Winstrol - Couple Q's


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Just finishing up a mild anavar run and thoroughly happy with my results. Ran 25mg per day for 10 weeks alongside 250 mg per week Test E. Nice solid strength and muscle gains. Weight gain on scale was minimal but body recomp on this cycle makes it appear I gained even more weight in all the right places. Anyways, just letting you know I had some solid success : )

Planning on running a small winstrol cycle sometime around mid/end of August for about 5 weeks. The plan is 25mg per day. I know some may say that is not enough but that is my plan as far as dosage is concerned. It will be run alongside 200mg Test E and the goal is to maintain weight while reducing some body fat, looking for minor strength gains while in somewhat of a deficit. Lean out, increase vascularity.

I know that winstrol tends to be a bit harsh on some blood levels. Somewhere around the same time I plan on being on cycle I will also be due to schedule bloodwork for my doctor. Wondering approximately, how many weeks post cycle will it take for those blood levels to return to normal and not be red flags on my bloodwork? Just trying to time out the cycle and the bloodwork appropriately.

Another question, which I know is going to be viewed as a dumb question but will give it a go anyway, is how would you compare maintaining your gains from anavar compared to winstrol after you come off? I know each compound has different post cycle effects as far as your ability to maintain the gains from them, such as certain drugs where the gains are primarily all water weight and bloat will pretty much all fade off post cycle, and others who have said that anavar gains are relatively easy to keep when you come off. I know that the primary driver in anyones ability to keep their gains comes down to their diet and their training. But we all know that gains from different drugs differ one to the next as far as the "type" of gain you experienced while on. So for those with experience, how do you feel your ability to maintain your anavar gains post cycle compare to keeping gains from a winstrol cycle post cycle?
On the getting blood levels down to regular levels we need to know how much you normally take from your doctor and where he normally want your total and free testosterone to be.
Also are you going to be doing oil based or suspension injections of winstrol? Or are you doing an oral version of winstrol??
It is oral winstrol. My dr has me on 200mg of test c. Not so much concerned about the test levels as i am cholesterol and anything else that may be out of whack.
Since it's an oral it's in and out. But I would give your system 3 weeks minimum to recovery and get your bad cholesterol s down and good one up. And if your taking an AI most of them if not all affect your HDL and LDL I. A bad way too.
The SARM S-23 can actually help with you prostate values even. So if he does the blood prostate level check think about adding that in when you drop the winny. And it can be used to help keep gains too.
Make sure you just eat really healthy and take some sort of multi vitamin and some fish oil to help get your levels back in check.
Another question I had - I usually will run a low dose AI once my test gets over 200mg/wk. Just to assist with some bloat an anxiety. Ideally I would like to not use one during the Winstrol cycle, as I am pretty prone to body aches, knee & back pain, and tendonitis in my hand which I know all can be aggravated with Winstrol so don't want to add to the dryness with running arimidex or aromasin as well. If I am typically ok with 200mg of test in terms of estrogen, would adding the winstrol be any reason to still keep an eye on estrogen related sides or is the conversion/aromatization really that minimal to non-existant?
Another question I had - I usually will run a low dose AI once my test gets over 200mg/wk. Just to assist with some bloat an anxiety. Ideally I would like to not use one during the Winstrol cycle, as I am pretty prone to body aches, knee & back pain, and tendonitis in my hand which I know all can be aggravated with Winstrol so don't want to add to the dryness with running arimidex or aromasin as well. If I am typically ok with 200mg of test in terms of estrogen, would adding the winstrol be any reason to still keep an eye on estrogen related sides or is the conversion/aromatization really that minimal to non-existant?
puff88Winstrol is a DHT derivative, 5-alpha reduced steroid, which means it does not aromatize into estrogen and does not have progestin activity either. So you don't have to worry about those sides.
It does dry your joint and cause some joint pain and discomfort. You could add it like 25mgs of NPP twice a week to help. The NPP is a short ester and would be totally out of your system in 2-3 weeks from last injection of NPP. Or really use a heavier dose of glucosamine everyday.
Winstrol is a DHT derivative, 5-alpha reduced steroid, which means it does not aromatize into estrogen and does not have progestin activity either. So you don't have to worry about those sides.
It does dry your joint and cause some joint pain and discomfort. You could add it like 25mgs of NPP twice a week to help. The NPP is a short ester and would be totally out of your system in 2-3 weeks from last injection of NPP. Or really use a heavier dose of glucosamine everyday.
GoProYou would recomend NPP over low dose deca for that reason? If adding either of yhose in, even at such a low dose, would yhe use for AI arise? Would using NPP or.deca take away from the dryness in physique of winstrol?
NPP is Nadrolone, Deca is just a long ester Nadrolone. And at a low dose I do not think it would affect your look at all. Anything above what I said would affect your look. And Deca at that low of a dose would not affect you on the prolactin side. And it aromatize extremely little so no need to up AI.
This is all my personal experience and from the research I have done over the years just.

@GRIM may have some good input too.
NPP is Nadrolone, Deca is just a long ester Nadrolone. And at a low dose I do not think it would affect your look at all. Anything above what I said would affect your look. And Deca at that low of a dose would not affect you on the prolactin side. And it aromatize extremely little so no need to up AI.
This is all my personal experience and from the research I have done over the years just.

@GRIM may have some good input too.
GoProThanks man, appreciate this. So you say deca at that low of dose wont cause prolactin issue, but how about npp?
Thanks man, appreciate this. So you say deca at that low of dose wont cause prolactin issue, but how about npp?
puff88It should not. It's way to little. That's only 200mgs a month.
Do not run Deca cause it is an extremely long ester. You would have to drop it like a month and a half out from your bloods.
NPP is such a short ester it's in and out fast.
A comment on lipid levels aromasin seems easiest on lipids for ai and may not even need one with winny and test. Also read have not tried it myself but Furzabol is supposed to effect lipids very positive. I guess docs in Japan use it Also I have had very positive results with sr9009 post cycle before bloods for improved profile. Winny can be bitchy on the joints. Not to change it up but if we could get a vendor to make Stenbolone that gives the dry hard look with no joint pain.
A comment on lipid levels aromasin seems easiest on lipids for ai and may not even need one with winny and test. Also read have not tried it myself but Furzabol is supposed to effect lipids very positive. I guess docs in Japan use it Also I have had very positive results with sr9009 post cycle before bloods for improved profile. Winny can be bitchy on the joints. Not to change it up but if we could get a vendor to make Stenbolone that gives the dry hard look with no joint pain.
SupernautTruth to that last statement!! I have done alot of research on stenbolone and heard the same thing. Yet to try it. Hard to get ahold of for real.
Couple other questions:

Supplements - What supplements are best to be ran alongside winstrol to help combat some of the joint and tendon pain?

Injuries - I know many warn of injuries while running winstrol, specifically on joints and tendons. What are some best precautions to take and things to look out for? Avoid extra heavy lifitng, no pr's while on it? Or more along the lines of reducing time under tension during each set, not pushing it too far in rep count? I already know i wont be running while i am on it, as i already deal with knee and tendon issues in my legs from years of running outdoors.

Dose timing - I am leaning toward first thing in the am, which would also be pre workout for me. Does winstrol deliver a benefit pre workout like anavar does? Or does timing not so much matter?
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