
  1. RockShawn

    I Got BANNED...Maybe You should too

    We all are aware there have been issues at another board who's identity I will not mention, (Brotherhoodofpain) and I have now been Banned from the site. That, In and of itself, is not a huge surprise. What is a surprise, however, is the manner in which it was done and by whom. damn that sounded...
  2. S

    Hi from a land down under

    Hey guys Hello from Australia! I like the look of this board and its community already. I was invited here by an EG member and many of you will know me from other boards. I stand 184cm and weigh in at 94kg. Body fat is in the single digits. I have been training for 10 years and I am trying to...
  3. C

    Hey all.

    Joined up today. Can already see a few familiar names from another board. My name is Chris, im 26 from Aus. Been training since i was 17. I am 175cm, 80kg and approx 9% body fat. Looking forward to getting to know you guys, hopefully learn some things and share some knowledge.
  4. J

    Intro JDB3

    I would like to thank RockShawn for the invite and the system admin for approval. I am a MOD on BOP, I have been in the fitness industry for over 6 years, I train competitors and have competed myself. I specialize in nutrition and of course hormones. I love small private boards like this one...
  5. H

    Need help

    I have some deca 400 that I won in an auction years back. I cant remember the name of the lab that I got them from though. The Labels have all the info just not the lab. I know it is UG and the label has EA in a red box. Any help would be great. I have no use for them (keep that in mind) :) I...
  6. H

    Gentlemen.... hunter7 here

    Thank you grim for the invite. I have been around for quite a while. Just an old school lifter. I am sure some of you recognize me. Looking forward to being here.
  7. spunoutdj

    Whats up EG!

    What's up EG!! I'm new to the board and just wanna say I'm REALLY impressed so far! Good security, good sponsors, good group of guys... I'm really looking forward to joining the group. -DJ
  8. Wallycn

    Hello Guys

    Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself. I've been on the boards for over a decade now and lifting for 15+years. I'm a rep for Sarcomere Labs, so feel free to email or pm me any questions you have. Glad to be hear and look forward to getting to know everyone.
  9. B


    ok so here goes the march lotto!!!! prizes to be awarded are as follows 24hrreup- one bottle of danabol ds heisenberg- 2 deca, 2tne/dbol blend precisionpinz- one box of pinz SMALLs- one tub nitro ncg pwo drink themuscleman- 2 test enanthate homegrowwn--100$ off a one year training program..this...
  10. back4more

    back4more's intro.

    What's up fellaz? I've been at this awhile just on other boards. I'm here now though and I see a few familiar bros. I just want to thank you for the invite and there superior security this board brings. This board is truly top notch, hands down!!
  11. O

    new to board

    What's up bros! I'm new to eg, but a good portion of you know me from other boards. I look forward to being a member of eg, and hope to carry on the friendships started elsewhere. Also, many of you know I'm a rep for a very notable sponsor. That sponsor will be here soon as well.
  12. H

    Heavy Hitter Mod

    Hello everyone. Most of you know me already. But some of you don't and I don't know everyone. I Used to Mod for Gri m a while back. I had other priorities at the . He has decided to give me another shot at it. I will tell you a little about myself. I am 6'0'' 230lbs I am a strongman but...
  13. flyingfox

    Happy to be here!

    Just wanted to drop by and say hi. I'm member over at BOP and was invited by Grim a while back. Stats 45 yo 6'3" 255 lbs Just re-entered the game after taking a few year off to start a family(with my hot young wife) Looking forward to sharring info with some solid brothers!
  14. DaKajun

    sup fellas

    Well I've been lurking for a lil while now popping in and out so I guess its time to start posting a lil. I'm on a few other boards and like what I see here. Like a bunch of you I'm an IJ rejugee. lol
  15. dowork

    New Here - What's Up EG?

    Hey everyone - I recognize a lot of you from IJ... hope everyone is doing well, and I'm happy to be here. -dowork
  16. pulooooooo

    new to eg..

    Nice looking board...i see some great members..glad to be here..
  17. P

    New to the site but been around

    Whats up fellas? Its pj1127 but I got tired of typing numbers. Look forward to shooting the shit again.
  18. M

    New Member

    Looks like a good board, I see lots of people I know over here. Hope to add something and not just take from the board.
  19. N

    Whats Up EG!

    Brand new to EG, always eager to learn, and constantly trying to GROW! I'm 6'1, currently 210, 9% bf. I've got a lot to learn and I'm assuming this is the place to do it. Hopefully you'll be seeing me around a lot and I'll make some new friends.
  20. xxd1v3r

    xxd1v3r in da house

    well some of you may know me from around the net and some dont but im diver and here to help and learn as much as possible.. im 5'-9" 220 lbs ~16% BF lift 4 - 5 days a week and i like to lift heavy