Who runs ais?


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Im curious....do most of you always run AIs? Back in the day we'd run a gram of test a week with no AI. Back then a fella might take a little nolva if he was concerned.

Personally, ive never had any estro probs that i know of except when taking dianabol which really seems to convert over like something terrible with me.

Im just curious because Im currently gonna be running 400mg week of test....thats it no AI. Any of you use AI with that low of a dose?
Historically, I haven't, but perhaps due to my ever advancing age, my libido took a big hit and blood work showed my estradiol to be very high. Jumped on some arimidex and that seemed to fix it. Plus, looking leaner with the bloat gone. All my estrogen sides are of that kind. I can take as much test as I want and not get gyno.
id say get blood work, too much estrogen can be a silent issue, water retention around the heart especially. id us AI for any doses over 300 and id even consider it once every other week for that, you have to know how you respond.

do bloods and know and adjust from there, no reason to have sides and issues when 50 $ in real science can solve it with a test
id say get blood work, too much estrogen can be a silent issue, water retention around the heart especially. id us AI for any doses over 300 and id even consider it once every other week for that, you have to know how you respond.

do bloods and know and adjust from there, no reason to have sides and issues when 50 $ in real science can solve it with a test
misterBAnd that's a good point about water retention. Too much can increase BP and who wants to deal with that?
I have real bad estrogen problems and all ways must run an AI on any dose over 300, ( I learned the hard way).

As stated by Misteb its just 50$, and its very beneficial to have on hand.
I always run some form of it....even during TRT, sometimes I get sides that require some Aromasin
I figure HG adex....them tabs are 1mg each. Im thinking a half mg EOD. No need to over do it.

Adex vs aromasin? What you prefer and why?
I run nolva at 10mg a day. And yes it helps me with water!

I also run proviron 100 a day
Mast prop 75mg

Those above are my estro control.

If i have to i use adex at .5mg@2× wk
Or More!

On TRT dose either proviron 50mg a day
And mast prop 75 eod

Or adex .5mg@2×wk

I am not into bulking aromatasing gear anymore.

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