
  1. puff88

    Arimidex vs aromasin

    When do you chose to run one over the other, and how does your dosing/frequency differ between each.
  2. 01dragonslayer


    Aromasin (Exemestane) Exemestane is a steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) that is most commonly known as Aromasin. Aromasin was first released on the U.S. market in 2000 after shortly gaining FDA approval a few months prior in 1999. The primary purpose of use as with most AI’s would be to...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs)

    Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) Keep in mind Estrogen is good for you in many ways (libido, mood, skin quality, hair, nails etc). But, most importantly, Estrogen is good for your lipids. I am sure you have heard how Arimidex and Letrozole are bad for your lipid values while Aromasin is ‘better’, in...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Aromasin (Exemestane) Explained

    Aromasin (Exemestane) Control of estrogen levels is often necessary in anabolic steroids, due to aromatization of steroids such as testosterone, Dianabol, nandrolone (Deca), or boldenone (Equipoise.) In the aromatization process, the aromatase enzyme converts these androgens to estrogen. If...
  5. puff88

    Aromasin vs arimidex

    Can yall really help me understand the difference in 1. Dosing, 2. Frequency, and 3. What type of cycle is better suited for one over the other? I have both on hand but only have used adex. Would consider switching it up but not 100% comfortable with the 3 main questioms above. Thanks to anyone...
  6. SemprFi95

    Cycle critique HELP

    Alrighty fellow board members, im in need of a critique in a cycle my good friend DragonSlayer helped me plan out for in a couple of weeks & just wanted some other eyes to look at and provide me with some feedback, positive or negative...the following are my stats: Age - 45 Height - 6'0 Weight -...
  7. puff88


    What's up fellas, Been trying to do my research on these 3 drugs to fully understand when and how to use each, and each ones benefit over the next. I think I am pretty clear on arimidex vs. Aromasin, but still trying to get fully comfortable with letro's place and purpose over the other 2. Is...
  8. J

    Arimidex makes me sick. What else can I try besides Nolvadex

    Arimidex makes me sick what else can I try other than Nolvadex. Any suggestions
  9. Southerncross

    Help now

    Holy smokes.....first off let me say im taking a mere dose of 400mg week test c...mon/thur split...been on this for months..... NO AI. When i was younger (alot younger) id run 750mg a week no sides nothing.... Now...i guess after time estro has built up or some shit...idk....but...
  10. Bama


    i started my cycle without anything on hand for gyno, didnt take long i had to get something so i got some caber and aromasin. My question is geared toward caber, what is the doseing supposed to be? Thanks
  11. J

    Test n00b - advice appreciated ----->

    Hey guys - Im about to place an order for my first test cycle and want to run the plan by everyone and get your feedback. The plan is a 12 week cycle of Test E at 250mg twice a week. What do you guys recommend for PCT? I already have some Aromasin from a year ago that i never used - is that...
  12. krustus

    what are the risk ordering Peptides ,T3 and estro blockers international

    got a source with some incredible pricing on Peps that i use.. T3. aromasin... but he's international... Peps aren't controlled substance... but T3 and aromasin ...they aren't either right? just deciding if i have a lot at risk ordering these things international?
  13. D

    I got my Estrogen levels checked.... ummmmm

    My doctor called me concerned as fuck..... I dont know if I heard her correctly, She knows of my use, but said Idk what the hell you are doing to get your levels this high, but you need to back down..... I HOPE I heard her wrong, and dont even know if its possible, but Im pretty sure she said my...
  14. A

    Dyel Concern from Friend

    Guys, Got a message from a friend that I helped out with some Dyel gear. He ran across the following from Elite Fitness about a year ago. He is understandably concerned. 03-Jul-2015, 06:10 AM I am currently on a dbol only cycle @50mg ED and aromasin 12.5mg EOD. I've already explained before...
  15. D

    HELPPPP! Estrogen sky high

    What do i need to take? Ive had ED for a while and severe depression. Never thought the depression would of been eatrogen holy fuck. On bright side my test levels are sky high so proof TMM has awesome juice. Ps I believe ive always had high estrogen. Had gyno at a very young age Attached...
  16. HulkSmashes

    My 1st blood test...

    Hey guys I've been on gear for slightly over a year now. I started with Test E. (500mg/wk) and a Dbol kick start with 12.5mg ED of Aromasin. Then I went to Test E. (600mg/wk) and Tren Ace (300mg/wk) with 12.5mg ED of Aromasin but nips got sensitive because of my natural puberty gyno So I uped my...
  17. Kai1432

    What'll be the best PCT after a huge cycle

    Basically I have run a 20 week plus huge cycle, have used multiple compounds and now on a first week of HCG My theory is to have a blast on HCG and then added clomid, nolva with aromasin which is been from the start to end. On first week HCG 2500iu Eod for 3 weeks Then 4 to 8 weeks...
  18. morrey

    PCT help

    So a buddy of mine just finished his fight and wants to come off cycle. Since his last run he cant recover on his own any longer and needs some aromasin, nolva, and hcg. I would get it from our sponsors but dont anything else and it doesnt make the minimum. If anyone has extras I will buy them...
  19. krustus

    optimum dose of aromasin for 300mg a week of test

    300mg a week would have to have some estrogen build up... probably no gyno or others issues for most... but to keep estro in the optimal range ... how much would you guess as a good starting point for aromasin.
  20. A

    aromasin for 16 years old

    is there anything wrong with 16 year old male taking aromasin to slim down a bit? Anyone read any research about teenagers taking aromasin? and before anyone complains about this being anonymous, i didn't want to get flamed, bcuz it's probably a stupid question.