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So I've bumped up my levels now that I'm half way through my cycle, but my results have totally stalled out the last two weeks. I no longer get any type of a pump during my workout. I went from 185 up to 198, but now I've dropped back down to 190. My diet and sleep are spot on. Stress is not in my life at all. Estrogen feels perfect. Yes I said feels. My bloodwork isn't until the first of November, but I get zits like crazy when my levels are off, and I get all emotional when I'm too high or two low. Right now I feel perfect.

Test-c: 500mg weekly (split in two)
Mast-e: 600 week (split in two)
EQ: 600 week (split in two)
Dbol: 40 daily

My strength has dropped some, but my drive has really dropped and my pumps are no where near what they should be.

I should be getting some solid gains here, but I’m not. Any suggestions?
what is the total weeks on ? might simply be the effects of myostatin, if you are about 8-9 weeks in
I went from 185 up to 198

those are decent gains for someone who has been lifting for a while....

now how you driop back to 190?... makes no sense... i don't drop 2 pounds after i stop a cycle or blast... generally hold all gainz til next blast... but i'm not putting on a lot of mass anyway...lol

you have to be eating too little or something... an eight pound drop is large
krustus said:
those are decent gains for someone who has been lifting for a while....

now how you driop back to 190?... makes no sense... i don't drop 2 pounds after i stop a cycle or blast... generally hold all gainz til next blast... but i'm not putting on a lot of mass anyway...lol

you have to be eating too little or something... an eight pound drop is large
It's a big drop and it shows. My legs were putting on great size, which is where most of the gains were coming from. But suddenly it stopped. The pumps stopped. I was still packing in the calories and suddenly I was adding fat to my belly where before it was dropping and I was getting ripped.
For what it's worth Krusty, I can size EASILY. The down side is I also lose it easily. I normally don't require much of a cycle at all to produce strength and mass, but this time things are really different. Something is off.
So are you still on dbol for 8 weeks, initial gains were most likely from that then leveled off, if your diet is on point the water you gained from dbol could be dropping at such a low does for so long that would explain at least 5-6 lbs loss.
Have you change brands or AIs that kind of loss that fast is water not muscle so something changed that's making you drop the water.
No changes. I can't get the doc to prescribe anything but adex, so that's what I'm stuck with. When I use dbol at a higher dose I don't get better gains because all I do is cramp up constantly on every rep, even when taking in 92oz of water a day. So I'm forced to stay low.

Think I should drop the dbol and switch to something else?
Forcing myself to the gym now. I'll drop back in and catch up.

I really appreciate the help here everyone!
T-bar said:
No changes. I can't get the doc to prescribe anything but adex, so that's what I'm stuck with. When I use dbol at a higher dose I don't get better gains because all I do is cramp up constantly on every rep, even when taking in 92oz of water a day. So I'm forced to stay low.

Think I should drop the dbol and switch to something else?
I would drop it if it was me...if not getting results why stress liver. If you want to keep a oral try adrol for size or tbol for leaner long term gains. I personally hate dbol but I know some respond well and love it I am not one of those guys.
In my opinion upping the gear dosage without upping the calories with it is pretty much a waste
Try to change your workout completely around.
Are you sweating more mad losing electrolytes?
Your body has also maybe adjusted to your calorie intake.
Diet in check and steady meals means metabolic will increase and require more calories.
I totally see what you guys are saying. What's throwing me is that I'm adding bodyfat, which tells me my calorie increase is more than enough... might even be too much right now it seems.

I'm not stuck on using orals. I'm half tempted to throw in some tren. I know mast and EQ aren't the best for putting on size. Maybe I need something more for mass?
Adding fat does not mean your eating enough what it means is your not eating enough of the right shit. Again fasted cardio will burn nothing but fat and allow you to eat to grow, macros will give you way more than the gear.

What is your diet post it.
its very normal for the gains to show a slow down at this point, its the myostatin trying to control you from turning into a hulk.

switch / add a few compounds or doses and keep eating a lot, you can still see progress but it will be slower now while you push through
I agree with Mister B. Your body is trying to control itself. So you have to make some minor tweaks,. 8 weeks in on a long cycle is the perfect place to increase the dose and change up the caloric intake.

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