
  1. EG News

    8 Fitness Coaches Offer Their Best Tips to Build a Better Bench Press

    The bench press. It’s one of the original rite of passage exercises that many lifters spend countless—oftentimes too many—hours toward perfecting. When you’re a beginner, you most likely performed two main exercises—biceps curl and bench press. Then, the love affair begins. The bench press is...
  2. GoPro

    BAMF Ricnixon

    I just wanted to say that EG is a close knit group of people thats more like a family than any other Board. That being said.....Ricnixon is one hell of a guy. Definitely selfless and cares about people on this board. Brother helped me out. Thank you bro.
  3. T-bar


    I lost a dear friend this morning that some of you may know. Thick1 and I met back in the early days of the Beachboy website when threre weren't sites out there that covered these specialized topics. It wasn't anything nearly as advanced as EG simply because the technology wasn't there at the...
  4. Dago

    Patriot labs gear

    Anyone use this gear gtg or what. I think there might be a couple w different labels and some misunderstanding between me and couple guys here on what we talking about exactly. I don't want anyone thinking I'm accusing or being disrespectful I'm not or didn't mean to. I never heard of this lab
  5. GRIM

    Big Bust

    this guy was a board admin
  6. Eman

    Tren E Test

    Callahan Tren E 200mg/ml test from another board. **some degradation was detected so its possible it was even higher at one point. Sample was tested twice for accuracy. Looks damn good to me!
  7. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, loadcoil

    Hi Loadcoil, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  8. S

    Question about provious sponsor and becoming a freak member

    Hi guys. Some time ago, there was a vender named genesys who is no longer on this board. Is he still good to go? Would anyone know? Also, how does one because a freak member? Thank you so much guys
  9. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, megatron

    Hi Megatron, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  10. Bama

    Board etiquette [newbies please read]

    Hello my EG family. Due to some unfortunate incidences, i thought i would share. There are ways to do things in life and ways not to do things. As far as where we are and what is going on, it is very important to know how, what, where, when. This is not some disney world utopia where anything...
  11. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, buffalohead

    Hi buffalohead, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  12. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, meathammer

    Hi MeatHammer, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  13. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, topdawg

    Hi Topdawg, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  14. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, bwillyms

    Hi BWillyMS, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  15. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, chris hanna

    Hi Chris Hanna, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  16. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, Liv2pb

    Hi Liv2pb, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  17. Dago

    New board looks good

    New board looks great good job I like it
  18. F.I.S.T.

    We Are Winning Again: Consumer Confidence Booms to Highest Level in 16 Years

    We Are Winning Again: Consumer Confidence Booms to Highest Level in 16 Years Consumer Confidence Index® | The Conference Board Consumer’s confidence in March rocketed to the highest level more than 16 years, according to data released Tuesday. America’s middle class, in particular, registered...
  19. T-bar

    It's all about the members

    Some of you know I recently ran into an issue measuring out the correct dosage of Melanotan. Rather than ordering the usual 1cc insulin pins I somehow clicked on the 3/10cc pins. Totally my fault. What a great reminder this was for me. Members from this board immediately jumped in to help...
  20. Daredevil


    Last two days this board has went from a family oriented brotherhood to a free for all shit talking match. Seriously the foolishness needs to stop. Back and forth name calling, ranting, members disrespecting other members and mods. I just checked another board where TMM isn't even a vendor...