
  1. Paulrockr

    Political correctness?

    Saw this somewhere and I love it!! Mentally ill america :D this is soo recognizable, it’s the same in all European countries ... The 10 delusional demands of political correctness you are required to accept, despite the contradictory evidence witnessed with your own eyes Political...
  2. Daredevil

    War times?

    Seems like a race war is about to occur. Dallas has 11 cops shot, 4 dead and 2 in critical care.
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Black Lives Matter issues MAJOR THREAT to white people over presidential electio

    Black Lives Matter issues MAJOR THREAT to white people over presidential election kurtnimmo March 19, 2016 If Trump wins the election, BLM has more violence planned. What’s the more appropriate phrase: black lives matter, or all lives matter? Obviously all lives matter, but Black Lives...
  4. LittleTom

    Interesting Joker/Black label update

    Take from it what you will
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Grilled tuna with black beans

    Grilled tuna with black beans This is very good.I love this. Courtesy of Lee Labrada...... Serves 2 Ingredients: 2 Fresh Ahl Tuna Steaks(4-6oz--dark red/purple color Cajun Seasoning: 8oz- can of Cajun style Black Beans 1/2-cup Sushi Rice 1-Medium Roma...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Eating Black Sesame May Slash Heart Disease Risk

    Eating Black Sesame May Slash Heart Disease Risk Posted on: Friday, September 11th 2015 Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder Blood pressure is a major focus of cardiovascular disease prevention, but the blood pressure lowering drugs may actually increase mortality. We need food-based drug...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Black Lives Matter under fire as a 'hate group'

    Black Lives Matter under fire as a 'hate group' Progressives on defensive as law-enforcement casualties pile up. Fox News host Elizabeth Hasselbeck drew the outrage of progressives on the morning...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Outlawed Berries Boost Brain Power and Mood

    Outlawed Berries Boost Brain Power and Mood Posted on: Sunday, August 16th 2015 Written By: Margie King, Health Coach Over a hundred years ago Congress outlawed black currants. Today this forbidden fruit is making a comeback and may help improve your mood and brain power. In 1911 the U.S...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Grilled tuna with black beans

    Grilled tuna with black beans This is very good.I love this. Courtesy of Lee Labrada...... Ingredients: 2 Fresh Ahl Tuna Steaks(4-6oz--dark red/purple color Cajun Seasoning: 8oz- can of Cajun style Black Beans 1/2-cup Sushi Rice 1-Medium Roma...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Maca Benefits

    Maca Benefits By Nick Meyer Most Stores Only Sell the Brown Maca, But This Superfood Actually Has 3 Kinds with Unique Health Benefits. The Peruvian powerhouse Maca Root has become one of the most highly sought-after “new” superfoods on the market because of the many benefits it offers. But...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    10 Reasons You Really Need to Be Eating Black Seed

    10 Reasons You Really Need to Be Eating Black Seed by Christina Sarich Posted on July 9, 2015 It's the 'remedy for everything but death' There are many multi-purpose plants and herbs out there one can utilize for achieving total wellness. One of those natural medicines is black seed...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Black Rice Beats Brown When It Comes To Its Health Benefits

    Black Rice Beats Brown When It Comes To Its Health Benefits Posted on:Saturday, August 25th 2012 Written By: Margie King, Health Coach You already know that brown rice is a nutrition powerhouse compared to white rice. But you can do even better. Discover the benefits of black rice. Brown...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Black tea reduces muscle soreness after training

    Black tea reduces muscle soreness after training A supplement containing theaflavins from black tea protects muscle cells from the effects of intensive exertions, write sports scientists from Rutgers University in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. And yes, the...
  14. C

    New Years Day Dinner

    How many Southerners do we have here? If you're from down south (anywhere along your family tree) you already figgered out what I had for dinner tonight. Dont know the origin, but Ive had the same thing every year for as long as I can remember.