
  1. GRIM

    Currently sitting at

    About 6'3" 216 pounds, definitely getting a lot leaner. One of the lightest I've ever been, I feel so small! Even though I lost about 20 pounds I'm adding muscle
  2. EG News

    Kori Sampson has Found a Place Where He Can ‘Fit In’ Through Fitness

    British fitness model and social media influencer turned endurance athlete; Kori Sampson became a celebrity after hitting it big as one of the most popular contestants on the dating show; Too Hot To Handle in 2020. But while he became an in-demand star, and subsequently appeared on Celebrity Ex...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    How Low Can You Go?

    By Bret Contreras When I was in graduate school, I was a pretty busy guy. I was teaching high school mathematics during the day and attending grad school at night. I started reducing my training frequency, volume, and duration and noticed that it didn’t impact my strength levels too much. This...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Tip: The Thick Back Trick

    Adding a simple resistance band to your row variations increases the concentric tension as you row/pull towards your body, and it increases the eccentric tension as you extend your arms. And that means new gains. Here are five ways to do it: 1. ▶️ Banded Barbell Row (Version 1) In this...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    THE COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE DISEASE Type-2 diabetes affects around 24 million Americans, maybe more if you count the number of people who have it but don't know it yet. And about 86 million more have prediabetes: high blood glucose levels but not high enough yet to get the full diagnoses. Most...
  6. EG News

    These 6 Exercise Swaps Can Help You Work Around Lower-Back Issues

    When back pain strikes, you think you’re the only person suffering, but that’s not the case with back pain. In the U.S., many people will suffer from chronic or acute low back pain at some point in their lives. And about 2% to 10% of people who experience low back pain develop chronic low back...
  7. EG News

    NPC Physique Champ Eric Dubas Shares the Cardio Boost That Led Him to Success

    Eric Dubas just claimed a haul of medals at the NPC Valley of the Sun Championships in Arizona, but the 39-year-old credits an unusual form of cardio for helping him gain an advantage over his fellow competitors. In a post-win chat with M&F’s Chief Content Officer, Zack Zeigler, Dubas says that...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    How To Meet Women At The Gym

    Want to make a connection and not come off as a creeper? You'll need some guidelines written by a woman. Here they are. A lot of lifters say the gym isn't the place to meet people. But if you're single, wouldn't you want to find someone with your shared interests and healthier lifestyle? The...
  9. Main3iac10

    TRT low numbers

    Hi All, So a good buddy of mine has just started TRT about 7-8 months , numbers before were in the 200-300 range for T levels. He has been on Test C now doing around 175-185 mg per week split into two shots (per my recommendation instead of 1 pin per week). He has had bloods done twice and his...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    20 Gym Hacks You Need to Know

    Life hacks are all the rage these days; everybody wants to know how to cure cancer and solve global warming with a rubber band, some masking tape, and an iPhone. Listen here MacGyver, I know you think you’re the next best thing since Captain America, but Googling doesn’t turn you into Dr. Phil...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    25 Ways to Stay Motivated for Your Workouts

    Anyone that has committed to a long-term fitness goal will tell you that it takes serious dedication, determination, and discipline to be successful. Consistency matters but let’s face facts - There are days that we all just need an extra mental boost or a kick in the butt to get going. For...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    25 Ways to Stay Motivated for Your Workouts

    Anyone that has committed to a long-term fitness goal will tell you that it takes serious dedication, determination, and discipline to be successful. Consistency matters but let’s face facts - There are days that we all just need an extra mental boost or a kick in the butt to get going. For...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Make Your Own Homemade Pre-Workout Supplement

    Pre-workout supplements are a big business. The supplement industry combines many ingredients to form some rather potent potions to get you geared-up for your upcoming training session. The cost of pre-made drinks, shakes, or mixes can quickly add up when taken on a daily basis. With the right...
  14. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, SemprFi95

    Welcome to Enhance Genetics, @SemprFi95.
  15. EG News

    To the O We Go: Hannah Ranfranz

    With this year’s Olympia set to be one like never before, athletes around the world are prepping to show off their best physiques yet come December. Hannah Ranfranz will be taking the stage at the Bikini Olympia for the first time this year, and prepping for one of the IFBB’s most popular...
  16. Tyson13

    Transitioning to TRT

    Switching from 100 MG of Prop EOD to 150 MGs of E Weekly. Also, 4 IU's of GH daily, 1 MG Arimidex, and 50 mcgs of T3 daily. I am looking to get to more of a way of life with gear. I plan on getting my test levels and GH Serum done in about 45 days. I have been transitioning from prop/E for...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Zinc - Its Critical

    Zinc is a critical mineral for many biological processes. This study in rats shows how a zinc-deficient diet can affect androgen binding, aromatization and conversion to DHT. This study fed rats either a deficiency or surplus of Zinc through diet and had some pretty significant results. This...
  18. Wacker

    Hemoglobin/Hematocrit-How often are you draining?

    Don't see many guys talk about this and personally I always thought that as long as I was giving blood every at the red cross I was fine. Until I started getting tested every 10 weeks for TRT and they told me that at the levels I was walking around with I was a stroke waiting to happen. The...
  19. BrotherIron

    2nd Smaller Workout Bag...

    Thinking of picking up a small bag to use when I'm training by myself. I can condense what I take with me to an extent so I don't carry around my big duffel (I have the king kong duffel). It's a great bag but it's huge and when I"m running from class to train before work I don't need to lug...
  20. S

    Open Vials Poll

    How long after you open the vial will you use it for.? With some vials being 20 and 40ml they last longer so wanted to see what everyone's current practice is when it comes to how long you use an open IM vial?