Anyone have any issues of waking in the morning with feelings of light headedness, pins and needles in fingers and palms, shaking hands (tremors), and night sweats? Also, some episodes later in the day but mostly in the first half upon waking. I sleep like a rock, but wake up in a pool of...
I wanna go get some blood work done tomorrow. Im experimenting with my aromasin dosage right now I have the feeling mey my estradiol is too low my joints have been hurting. Is Iit possible to drop it too low with a high dosage of arom?
This is my personal experience. I was using a bunk ai and had no clue, I went for blood work just as routine and for knowledge purposes. So I was shocked my estro was 857! I had no symptoms no gyno nothing. Any way this is exactly what I did
3 days 2mg arimidex ed
4 days 1mg arimidex ed
8 or 9...