i have never used eq but was thinking of trying it. i never had because for one many
people told me it sucks and that it raises your rbc levels way up. is there any truth to the rbc raising? and did you like eq? thanks!
OK ... i got a few more weeks before i finish this npp, masteron cycle (7 weeks of tbol at the start) and then gonna just go trt dose until march or april.
i have a shit load of deca and EQ... was thinking of 300/400mg a week deca and 600 a week of EQ. i'm a little worried about blood...
Time-released version, niacinamide, is reported as being HARDER on your liver and MUCH LESS EFFECTIVE on cholesterol AND HighBP.
The regular niacin causes the flush BUT is supposed to be MUCH MORE BENEFICIAL.
The flush is not all bad...