Why does this happen?


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Has anyone experienced this? You draw from two diff vials each containing a diff compound and maybe even from diff vendors and the pin hurts like hell, but when you pin the exact same vials separate there is no pip.

One product in particular I just had trouble with is a blend and has EO in it. It even hurts if I add b12 to it. But by itself its fine.
never, in fact, i usually draw from 2 to kill the pip from one of them.
JM750 said:
never, in fact, i usually draw from 2 to kill the pip from one of them.
JM750Maybe its old age. I don't know. It's happened on a few products. EO may be the common denominator.
maybe it's just the more volume with them together?

i haven't noticed this myself and i think i'm older than you bro...lol... i get a pin occasionally that must have been to close to a nerve or something and it hurts a little more..???
Could be and probably be the different solvent meeting each other and one over powering the other/killin it down some from what the solvent is usaully dosed at, which could cause more pip. If that made sense...
RockShawn said:
Maybe its old age. I don't know. It's happened on a few products. EO may be the common denominator.
I thought we already came to the conclusion that you are probably allergic to EO?

If I pin any test ester in my glutes or quads I get some bad pip but when pinned anywhere else, very little pip even with prop.

Other compounds can go in my glutes or quads with no pip.

If you've read this far, you are most likely confused. Nevermind. Carry on.
I've taken a shot from a vial in shoulder, all good. Next week, same vial etc, pip like a muthafucka. Maybe I hit something inside?
RockShawn said:
Has anyone experienced this? You draw from two diff vials each containing a diff compound and maybe even from diff vendors and the pin hurts like hell, but when you pin the exact same vials separate there is no pip.

One product in particular I just had trouble with is a blend and has EO in it. It even hurts if I add b12 to it. But by itself its fine.
This same thing happens to me...remember when I added a product with EO and thought I was allergic...well I pin that same oil at twice the dose by itself and can't even feel it! A day later I can cut the dose in half and mix with another non EO product and shit hurts for two days?
Would love to know why? Joker or Eric might be able to explain.
Bump for more input.

The comound does have EO in it, but as stated when pinned alone it's great. Pinned with anything else, not so great. Goodfella kinda has the idea.
Wacker said:
This same thing happens to me...remember when I added a product with EO and thought I was allergic...well I pin that same oil at twice the dose by itself and can't even feel it! A day later I can cut the dose in half and mix with another non EO product and shit hurts for two days?
Would love to know why? Joker or Eric might be able to explain.
WackerIt's completely due to the operator......almost all the time. We are piercing ourselves with projectiles....pushing sharp metal objects up to 1 1/2'' into our bodies and not with the smoothest of hands I would say. Our bodies are intricate and much more delicate than we give it credit for. Just a Nanometer to the left or right could make the difference from intense pain for days to nothing at all. That's why one day is good, and the next sucks!
Joker said:
I'll be honest, I don't think there is any definitive answer.
PIP is just one of those things that will baffle mankind forever.
You know, is Tupac and Elvis still alive?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Why are we here?
Is there life on other planets?
And last but not least. Why is there PIP.

Honestly, I don't have an answer. I can make an educated guess but then some fucka will have his own version. Truth is, it's just one of those things.
EO does cause some swelling and irritation to some individuals. Then, the next 20 guys say it's the shit. Hmm beats me.
I can make a batch of 500ml of xyz compound and EVERYONE says it's the shit, smooth pins, no pip, etc etc. Them you got that one Fuck face who cries and moans and acts like I raped his asshole.
I'm like wtf dude. General consensus says my special sauce is the shiznizzle, you're just a bitch .(not referring to anyone, just being funny)

I've given up.

I'm hungry
Later fellas got packs to ship
Lmao...that is funny!!!

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