes practice and a mix of esters.
It's not 600 mg test E, but a mix of several.
GRIM said:
From what I understand it takes practice and a mix of esters.
It's not 600 mg test E, but a mix of several.
GRIM10/4 makes sense ive had test400 no pip it was a mix also just curious if there is a exact number you would get on blood work to know you really get what it says
Good question. I always wondered how they can make a painless or even an almost painless test 400 or higher. I knew guys that did test 400 back in the day and they said it hurt like a bitch, not sure if it was straight or a blend but I do know it wasn't uncommon to see that high dose gear but it was not nowhere near as common as it is nowadays. To me it seems like it would kill if it was that high, like 500+. I mean test is test and if you put 600mg in a ml then it is gonna hurt. I would like to know what numbers you would see on blood work after taking that.
The trick is using a mix of esters with emphasis on compounds with low melting points. (I.E. use mostly test D/Test E)
What does melting point have to do with if the gear is going to be painful at a super high dose? I can see that as why it may hold at that high of a dose where as a prop ester would crash at high doses, but as far as having a painful inject what is it that prevents that from happening? Like I mentioned before there was high dose gear way back when I first started doing gear and it hurt like hell, I believe it was denkall and I believe it was 400mg/ml test. I think it was called super test 400. I know a lot of guys that used it and every single one of them said it was a literal pain in the ass! How come the test 400 back then hurt so much and we have test 600+ now that don't hurt at all?
Here is what I found on the old school high dose test.

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Test 400 is a mexican version of Testoviron, but in a lot higher dosage. Usual dosages is one 400 mg per week.

Test 400 is obviously simply a marketing trick for novice bodybuilders. mixture of Eanthate and Cypionate is pointless as they both release at the same time. The dose of 400 mg forced the manufacturer to introduce more alcohol into thy product which results in painful injections. Combined with classic testosterone side effects this is definitely not the best product out there.

LONG DESCRIPTION: Denkall's Test 400 wins the prize for the absolute highest concentration for any steroid in one milliliter of oil. Measuring in at an unheard of 400 milligrams, this product is nothing short of a shocking new addition to the high-dosed veterinary steroid market in Mexico. Test 400 is a blended product, with each milliliter containing 25 milligrams of testosterone propionate, 187 milligrams of testosterone cypionate and 188 milligrams of testosterone enanthate. In order to achieve such a high concentration of steroid it appears that the amount of alcohol used in the solution has been markedly increased. Without increasing the alcohol level 400 milligrams of steroid would simply be too much for the solution to dissolve. The steroid hormone is more soluble in an oily solution with heightened amounts of alcohol, which allows us to achieve a dosage otherwise not possible. The drawback however is that the alcohol makes for an irritating, almost caustic solution to inject. Users commonly report strong irritation and pain at the site of injection, in many instances requiring the user to dilute the steroid with lower dosed oil based products if Test 400 is to be continued. But for those solely interested in maximum dosage, or those willing to later dilute a steroid in order to purchase the most steroid in single vial possible, Test 400 looks like an instant winner.

The design of this steroid most closely resembles that of Testoviron, containing a mix of rapid and medium/slow acting esters. In fact the only difference between the enanthate/propionate blend Testoviron and Test 400 are the dosages of the esters, and the addition of testosterone cypionate. I see no real advantage in stacking testosterone cypionate with enanthate though, as the pharmacokinetics of these two esters are literally identical. Testosterone levels peak and drop in parallel with these two agents, with no visible distinction. Upon closer investigation we see that the only advantage to adding cypionate appears to be a marketing one, as we have a product with three steroids instead of two. At least with Sustanon the release parameters are different with each ester, such that an attempt is made to integrate the four and support the balanced release of testosterone. But with test 400, having propionate and all cypionate would be totally indistinct from having propionate and all enanthate.

The effects of Test 400 would be similar to that of all testosterones. Testosterone is one of the best mass-building agents, so users can expect substantial gains with this product. Testosterone is also strongly estrogenic and androgenic however, so one should expect these gains to be accompanied by equally strong side effects. This includes water retention, possible fat increases and even gynecomastia is estrogenic levels get too high, and acne, oily skin and possible hair loss from the androgenic component of this steroid.

It wasn't the esters in it that cause the pain it is the alcohol content, more had to be used to dissolve the hormone. The prop at 25mg isn't going to do anything for the user, especially if the user is only going to shoot 1ml a week split into two shots(1/2ml, 1/2ml). Using esters that release at the same time is pointless and used just so that people will see more tests in it and buy it simply because of that.

So what is done differently now with the super high dose gear that wasn't done back then to make the shots painless at that high of dose? It isn't the esters in it and it isn't melting points, it has to be something to do with solvents and cosolvents and the way its brewed.
DGAF said:
What does melting point have to do with if the gear is going to be painful at a super high dose? I can see that as why it may hold at that high of a dose where as a prop ester would crash at high doses, but as far as having a painful inject what is it that prevents that from happening? Like I mentioned before there was high dose gear way back when I first started doing gear and it hurt like hell, I believe it was denkall and I believe it was 400mg/ml test. I think it was called super test 400. I know a lot of guys that used it and every single one of them said it was a literal pain in the ass! How come the test 400 back then hurt so much and we have test 600+ now that don't hurt at all?
DGAFBack then you had the choice of 1 ester. Now you can get to 600 using 250cyp/250enan/100prop. Or 300 each of the longs. Or go 200undeconate/200cyp/200enan the choices are more vast and the individual crash points remain low. New solvents and oils help too on the pip.
RockShawn said:
Back then you had the choice of 1 ester. Now you can get to 600 using 250cyp/250enan/100prop. Or 300 each of the longs. Or go 200undeconate/200cyp/200enan the choices are more vast and the individual crash points remain low. New solvents and oils help too on the pip.
Not correct on the 1 ester point. Back then they did do blends and if you look at the make of the super test 400 from back then it was test enan, test cyp, and test prop. 3 esters in it not 1 so choice of 1 ester is out the window on this one. Second is why use cyp and enan together for anything other than a marketing ploy to get people to buy it because they see the label and it has more than one thing in it must be good stuff, you can use just test enan or test cyp and get the same results as if you use half enan and half cyp. They both release at the same time and makes using both pointless when you can go with one or the other as there is no distinct difference between using all 500mg of enan or splitting it 250mg enan and 250mg cyp. The prop isn't going to do anything at that low of a dose and it is in there to finish the make up of dose and to show yet one more test in the bottle. The choices were also vast back then too, if you remember they had real sustanon back then and it contained 4 different esters, so they did have the esters back then same as they do now. Crash points wasn't the reason for test being painful it was the use of more alcohol to dissolve the hormone, back then I think the standard was 5% BA as opposed to the 2% we use commonly now. I am more inclined to go with the use of different solvents to make it pain free. I dont think they had EO and Mr. Ts super solvent and all that back then, not even sure they used BS back then as that is a replacement for guaiacol. And as far as oils Im not real sure that has a lot to do with painless injects rather more to do with viscosity of the injects and how easy you can push it through a smaller size pin.
im curious to try some of this high mg stuff sometime. i dont access to all of the sources here yet. hopefully soon ill be able too
tkasch30 said:
im curious to try some of this high mg stuff sometime. i dont access to all of the sources here yet. hopefully soon ill be able too
Full access to the vendors is something that either takes a certain amount of time, or posts. Not sure. A mod would kno. There is a good reason behind it.
JM750 said:
Full access to the vendors is something that either takes a certain amount of time, or posts. Not sure. A mod would kno. There is a good reason behind it.
i have acess now! looks like great stuff!

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