Winstrol or anavar?

you cutting?
yeah im running a 20 week cycle First 10 weeks was Bulking and the Last 10 weeks is going to be lean gains so pretty much cutting. Ive gained 18 pounds So far. on week 8. Gains have slowed down which is expected bc i go HUGE gains at the start. This is what i ran The first 10 weeks

1-4 Cherrybomb(25mgs Dbol 25mgs Anadrol) 50mgs.
1-10 Test E 600mgs
1-10 NPP 375mgs
1-10 EQ 720mgs(Didnt give it time to kick in. Just decided to drop it.)


10-20 Test P 200mgs
10-20 Tren A 300mgs
10-20 Mast P 400mgs
Oral( winny or var) 10-14 50mgs
And will be taking Milk Thistle.
Id go winny..
Ive only ran it once but loved it.
50 mgs is I believe what I did for 4 weeks
keep the EQ in!
GRIM said:
keep the EQ in!
How long should i keep the EQ in for? Gotta question about it also. This is my First time ever trying EQ. I had jdb Line a cycle out for me and he told me to take 720mgs of EQ. Is that to high for a first EQ user? If so how much should i drop it to?
I would go with the var myself. I think it is great with short ester oils.
Run the EQ til the end of your cycle IMO...
You def could drop down a bit in dose imo.
GRIM said:
you cutting?
I agree winstrol with be more synergistic with the above. If you ever try npp and test prop throw in some var then. Thats a bad ass cycle too.
Okay ill stick with 500mgs. I have a injection to do tonight so should i go ahead to switch to the Tren A Test P Mast P? Since i have gained a shit ton off of the NPP and gains have slowed already?
thats basically what I'm gonna be doing myself.
Sounds good imo
I always do eod myself.
Yeah I'd switch if you timed it out for now.

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