
  1. tunaman7

    Tunaman...Jacked to normal in 5 years!

    From Jacked to Normal in two years... Hello E.G. world. The ground I have traversed over the last 2 years has been rocky and rough. Over that time period, and actually it may be closer to the last 4 years, my body went thru some changes. I begin to notice that my strength was starting to taper...
  2. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, loadcoil

    Hi Loadcoil, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  3. EG News

    Candice lewis-carter's delt-perfecting workout

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Ian Spanier / M+F Magazine As important as great shoulders are to a beautiful...
  4. halfnatty

    Fasting for cutting ?

    anyone on here fast while cutting and if so how were your results and how did you do it? I been looking into trying it
  5. EG News

    Five of the wildest gameday foods from around the world

    Sponsored Content When you think about great duos throughout history, you think about Han Solo and Chewbacca, Rocky Mickey, and sports and food? That’s right, the U.S. consumes over 8 million pounds of popcorn, 28 million pounds of potato chips and 1.23 BILLION chicken wings on Super bowl...
  6. kragon

    Keep getting sick

    Anytime my kid ( 1.5 years old) I get what she gets.. is this normal? lol this is our first. k
  7. luckyluke

    Red face/cheekbone area

    So I've had a new issue for last 1 1/2 years. My face when on TRT is turning red. Not so much my whole face, but just around my cheek bones. Makes me look like I've got in a fight. Gone to see a derm and gave some stuff but not much help to take down. Get much worse when exercising or...
  8. millenium girl


    I'm really tired right now. I fall asleep around 4pm, wake up, eat something, go to bed around 8:30pm but wake up around 2 or 3am (bad nightmares). I toss and turn, take half a sleeping pill or do cardio .... What a mess. I keep working out 5 times a week ....
  9. LittleTom

    Nice To See

    Some of our Mods back on here again. I know you guys are all busy and have life stuff to take care of but Lith, TS, and Shredz, you guys being here on a regular basis help make this place what it is. I have also seen a bit of newer activity so its great to have some of the older leadership...
  10. AkProGuy

    Dark Web. TOR browser

    Hey bro's. I have been directed to a download a TOR browser so I can access a site that sells a few things that I need. I have never fucked with the dark web shit and am kind of concerned about downloading this Tor browser. Is this a new thing? Apparently my source says this is way on the down...
  11. Torres

    WARNING !!! PART 2 !!!

    As most of u know , or will know , I invited Spartacus here !!! Without proper explanation , credentials and such . Put some trust in what I was told against my better judgement . As time went by I , and some others put 2 & 2 together and realized who this guy really is , SPECOPS !!! And I'll...
  12. LittleTom

    LT's Cut Log

    I'm not very good at keeping these things going but I'm gonna give it a shot. I want to try and keep a log of how things are going and figured no better place than here. So this is a cutter recomp. Tren is involved so that means I will go crazy about half way through this and damn near lose my...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Why Some People Succeed Against All Odds

    Why Some People Succeed Against All Odds By Dr. Mani “Every dream will be challenged!” These powerful words from a mentor of mine have been burned in fire into my memory. Rarely, a dream or goal comes true easily and effortlessly, without delays, problems or hurdles. It is far more common...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    How to Be An Old School Bodybuilder!!

    How to Be An Old School Bodybuilder!! August 12, 2015 By John Doe What is old school bodybuilding? Old school bodybuilding isn’t fancy and it isn’t complicated. It’s the meat and potatoes of building muscle and cutting up. Old school bodybuilding isn’t all about drugs as it is about...
  15. Dago

    2 years here

    Time flies it doesn't seem like 2 years ago when I was invited here. When I got here I was under the impression it was a fairly new board then I heard EG been around for a minute I still don't know how old is this forum ? I was around maybe 4 other boards before here not many am on one other...
  16. lith56bigguy

    Bulk or cut for summer

    What's everyone doing? Going into a nice cut for the summer or who's going to continue to bulk?
  17. Dago


    Thank you brother for everything. Getting me in over here at eg the recent pack everything. Your a hella good dude man thanks again. 8)
  18. 4everstrong


    Any sponsored have any TUDCA? I've been using milk thistle but want TUDCA instead
  19. bigdude

    What makes the EG the best board in town?

    The security measures grim takes makes us safe and man am I thankful for that
  20. S

    I owe a vial of test C to someone i Sent Bold C instead please read

    Sorry brother . Time and moving around i lost the info. You placed and order and in the order i sent ya a bottle of Bold Cyp and yours was a Test C. I forgot the user name please hit me up with an addy and i will ship it out ASAP Heisenberg is around brothers just enjoying coronas i put the...