Why’s it so hard to find dnp now?


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
i know one source has it in 25 mg but I use to be able to find it in 100 mg cap the yellow powder and now it’s like no one will sale it now
lots dont carry it because of potential idiots killing themselves with it
Iv done so many cycles of dnp and I never go over 300 and with good diet you get great results lol I don’t know why people are trying to take 1000 mgs of this shit like wtf bro
Iv done so many cycles of dnp and I never go over 300 and with good diet you get great results lol I don’t know why people are trying to take 1000 mgs of this shit like wtf bro
halfnattyi wouldnt suggest dnp as a normal diet drug, imo last bang
Yes I dropped it because you get some boneheads with no patience telling you I'm not seeing results after 3 days and I'm taking 500-1000mg. I wouldn't want to be the person who sold the dnp to them.
You should only sell it if they actually know what they are doing, iv done cycles of your dnp and lives it lmao
Idc what anyone says dnp is not that dangerous and it’s been proven with blood work it has helped health issues, tony Hughes has did many study’s and blood work with this stuff and with his clients and for me my bad cholesterol went down and my good went back up. People just abuse it then say how bad it is lol fuck that I think Clen is more dangerous then dnp!
Never go over 300 in my perspective I always stay around 200 mgs and a good diet
I've tried both clen and DNP. Honesty both of them have horrible sides in my books. I got headaches from clen constantly and regarding the DNP I have sweated so much on it during sleep, I could had supplied the great lakes with water supplies rofl. Essentially pick what devil you rather deal with. Would you rather sweat constantly and be the poor soul if you decide to eat a bunch of carbs? carbs + DNP = even worse sweating or Constant headaches?

if you can afford it, blast GH much better experience all the way.
I never had night sweats or headaches from it, I never get any sides but losing fat and maybe get alittle more hot durning the day but I always took 200 to 250 before bed for 30 days and it actually help the sides stay down durning the day, but I guess everyone is different my guy took 250 and could not handle it ether

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