My last blast I ran plenty of test, some deca, dbol then some tren. all thru my blast, I was always horny.
then I took a break for a while and just cruised on a low dose of test.
Now my current blast, I skipped running the hcg, (no reason, just didnt do it) but I'm running plenty of test and...
So I have been off my blast for about 5 weeks now and just cruising on 250mg/wk of Test E. I'm planning on blasting again around Feb but figured I'd about what you guys thought of just adding a oral in between (maybe 8-10 wks) I was thinking on winny to help with leaning up more. Never tried...
This pct shit sucks, been a while since I was off., Lost a fucking shirt size, dick aint getting real hard. Yeah Im pouting and whining like a bitch lol
Had to get it out of my system
So fellas the time has come where I have to get the old ball sack cut in to...YAY for me! Not looking forward to it.
So my question is.... should I tell my doc that im blasting AAS right now? How many guys here have a vasectomy and how many did it while on gear? I dont particularly want to tell...
OK guys back in April I did a 10 week test only cycle at 500 mg a week, then cruised about two months starting at 250 down to 125 mg a week
Then I went on a 20 week bang started with tet at 500, deca at 400 and 4 week kickstart of d bol at 50 mg per day. Upped test to...
Just want to see the diversity of the NEW GROUP here. I know alot of you guys like me are gonna be on cruise and blast forever. Now lets here from you guys how this shit started and what your thought process was to stay on if it wasnt bc of Low T. I decided after cycling and losing gains...
How much time do you guys take off between cycles? or how long are your cruises between blasts?
I have been off everything for about 3 weeks now. I havent lost any weight yet but i feel so unmotivated to lift and cant wait to hop back on