
  1. killinit88

    Looking for input.

    Gonna fun test e, tren a, mast p, var. Now I know how I would run this, but looking for new ideas. Dosage, injection schedule etc.... I want to cut up, add a few solid lbs. All input is good input. Always more to learn.
  2. A

    Having libido issues on Tren

    I'm taking Tren E 200 twice a week on Monday and Friday. I'm stacking it with test e 350, HGH, and arim. I've taken just Test before and had no issues, but since I added the Tren, it's hard to keep an erection. I know this I'd s side effect and I even cut back to 1/2 a cc on Monday and Friday. I...
  3. lith56bigguy

    When does everyone take their ancilliaries and estrogen blockers etc?

    Basically when do you take your either aromasin, arimidex, and or nolva, how much and how often and what parts of the day???? And why?
  4. HulkSmashes

    Taking the plunge... my 1st cycle

    Hey guys, I posted a while back about doing my 1st cycle but that thread is gone/deleted due to the site getting all messed up not to long ago. Anyway I've decided to start my 1st cycle. I was thinking of running Test E. @ 300mg/wk OR 400mg/wk. (Pin twice @ 150mg OR 200mg) A little lower than...
  5. LittleTom

    Mental health

    Hey guys. I know the only way to tell for sure if things are good is blood work. Latley I have been having horrible mood swings and depression. Been on cycle since Late dec Superdrol, only three weeks on super, deca, test at 600mg now mast and winny and bold cyp. Gonna stop everything except a...
  6. flyingfox

    Low estrogen?

    Looking for some guys who may have some experience with is what I did, I'm taking 10-20 mg Nolva per day and I started taking 50 mg per day of proviron which I have been on for a week..I also take aromasin from maxim pep usually 12.5 to 25 mg per day since I started to ramp up my new...
  7. lith56bigguy

    water retention

    hey bros, Im in 4th week of a sust 800mg week/ npp 400 mg week t-bol 50 mg daily cycle up until this week all was well. I was up 9 lbs and just loved looking in the mirror. I was becoming very vascular and pretty cut for a bulk cycle due to the npp. I am using aromasin for the...
  8. V

    Acne control

    Hey bros, So I've started to break out pretty bad on my shoulders and back. I've never broke out like I am now. I shower after workouts and after work. I use some 2% salicyclic acid pads, clearasil, and some astringent. Not working. I dropped my test from 1gram to 750mg and deca from 500 to...
  9. flyingfox

    Critique my PCT

    I'm coming off for a couple months and this is my PCT, similar to what I have run before. Started HCG @ 1000iu per day after last shot of Test Cyp. I will run this until the Cyp is out of my system, aprox 14 days. I will then run clomid @ 50 mg per day starting on day 15 for about 3-4 weeks...
  10. Kuntrykok

    Blood Glucose- Hypo or Hyper don't know but feel like shit

    Anyone have any issues of waking in the morning with feelings of light headedness, pins and needles in fingers and palms, shaking hands (tremors), and night sweats? Also, some episodes later in the day but mostly in the first half upon waking. I sleep like a rock, but wake up in a pool of...
  11. Akhusker

    running aromasin still puffy

    OK so I have a guy that is super sensitive to test I guess. I started him out on 500mg of test P per week. He came back a few weeks later saying his nipples hurt and so I started him out on 12.5mg of aromasin EOD. It went away quickly now he says its back! He is now taking 25mg of aromasin ED...
  12. Kuntrykok

    Switch to Aromasin from Adex

    Hey bros, getting ready to switch my AI over to Aromasin. I am taking 1 mg of adex per day.... I tend to have a tendency for high Estro......... How should I start the Aromasin and should I continue the Adex on a taper for a few days? Thanks!
  13. krustus

    my ghrp 2, ipamorelin, cjc (no dac) experience so far

    i started with ghrp 2 and mod grf (cjc?) about a month ago... the ghrp 2 make me so hungry!!! i switched to the ipam and mad grf combo and no hunger but had sleep issues with both ghrp2 and ipam. i was only doing the saturation dose before bed (100mcg of each) so i lower that dose to about...
  14. Torres

    Sensitive nips!

    Hey bros, I have a question, after I started feeling signs of gyno , I stopped my cycle, 300 mg of test e , 300 mg of deca a week . Also was doin Tbol at 40 mg Ed. Well I began to take aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed , and it did calm down some, then when I got my hands in caber I began that at .5 mg Ed...
  15. Kuntrykok

    Aromasin w test e, Mast, and EQ

    Well, I figured out what was going on with the low sex drive on Test e, Mast, and EQ......Low E2 was the culprit, I was taking 12.5 mgs per day of Aromasin and that along w/ the mast dropped my e2 down to the bottom, switched back to adex @ .5 eod and within a week, wood is back in full effect...

    Aromasin (Exemestane)

    Aromasin (Exemestane) is one of those weird compounds that nobody really knows what to do with. What we generally hear about it makes it very uninteresting…It’s a third generation Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) just like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femera (Letrozole). Both of those two drugs are very...