WTF wildwings


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I dont reckon ill be eating there anymore


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I just told the wife we aren't eating there anymore either lmao
Horrible way to state it but, IMO a private business should have the right to state they don't allow weapons. Same way they should be able to say you can smoke in here.
Plus if you can't eat wings without putting your gun in your car you may want to rethink the neighborhood your eating your wings at. I mean for fucks sake, I strongly support the second amendment but if you can't go 45 minutes without a gun...
I'm pretty sure it's the way they worded it that's the issue. Not the fact that it says no guns allowed at the bottom. Atleast for me that's the shit I don't like and wouldn't give that pos location my business.

No guns in your business, fine that's fair I'll respect it (I don't open or conceal carry anyways) but don't say you don't honor the second amendment in such a disrespectful way. 2nd amendment is more than bringing a gun to your shitty establishment. . It gives the people the right to protect themselves from the government, hunt, sport, etc.. what a douche.
LittleTom said:
Plus if you can't eat wings without putting your gun in your car you may want to rethink the neighborhood your eating your wings at. I mean for fucks sake, I strongly support the second amendment but if you can't go 45 minutes without a gun...
Yes! Great point LT. Might want to move out of the ghetto. That place has the worst food I've ever had in my life anyways. Wouldn't eat there for free.
absolutely not. 2nd amendment applies nationwide, noone should have the ability to override it. This is what a Constitution is.
lol... that pic looks photoshopped to me... the proportions are really weird. letters should taper as the go down the door due to the perspective. it's fake.
lith56bigguy said:
absolutely not. 2nd amendment applies nationwide, noone should have the ability to override it. This is what a Constitution is.
I love how people tell the government to stay out of their lives until it serves their purpose. There are many places guns are not allowed, most libraries, YMCA's Court houses, list goes on and on. The government (constitution) forcing private business's to allow complete strangers to carry guns into their business is INSANE.
Well said LT. I,lived in Chicago 30 yrs, highest crime rate/ murder rate in country I believe. They have strict gun laws, I've never carried or owned a gun and yet I'm still alive!!!! Lol. Amazing right? Its not the wild west anymore guys
tkasch30 said:
Well said LT. I,lived in Chicago 30 yrs, highest crime rate/ murder rate in country I believe. They have strict gun laws, I've never carried or owned a gun and yet I'm still alive!!!! Lol. Amazing right? Its not the wild west anymore guys

I think stl is pretty crazy. I know it was the murder capital few years back. But ya man it's nuts people have guns everywhere now a days, most time it's pussys that won't bang ya heads up so they rather shoot u an go to life. Dumb asses. I own a few pistols. But I don't carry them I can't legally lol. Just have them in case someone tried kick my door in, I'll have my 45 ready for there ass. Keep it beside my bed every night. It ain't just bww. People have guns on them everywhere brother.
This photo is fake. However what is not fake is that they do have a sign that says they ban guns. Funny thing is, It is not a lawful 30.06 or 30.07 so they are ignorant of the actual laws and signage needed to actually enfore such bans. BTW, their food and service sucks!


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tkasch30 said:
Well said LT. I,lived in Chicago 30 yrs, highest crime rate/ murder rate in country I believe. They have strict gun laws, I've never carried or owned a gun and yet I'm still alive!!!! Lol. Amazing right? Its not the wild west anymore guys
You said it. Chicago has the most strict laws on legal carry and ownership of a firearm, yet they lead the country in crimes and especially murders with a gun. Hmmmm, guess those laws are working brilliantly for them.
Look at the photo again guys, it isn't photo shopped...........

somebody actually taped their own homemade sign over the door. Underneath the homemade sign it still says "no guns allowed", but not the crude, disrespectful way that sign tells it.
I can't believe most of you think conceal carry is dumb. How many shootings have you heard of or Robberies that were done by a concealed carry permit holder?? Carrying a gun legally does not make you a pussy that is scared of getting into a fight that comment is just obsurd.. Smh... The world we live in these days is fucked. The people that carry guns illegally have no morals they don't give a shit about your life your wife's life your kids life. They will stick ur ass with a knife hold u up at gunpoint just for that pretty purse ur wife is carrying. You probably think this could never happen to me.. But there is always that what if. What good is that pistol going to that is sitting on ur nightstand waiting for someone to kick in your door when your walking to your car in the dark and you see three guys headed your way. Not to long ago in my city a husband and wife were walking to there car in the mall parking lot at night two guys walked up pistol whipped the husband and made the wife strip bare ass naked in the parking lot took the husbands wallet and the woman's purse.. I'll be god damned if that happens to me.. People are sick and have no morals. Carrying a gun legally is the exact opposite of stupid.. When it happens to you.. Don't say it couldn't I bet u wish you had your gun and I bet if ur still alive after ur attacked I bet you sign up for a conceal carry class the next day. No it's not the Wild West anymore it's worse.. And when that crazy bastard that's life is so horrible that he has to take a bunch of innocent lives with him before he blows his brains out while you are having wings with your wife and kids I bet you wish that pistol wasn't sitting in your center console.
tkasch30 said:
Well said LT. I,lived in Chicago 30 yrs, highest crime rate/ murder rate in country I believe. They have strict gun laws, I've never carried or owned a gun and yet I'm still alive!!!! Lol. Amazing right? Its not the wild west anymore guys
and your what 1 of 250 million people in the usa?? get real. media controls what you see on tv and read on the news. helpless victims get robbed everyday at gun point.
I've actually been robbed at gun point. lucky I was alone. If i had family that would of been a fucked up situation.
sityslicker1 said:
and your what 1 of 250 million people in the usa?? get real. media controls what you see on tv and read on the news. helpless victims get robbed everyday at gun point.
sityslicker1Finally someone with some sense
sityslicker1 said:
I've actually been robbed at gun point. lucky I was alone. If i had family that would of been a fucked up situation.
Well next time shoot the guy and spend the rest of your life in court or maybe even jail who knows. Would have been cheaper just to get robbed by the time your done. Lol

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