
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Top 6 Benefits of Intra-Workout Supplementation

    The Top 6 Benefits of Intra-Workout Supplementation We are all familiar with pre and post workout supplementation. As the names imply, these are supplements (pre-workouts and protein powders for example) we can take before or after exercise that can enhance performance, build muscle, and promote...
  2. Inhuman2024

    Beginning the Blast

    Alright ive been cruising on 250 a week of sust and the time is here. Pharma primo. The Bayer primo from juiced and the omadren from them as well and then some var from Drakkon before they took there break. Gonna run 200mg primo 2x a week 250 omadren 2x a week and var 25mg 2x a day to start...
  3. GRIM

    So my summer cycle

    Totally fucked with what's going on. Im finishing up my current which was going good until shit hit fan Gonna stay on test higher than a cruise though. 400 ew minimum Might finish up the open eq might as well Run just those 2 for may be 2 months, eq wont last that long. Give body a bit of break...
  4. Torres

    Gear Break !!!

    I’ve been on a good run for a while now and figure that since it’s not FULL TIME summer yet, I’d take maybe 4 weeks off the gear to start . After the 4 weeks , I was thinking of doing another 4 weeks, I’ll see on how I feel after the 1st month. But this way I’ll clean out , reset receptors , and...
  5. The Tone

    For those on TRT

    Want to get a general consensus from others. How long do you stay on your trt before deciding to run a blast?
  6. Youngtricep98


    Has anybody tried this product? Supposed to increase protein synthesis and increase LBM. Currently off gear and trying products out to see if anything helps with maintaining gains during pct. Its non suppresive so it peaked my interests.
  7. krustus

    you know what i miss most about being on BLAST

    the incredible workouts!!!.. when i'm on blast even with a calorie deficit i rarely have a poor workout. strength is almost always good and drive is way up..recovery so much better too... so i can workout almost as many days a week as i desire. see i'm not a big dude... so maintaining my size...
  8. I

    Coming off advice

    I have been on cycle now for 19 weeks idk if I should be regretting it or not but here it goes, Test cyp 500 mgs a week for 19 weeks now Primo depot 600 to 800 mgs a week for 19 weeks And mast E 400 mgs a week for 5 weeks now I'm thinking I should come off completely because I never wanted...
  9. Daredevil

    From Blast to TrT issue

    Guys I was running a blast cycle for quite some time using sustanon and Tren Ace and then switching to Test Prop in the last 6-7 weeks of a cycle. Upon completing the cycle I began using 200mg test cyp a week which I just took my 4th week injection. My sex drive is down and I get hard but it...
  10. rboy101

    question bout the boys.

    I know most of you on here blast and cruise, but I'm still in my younger years and haven't felt the need to do that yet. So here's my question, in your earlier experiences when you would cycle on and off, how long would you wait in between? . I came off a test cycle running it at about 500...
  11. krustus

    krustus starting back on blast

    i have been on 125mg dose of test for a year now... was getting my blood pressure and other minor health issues in check... started a very mild blast for a summer cut...300 NPP and 600 mast e and 125 of test d. i have held at around the same body fat for the whole year... i have lost a small...
  12. E

    Glucocorticoid therapies promote functional recovery of blood-brain barrier after blast injury

    Glucocorticoid therapies promote functional recovery of blood-brain barrier after blast injury Barclay Morrison III, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia Engineering, has led the first study to determine underlying biological mechanisms that promote functional recovery of...
  13. flyingfox

    Short blasts

    I seem to train in spurts, I go hard and heavy for a couple-three weeks and then I get a little run down and back off. My blood work was good so im ready to do another blast. I may let the Tren E run out of my system and reall blast some test and keep going with the EQ( I haven't taken much in...
  14. J

    Need ideas for next cycle please

    Ok, after months and months of blasting, I have come to the conclusion that I need a cruise break. I'm 15 months back into bodybuilding, and have made excellent progress. Some of you have seen the before and after pics. But my body is telling me that no matter how much more I blast it is a waste...
  15. tunaman7

    Home-made Blast Straps

    If you buy genuine Blast-Straps you could spend as $200...BUT WAIT! Introducing the "I spent all my extra money on my last cycle" poor man Blast Straps. Two 6 foot tie down straps...200 pound rating...I inch wide with slide adjuster. Two Heavy carbiner (locking hooks you see on the end of...
  16. 4everstrong


    Been thinking about getting some hyges from MB. Going to run it for a full Year. I know you have to be patient with HGH. The gains dont come over night. Im going to start at 2iu. For muscle gains on GH i know it needs to be ran at least 10iu. Im wanting the benefit of the muscle gains. So i...
  17. 4everstrong

    Blasting and cruising

    How long do you guys wait between blasting and cruising? Now don't tell me you wait time on time off bc I know you fuckers lol. I ran a 9 week cycle and have been cruising on 4 weeks of test e 200mgs
  18. krustus

    TNE year round? even when cruisin? or just when blasting

    alright... do you guys use TNE even while cruisin or only during blast?
  19. krustus


    OK... i've been on trt 2-3 years now. did a mild blast before of 400mgs of test a week, but i'm presently doing NPP, Tbol, Masteron blast.. when the time comes to go back to cruise... do i just drop the compounds i'm running... is there any sort of " pct" type meds i should take. i know there...
  20. J

    Not feeling horny lately?

    My last blast I ran plenty of test, some deca, dbol then some tren. all thru my blast, I was always horny. then I took a break for a while and just cruised on a low dose of test. Now my current blast, I skipped running the hcg, (no reason, just didnt do it) but I'm running plenty of test and...