Winny- popping my cherry


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
okay bros so I’m about to be running Winstrol for the first time. 100mg Ed for 8-10 weeks yes I run them long and have for years. I feel people stop when things are just getting good around weeks 5-6. Anywho I’ve done some googling over the years, I’ve been debating for a while now to run it or not, and don’t find that I can really trust what I have read because I’m pretty sure it’s all copy pasted and slightly changed the wording.

That being said, what kind of results can I expect?

Orals I have run:
Could thin your hair. I used to use winny all the time when I was younger. I don’t mess with orals these days.

I guess it made me stronger? But I don’t know for sure cause the other stuff I was on.
dry joints...
Def dry joints. I wouldn't attempt without test and deca but to each their own
Dry joints 100% , usually when I run winny I personally will pin 100mg of Deca a week to counter it..... But that's just me.
Winny made me strong. Don’t expect much unless you have low BF% . Stacks well with other compounds. Iv only ran it a few times I feel there are better options. Run it see what you think that’s the only way to know.
Test prop tren Ace and winstrol on the right diet training program had me stronger leaner and looking better than anything else I've ever ran. I used test-e tren-e and turanibol and had awesome results. I use short esters together test prop tren ace and winny tabs. Long esters I use test e tren e and winny tabs. With the longer esters I wait about 15 days before I add the orals. Best stack ever. I do like tbol as well if it's legit turanibol. Problem with tren-e is night sweats insomnia agitation short fuse. I don't get those sides with tren ace. If I use tren-e I keep some Xanax on hand helps me sleep and keeps me chill. I also use Seroquel for sleep sometimes. I noticed the more sleep I get the better the results. If I lay awake half the night not healing and recuperating properly the results are not as good.
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Tendinitis dry joints. Your good cholesterol will drop like a rock. I’m not a fan of orals in the first place.
Tendinitis dry joints. Your good cholesterol will drop like a rock. I’m not a fan of orals in the first place.
CB1i like oral if she knows what shes doing

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