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Common terms and abbreviations..


Iron Killer
Mad Referrer
Jacked Immortal
EG Auction Sniper
VIP Member
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Ive decided to post it because a number of times i see people asking what an abbreviation means. And maybe you guys could add all the abbreviations you know...

17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Abduction = moving a limb away from the midline of the body. An example is moving an arm from the side of the body to shoulder height.
Adduction= moving a limb toward the midline of the body. An example is bringing the arm to the side from an extended position at the shoulder.
Acclimitization = gradual adaptation to a changed environment, such as higher or lower tempuratures, higher altitudes, etc..
Accomodation = refers to the process by which the response to constant stimuli decreases with repeated application. Novel and beneficial stressors yield “supercompensation” whereas monotonous/detrimental stressors yield stagnation or decay.
ADP = adenosine diphosphate
Aerobic Exercise = With Oxygen. Prolonged moderate intensity exercise that uses up oxygen at a rate at or below the the level that cardiorespiratory system can replenish it. Examples are running, walking, cycling, and swimming. Develops cardorespirotory fitness and is used to burn fat to achieve maximum defintion, but can be highly catabolic if done in excess.
Agonist = muscle that is contracting during a movement and which is primarily responsible for the movement of a certain bodypart.
Alternated grip = one hand suppinated and the other pronated.
AMP = adenosine monophosphate
Anabolism = from the Greek: anabole, "to build up". The phase of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue, or more simply, where larger molecules are built up from smaller ones. The process involving a sequence of chemical reactions that constructs or synthesizes molecules from smaller units, usually requiring input of energy (ATP) in the process, that energy being derived from catabolic processes. The building up of proteins from amino acids is an example.
Anerobic Exercise = higher intensity exercise than aerobic exercise which uses up oxygen more quickly than it can be replenished in the muscles. Bodybuilding is anerobic exercise and it burns up muscle glycogen to supply energy to the working muscles.
Antagonist = a muscle that counteracts, slows down, or stops the movement of the agonist. It lengthens when the agonist contracts. It assists in joint stabilization and braking the limb at the end of a fast movement.
Anterior = Front
AR = Androgen Receptor
AS= Anabolic Steroids
ATF = Ass to Floor
ATG = Ass to Grass
ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate – provides the energy for muscle contraction and thus all human movement.
AxB= reps times sets

BA = Benzyl Alcohol
BB = Body Builder or Body Building
BB= barbell
BCAA = branched chain amino acids. Valine, isoleucine, and leucine.
Biaxial Joints = Such as the ankle and wrist. They allow movement about two perpendicular axis.
BiD = twice a day
Bilateral = Two sides or both sides.
Biomechanics = the physics of human motion. A study of the forces produced by and acting on the body. There are three terms associated with biomechanics: kinematics, kinetics, and kinesiology.
BF% = Body Fat %
BMR= Basal metabolic rate. Refers to the amount of heat produced by the body druing resting conditions. Reflects the minimum level of energy required to sustain the body's vital functions in the waking state.
BW= Body Weight

Cardinal Planes = three imaginary planes which bisect the body in three dimensions.
Cartilaginous Joints = joints which allow only limited movement, such as the intervertebral discs
Catabolism = from the Greek, katabole, meaning “‘throwing down’”. The metabolic breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, often resulting in a release of energy. The process involving a series of degradative chemical reactions that break down complex molecules into smaller units, usually releasing energy in the process.
Case = The body part of a syringe.
CC = Cubic Centimeter.
CEE= Creatine Ethyl Ester
Cervical Spine = Also known as the neck, is comprised of seven vertebral bodies (C1-C7) that make up the upper most part of the spine. These vertebrae connect the spine to the skull.
Circuit Training = going form on exercise to another (10 to 20) as quickly as possible in a circuit around the gym, keeping the pulse rate high. A rest period of two to five minutes is taken and then the circuit is repeated for a planned number of times.
Circumduction= movement in 360 degree range (circle arm around)
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CM= Citrulline Malate
CNS= Central Nervous System
Compound Exercise = Also called a basic exercise. Multi-joint movement that involves a large number of muscles (and generally the largest muscle groups like thighs, back or chest) and enable you to lift the heaviest weights. Examples are squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and pull-ups.
Concentric Movement = the part of a movement where the muscle shortens or contracts. It is the lifting part of the exercise such as when you press a barbell from your chest. Also called the positive.
CYP= Testosterone Cypionate

DART = Syringe/Needle
DB = Dumbell
DBOL= Dianabol (Methandrostenolone )
DECA= Nandrolone Decanoate
Detraining = the loss of training adaptations due to prolonged abstinense from training. The time course of detraining is different for different adaptations with aerobic endurance training being quickest to detrain and strength training being much slower.
DHT= Dihydrotestosterone
Dislocation = the complete displacement of a joint surface often resulted in severe laxity or instability
Distal= The more (or most) distant of two (or more) things. For example, the distal end of the femur (the thigh bone) is the end down by the knee; the end more distant from the torso. The end more distant from the torso or trunk. The opposite of distal is proximal.
DMSO= Dimethyl Sulfoxide - Topical enhancer
DOMS = delayed-onset muscle soreness
DNP = Dinitrophenol
Drol = Dianabol.

ECA= Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin
Eccentric Movement = the part of a movement where the muscle elongates. When you lower the weight back to the starting position. Also called the negative.
ED = Every Day
EFA = essential fatty acid
EPOC = Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption
Epimysium = fibrous connective tissue that covers the body’s more than 430 skeletal muscles (deep fascia)
EOD = Every other day
EQ= Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
EW = Every Week.
Extension = increase joint angle (tricep extension, leg extension)

Fatty Acid = an organic compound composed of a carbon chain with hydrogens attached and an acid group at each end
Flexion = decrease joint angle (bicep curl)
Fibrous Joints = joints which allow virtually no movement, such as the sutures of the skull
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
Frontal Plane = (coronal or lateral cardinal plane) line which splits the body vertically into front and back halves of equal weight. See sagittal and transverse.

g= grams
Gear = Steroids
GH = Growth Hormone
GHB = Gamma Hydroxybutyrate Growth Hormone.
GI= Glycemic Index
Golycerol= an organic alcohol composed of a three-carbon chain which can serve as the backbone for a triglyceride. When free, glycerol has a hydroxyl group attached to each carbon and when part of a triglyceride, each carbon is attached throught an oxygen bridge to a fatty acid.
Glycolysis = the breakdown of carbohydrates (gycogen or free glucose) to produce ATP
GVT=German volume training
GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits)

Halos = Halotestiin Fluoxymesterone.
HIIT= High intensity interval training
HIT= High intensity training
Hook grip = grip where the index and middle fingers are wrapped around the thumb, which is palced against the bar first, with the ring and little fingers holding the bar rather loosely which can add up to 10% to any pulling motion used.
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy
HST= Hypertrophy Specific Training

IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IM = Intramuscular (injection into the muscle)
Inferior = lower (closer to the feet), or below (as opposed to superior)
INJ= Inject, Injection
Intensity= Normally expressed as the percentage of weight you are lifting relative to your one rep maximum. In other words, how much weight is on the bar in relation to your maximal ability
Interval Training = exercise session where the intensity and duration of exercise are conciously alternated between harder and easier work; often used to improve capacity or endurance
Intraabdominal Pressure = pressure generated within the abdominal cavity when the diaphragm and deep torso muscles contract. This aids in supporting the vertebral column during lifting by means of the abdominal tissue and fluid being kept under pressure by contraction of the surroundking muscles (“the fluid ball”). See also ‘valsalva maneuver’.
Isokinetic Contraction = muscle contraction against a resistance that moves at a constant velocity, so that the maximum force of which the muscle is capable throughout the rom can be applied.
Isometric Action = muscle action where the muscle attempts to contract against and immovable object. Sometimes erroneously called “isometric contraction” although there is no significant shortening of the muscle.
Isotonic Contraction = muscle contraction against a constant resistance, as in lifting a weight…basically all free-weight training.

Joints = the junctions of bones

Ketosis = an elevated level of ketone bodies in the tissues seen in sufferers of starvation or diabetes, and a symptom brought about in dieters on very low carbohydrate diets.
Kinematics= the termporal and spatial characteristics of motion
Kinesiology = the science of motion. It can be termed applied functional anatomy.
Kinetics= forces that act upon, cause, modify, facilitate, or inhibit motion.
KG or kg= kilograms = 2.2 lbs (or #)

Lateral= In anatomy, the side of the body or a body part that is farther from the middle or center of the body. Typically, lateral refers to the outer side of the body part, but it is also used to refer to the side of a body part. For example, when referring to the knee, lateral refers to the side of the knee farthest from the opposite knee. The opposite of lateral is medial.
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
lb or # = pound(s)
LOL = Laugh out loud.
Lordosis = Inward curvature of the spine. Normally, for example, the low back demonstrates lordosis. A normal slightly arched lower back is referred to as lordortic or ‘arched’. ROUNDED is the opposite of this and would be termed as Kyphotic.

MCG= Micrograms mcg=micrograms
ME= Maximum Effort
Medial = Pertaining to the middle; in or toward the middle; nearer the middle of the body. Medial is as opposed to lateral. For example, the medial side of the knee is the side closest to the other knee whereas the lateral side of the knee is the outside of the knee. The side of the body or bdy part that is nearer to the middle or centre (median) of the body. For example, when referring to the knee, medial would mean the side of the knee that is closest to the other knee the opposite of medial is lateral.
Metabolism = From the Greek, metabole, meaning “change” .The process involving a set of chemical reactions that modifies a molecule into another for storage, or for immediate use in another reaction or as a by product. It is made up of catabolism and anabolism and can be described as the total of all the catabolic and anabolic actions in a system. This includes processes for cell growth, reproduction, response to environment, survival mechanisms, sustenance, and maintenance of cell structure and integrity.
MG = Milligrams mg=milligrams
ML = Milliliters
Muscle Insertion = The distal (away from the center of body) attachment of a muscle
Muscle Origin = the proximal (toward the center of the body) attachment of a muscle
Multiaxial Joints = Such as the shoulder and hip (ball and socket). They allow movement about all three perdendicular axis.

NO = Nitric Oxide
NOLVA= Nolvaldex
ENTH= Testosterone Enanthate
Neutral grip = a grip halfway between pronated and suppinated grip where the knuckles point laterally and the thumbs face up or away from the front of the body.

OMNAS = Omnadren (testosterone blend)
OTC= Over the counter
oz = ounces

PCT= post cycle therapy
PEG = Polyethylene Glycol.
PH= Prohormone
PIN = Needle
Plane = a two-dimensional surface with an orientation defined by the spatial coordinates of three discrete points within the plane that are not all contained in the same line. In exercise, movement occurs in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane, known as cardinal planes.
Posterior= back
PR = Personal Record
PRIMO= Primobolan , Primobolan Depot
Pronated grip= palms facing down or away from body, or writst turned outwards away from one another
Pronation= Inward rotation of the forearm. Also describes a slight inward rolling motion the foot makes during a normal walking or running stride. The foot (and ankle) rolls slightly inward to accomodate movement. Some people, however, over-pronate and roll more than normal. With over-pronation, the arch of the foot flattens and causes excessive stress and pressure on the soft tissues of the foot. Over-pronation is more common in those with flat feet, and can lead to foot aches and pain, such as plantar fasciitis, Shin Splints and Knee Pain.
Prone = Lying face down, with the front or ventral surface downward, as opposed to supine.
PROP = Testosterone Propionate
Proximal = Toward the beginning, the nearer of two (or more) items. For example, the proximal end of the femur is part of the hip joint, and the shoulder is proximal to the elbow. Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the body. Closer to the trunk or midsagittal plane. The opposite of proximal is distal.
PS = Prosteroid
PWO= post work out

QD= once a day

Recruitment = Refers to which and how many motor units are involved in a muscle contraction
RM = rep maximum (maximum weight at that number of reps)
ROM= Range of Motion
Rotation = movement about an axis (twisting the arm or trunk)

Sagittal Plane = (anteropsoterior or median cardinal plane) divides the body vertically into left and right halves, each half weighing the same. This line is imaginary so don't stare in the mirror looking for it or your eyes will cross.
Sarcoplasm = the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber, containing contractile components: protein filaments, other proteins, stored glycogen, fat particles, enzymes, mitochondria, and the sarcoplasmic reticulum
SARMS = Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
Subluxation = a partial displacement of the joint surfaces, often resulting in laxity or instability
Sub Q = Subcutaneou (injection under the skin)
Superior = upper (closer to the head), or above (as opposed to inferior)
Supine= Lying face up with the back or dorsal surface downwardas opposed to prone.
Suppination= Outward rotation of the forearm. This is the anatomical position. Also describes an excessive outward rolling motion the foot and ankle during a walking or running stride. This motion can place extra stress on the foot. Supination is more common in those with flat feet and can lead to foot aches and pain, such as Iliotibial Band Syndrome,[Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints and Knee Pain. Sometimes called under-pronation (or high arches).
Suppinated grip = palms facing up or towards body, or in other words, wrists turned inwards toward one another.
Suspension = Testosterone Suspension .
Synovial Joints = Joints which allow a great deal of movement, such as the elbows, knees, and shoulders. The main joints abourt which movements occur. These are either uniaxial, biaxial, or multiaxial joints.
SLIN= Insulin
SUST = Sustanon
Synergist = a muscle that assists indirectly in a movement.

T3 = Thyroid Hormone
Tendon = The tissue by which a muscle attaches to bone. A tendon is somewhat flexible, but fibrous and tough. The epimysium of the muscle is continuous with the tendon, which attaches to the bone’s periosteum.
TEST = Testosterone
TREN= Trenbolone
Thoracic Spine = The area of the vertebral column commonly refered to as the mid and upper back, occupying the same level as the ribcage, and made up of 12 verebrae (T1 through T12). T1 begins at the level of the first rib and T12 sits on top of the first lumbar vetebra. Sometimes called T-Spine for short.
Transverse Plane = (horizontal cardinal) = line which separates the body into top and bottom halves of equal weight. Dewey Cox cut his brother in half along the transverse plane.
TRT = Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Uniaxial Joints = such as the elbow joint. They basically operate like hinges and rotate about only one axis.
Unilateral = One side

Valsalva Maneuver = this is basically attempting to exhale against a closed glottis. This is not just “holding one’s breath” but is the act of creating pressure in the chest so that the muscles of the abdomen and rib-cage can contract thus creating rigid compartments of fluid in the abdomen and air in the upper torso. Please note that it is NOT necessary to use the vasalva maneuver for the generation of abdominal pressure as this is a natural occurrence under muscle actions of the torso (see ‘intrabdominal pressure) but the valsalva can have some advantages in that it increase rigidity of the entire torso. There are many risks involved, however, and a knowledge and acceptance of these risks must accompany it’s use. It is not really necessary for lighter lifting. (Go here for some further discussion.)
Vertebral Column = consists of many vertebral bones separated by flexible discs, allowing some movement to occur. There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral (fused together to form rear of pelvis) and 3 to 5 coccygeal (forming a vestigial internal tail) vertebrae. The vertebral column is naturally S-shaped being slightly kyphotic in the thoracis region and lordortic in the lumbar.
Volume= The amount of work performed in an exercise session. Traditionally calculated as the amount of weight lifted multiplied by the number of sets multiplied by the number of reps (i.e. total reps), time under tension and amount of rest between sets can also be considered as ways to increase or decrease volume.

WINNY = Winstrol -V (Stanozolol )
Ive decided to post it because a number of times i see people asking what an abbreviation means. And maybe you guys could add all the abbreviations you know...

17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Abduction = moving a limb away from the midline of the body. An example is moving an arm from the side of the body to shoulder height.
Adduction= moving a limb toward the midline of the body. An example is bringing the arm to the side from an extended position at the shoulder.
Acclimitization = gradual adaptation to a changed environment, such as higher or lower tempuratures, higher altitudes, etc..
Accomodation = refers to the process by which the response to constant stimuli decreases with repeated application. Novel and beneficial stressors yield “supercompensation” whereas monotonous/detrimental stressors yield stagnation or decay.
ADP = adenosine diphosphate
Aerobic Exercise = With Oxygen. Prolonged moderate intensity exercise that uses up oxygen at a rate at or below the the level that cardiorespiratory system can replenish it. Examples are running, walking, cycling, and swimming. Develops cardorespirotory fitness and is used to burn fat to achieve maximum defintion, but can be highly catabolic if done in excess.
Agonist = muscle that is contracting during a movement and which is primarily responsible for the movement of a certain bodypart.
Alternated grip = one hand suppinated and the other pronated.
AMP = adenosine monophosphate
Anabolism = from the Greek: anabole, "to build up". The phase of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue, or more simply, where larger molecules are built up from smaller ones. The process involving a sequence of chemical reactions that constructs or synthesizes molecules from smaller units, usually requiring input of energy (ATP) in the process, that energy being derived from catabolic processes. The building up of proteins from amino acids is an example.
Anerobic Exercise = higher intensity exercise than aerobic exercise which uses up oxygen more quickly than it can be replenished in the muscles. Bodybuilding is anerobic exercise and it burns up muscle glycogen to supply energy to the working muscles.
Antagonist = a muscle that counteracts, slows down, or stops the movement of the agonist. It lengthens when the agonist contracts. It assists in joint stabilization and braking the limb at the end of a fast movement.
Anterior = Front
AR = Androgen Receptor
AS= Anabolic Steroids
ATF = Ass to Floor
ATG = Ass to Grass
ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate – provides the energy for muscle contraction and thus all human movement.
AxB= reps times sets

BA = Benzyl Alcohol
BB = Body Builder or Body Building
BB= barbell
BCAA = branched chain amino acids. Valine, isoleucine, and leucine.
Biaxial Joints = Such as the ankle and wrist. They allow movement about two perpendicular axis.
BiD = twice a day
Bilateral = Two sides or both sides.
Biomechanics = the physics of human motion. A study of the forces produced by and acting on the body. There are three terms associated with biomechanics: kinematics, kinetics, and kinesiology.
BF% = Body Fat %
BMR= Basal metabolic rate. Refers to the amount of heat produced by the body druing resting conditions. Reflects the minimum level of energy required to sustain the body's vital functions in the waking state.
BW= Body Weight

Cardinal Planes = three imaginary planes which bisect the body in three dimensions.
Cartilaginous Joints = joints which allow only limited movement, such as the intervertebral discs
Catabolism = from the Greek, katabole, meaning “‘throwing down’”. The metabolic breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, often resulting in a release of energy. The process involving a series of degradative chemical reactions that break down complex molecules into smaller units, usually releasing energy in the process.
Case = The body part of a syringe.
CC = Cubic Centimeter.
CEE= Creatine Ethyl Ester
Cervical Spine = Also known as the neck, is comprised of seven vertebral bodies (C1-C7) that make up the upper most part of the spine. These vertebrae connect the spine to the skull.
Circuit Training = going form on exercise to another (10 to 20) as quickly as possible in a circuit around the gym, keeping the pulse rate high. A rest period of two to five minutes is taken and then the circuit is repeated for a planned number of times.
Circumduction= movement in 360 degree range (circle arm around)
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CM= Citrulline Malate
CNS= Central Nervous System
Compound Exercise = Also called a basic exercise. Multi-joint movement that involves a large number of muscles (and generally the largest muscle groups like thighs, back or chest) and enable you to lift the heaviest weights. Examples are squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and pull-ups.
Concentric Movement = the part of a movement where the muscle shortens or contracts. It is the lifting part of the exercise such as when you press a barbell from your chest. Also called the positive.
CYP= Testosterone Cypionate

DART = Syringe/Needle
DB = Dumbell
DBOL= Dianabol (Methandrostenolone )
DECA= Nandrolone Decanoate
Detraining = the loss of training adaptations due to prolonged abstinense from training. The time course of detraining is different for different adaptations with aerobic endurance training being quickest to detrain and strength training being much slower.
DHT= Dihydrotestosterone
Dislocation = the complete displacement of a joint surface often resulted in severe laxity or instability
Distal= The more (or most) distant of two (or more) things. For example, the distal end of the femur (the thigh bone) is the end down by the knee; the end more distant from the torso. The end more distant from the torso or trunk. The opposite of distal is proximal.
DMSO= Dimethyl Sulfoxide - Topical enhancer
DOMS = delayed-onset muscle soreness
DNP = Dinitrophenol
Drol = Dianabol.

ECA= Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin
Eccentric Movement = the part of a movement where the muscle elongates. When you lower the weight back to the starting position. Also called the negative.
ED = Every Day
EFA = essential fatty acid
EPOC = Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption
Epimysium = fibrous connective tissue that covers the body’s more than 430 skeletal muscles (deep fascia)
EOD = Every other day
EQ= Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
EW = Every Week.
Extension = increase joint angle (tricep extension, leg extension)

Fatty Acid = an organic compound composed of a carbon chain with hydrogens attached and an acid group at each end
Flexion = decrease joint angle (bicep curl)
Fibrous Joints = joints which allow virtually no movement, such as the sutures of the skull
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
Frontal Plane = (coronal or lateral cardinal plane) line which splits the body vertically into front and back halves of equal weight. See sagittal and transverse.

g= grams
Gear = Steroids
GH = Growth Hormone
GHB = Gamma Hydroxybutyrate Growth Hormone.
GI= Glycemic Index
Golycerol= an organic alcohol composed of a three-carbon chain which can serve as the backbone for a triglyceride. When free, glycerol has a hydroxyl group attached to each carbon and when part of a triglyceride, each carbon is attached throught an oxygen bridge to a fatty acid.
Glycolysis = the breakdown of carbohydrates (gycogen or free glucose) to produce ATP
GVT=German volume training
GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits)

Halos = Halotestiin Fluoxymesterone.
HIIT= High intensity interval training
HIT= High intensity training
Hook grip = grip where the index and middle fingers are wrapped around the thumb, which is palced against the bar first, with the ring and little fingers holding the bar rather loosely which can add up to 10% to any pulling motion used.
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy
HST= Hypertrophy Specific Training

IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
IM = Intramuscular (injection into the muscle)
Inferior = lower (closer to the feet), or below (as opposed to superior)
INJ= Inject, Injection
Intensity= Normally expressed as the percentage of weight you are lifting relative to your one rep maximum. In other words, how much weight is on the bar in relation to your maximal ability
Interval Training = exercise session where the intensity and duration of exercise are conciously alternated between harder and easier work; often used to improve capacity or endurance
Intraabdominal Pressure = pressure generated within the abdominal cavity when the diaphragm and deep torso muscles contract. This aids in supporting the vertebral column during lifting by means of the abdominal tissue and fluid being kept under pressure by contraction of the surroundking muscles (“the fluid ball”). See also ‘valsalva maneuver’.
Isokinetic Contraction = muscle contraction against a resistance that moves at a constant velocity, so that the maximum force of which the muscle is capable throughout the rom can be applied.
Isometric Action = muscle action where the muscle attempts to contract against and immovable object. Sometimes erroneously called “isometric contraction” although there is no significant shortening of the muscle.
Isotonic Contraction = muscle contraction against a constant resistance, as in lifting a weight…basically all free-weight training.

Joints = the junctions of bones

Ketosis = an elevated level of ketone bodies in the tissues seen in sufferers of starvation or diabetes, and a symptom brought about in dieters on very low carbohydrate diets.
Kinematics= the termporal and spatial characteristics of motion
Kinesiology = the science of motion. It can be termed applied functional anatomy.
Kinetics= forces that act upon, cause, modify, facilitate, or inhibit motion.
KG or kg= kilograms = 2.2 lbs (or #)

Lateral= In anatomy, the side of the body or a body part that is farther from the middle or center of the body. Typically, lateral refers to the outer side of the body part, but it is also used to refer to the side of a body part. For example, when referring to the knee, lateral refers to the side of the knee farthest from the opposite knee. The opposite of lateral is medial.
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
lb or # = pound(s)
LOL = Laugh out loud.
Lordosis = Inward curvature of the spine. Normally, for example, the low back demonstrates lordosis. A normal slightly arched lower back is referred to as lordortic or ‘arched’. ROUNDED is the opposite of this and would be termed as Kyphotic.

MCG= Micrograms mcg=micrograms
ME= Maximum Effort
Medial = Pertaining to the middle; in or toward the middle; nearer the middle of the body. Medial is as opposed to lateral. For example, the medial side of the knee is the side closest to the other knee whereas the lateral side of the knee is the outside of the knee. The side of the body or bdy part that is nearer to the middle or centre (median) of the body. For example, when referring to the knee, medial would mean the side of the knee that is closest to the other knee the opposite of medial is lateral.
Metabolism = From the Greek, metabole, meaning “change” .The process involving a set of chemical reactions that modifies a molecule into another for storage, or for immediate use in another reaction or as a by product. It is made up of catabolism and anabolism and can be described as the total of all the catabolic and anabolic actions in a system. This includes processes for cell growth, reproduction, response to environment, survival mechanisms, sustenance, and maintenance of cell structure and integrity.
MG = Milligrams mg=milligrams
ML = Milliliters
Muscle Insertion = The distal (away from the center of body) attachment of a muscle
Muscle Origin = the proximal (toward the center of the body) attachment of a muscle
Multiaxial Joints = Such as the shoulder and hip (ball and socket). They allow movement about all three perdendicular axis.

NO = Nitric Oxide
NOLVA= Nolvaldex
ENTH= Testosterone Enanthate
Neutral grip = a grip halfway between pronated and suppinated grip where the knuckles point laterally and the thumbs face up or away from the front of the body.

OMNAS = Omnadren (testosterone blend)
OTC= Over the counter
oz = ounces

PCT= post cycle therapy
PEG = Polyethylene Glycol.
PH= Prohormone
PIN = Needle
Plane = a two-dimensional surface with an orientation defined by the spatial coordinates of three discrete points within the plane that are not all contained in the same line. In exercise, movement occurs in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane, known as cardinal planes.
Posterior= back
PR = Personal Record
PRIMO= Primobolan , Primobolan Depot
Pronated grip= palms facing down or away from body, or writst turned outwards away from one another
Pronation= Inward rotation of the forearm. Also describes a slight inward rolling motion the foot makes during a normal walking or running stride. The foot (and ankle) rolls slightly inward to accomodate movement. Some people, however, over-pronate and roll more than normal. With over-pronation, the arch of the foot flattens and causes excessive stress and pressure on the soft tissues of the foot. Over-pronation is more common in those with flat feet, and can lead to foot aches and pain, such as plantar fasciitis, Shin Splints and Knee Pain.
Prone = Lying face down, with the front or ventral surface downward, as opposed to supine.
PROP = Testosterone Propionate
Proximal = Toward the beginning, the nearer of two (or more) items. For example, the proximal end of the femur is part of the hip joint, and the shoulder is proximal to the elbow. Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the body. Closer to the trunk or midsagittal plane. The opposite of proximal is distal.
PS = Prosteroid
PWO= post work out

QD= once a day

Recruitment = Refers to which and how many motor units are involved in a muscle contraction
RM = rep maximum (maximum weight at that number of reps)
ROM= Range of Motion
Rotation = movement about an axis (twisting the arm or trunk)

Sagittal Plane = (anteropsoterior or median cardinal plane) divides the body vertically into left and right halves, each half weighing the same. This line is imaginary so don't stare in the mirror looking for it or your eyes will cross.
Sarcoplasm = the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber, containing contractile components: protein filaments, other proteins, stored glycogen, fat particles, enzymes, mitochondria, and the sarcoplasmic reticulum
SARMS = Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
Subluxation = a partial displacement of the joint surfaces, often resulting in laxity or instability
Sub Q = Subcutaneou (injection under the skin)
Superior = upper (closer to the head), or above (as opposed to inferior)
Supine= Lying face up with the back or dorsal surface downwardas opposed to prone.
Suppination= Outward rotation of the forearm. This is the anatomical position. Also describes an excessive outward rolling motion the foot and ankle during a walking or running stride. This motion can place extra stress on the foot. Supination is more common in those with flat feet and can lead to foot aches and pain, such as Iliotibial Band Syndrome,[Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints and Knee Pain. Sometimes called under-pronation (or high arches).
Suppinated grip = palms facing up or towards body, or in other words, wrists turned inwards toward one another.
Suspension = Testosterone Suspension .
Synovial Joints = Joints which allow a great deal of movement, such as the elbows, knees, and shoulders. The main joints abourt which movements occur. These are either uniaxial, biaxial, or multiaxial joints.
SLIN= Insulin
SUST = Sustanon
Synergist = a muscle that assists indirectly in a movement.

T3 = Thyroid Hormone
Tendon = The tissue by which a muscle attaches to bone. A tendon is somewhat flexible, but fibrous and tough. The epimysium of the muscle is continuous with the tendon, which attaches to the bone’s periosteum.
TEST = Testosterone
TREN= Trenbolone
Thoracic Spine = The area of the vertebral column commonly refered to as the mid and upper back, occupying the same level as the ribcage, and made up of 12 verebrae (T1 through T12). T1 begins at the level of the first rib and T12 sits on top of the first lumbar vetebra. Sometimes called T-Spine for short.
Transverse Plane = (horizontal cardinal) = line which separates the body into top and bottom halves of equal weight. Dewey Cox cut his brother in half along the transverse plane.
TRT = Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Uniaxial Joints = such as the elbow joint. They basically operate like hinges and rotate about only one axis.
Unilateral = One side

Valsalva Maneuver = this is basically attempting to exhale against a closed glottis. This is not just “holding one’s breath” but is the act of creating pressure in the chest so that the muscles of the abdomen and rib-cage can contract thus creating rigid compartments of fluid in the abdomen and air in the upper torso. Please note that it is NOT necessary to use the vasalva maneuver for the generation of abdominal pressure as this is a natural occurrence under muscle actions of the torso (see ‘intrabdominal pressure) but the valsalva can have some advantages in that it increase rigidity of the entire torso. There are many risks involved, however, and a knowledge and acceptance of these risks must accompany it’s use. It is not really necessary for lighter lifting. (Go here for some further discussion.)
Vertebral Column = consists of many vertebral bones separated by flexible discs, allowing some movement to occur. There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral (fused together to form rear of pelvis) and 3 to 5 coccygeal (forming a vestigial internal tail) vertebrae. The vertebral column is naturally S-shaped being slightly kyphotic in the thoracis region and lordortic in the lumbar.
Volume= The amount of work performed in an exercise session. Traditionally calculated as the amount of weight lifted multiplied by the number of sets multiplied by the number of reps (i.e. total reps), time under tension and amount of rest between sets can also be considered as ways to increase or decrease volume.

WINNY = Winstrol -V (Stanozolol )
This is perfect and should be on every forum.

There has to be a whole nother page for tren terms.
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who said raw tren was a bad creamer for pre workout

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