Female bodybuilding is one of the toughest sports out there. It requires years of hard, consistent workouts and extreme diets. Not only is this physically demanding, often resulting in physical injury, but it can take a serious psychological toll as well. There are multiple champion female...
In recent years, former elite professional bodybuilders have discussed the drugs used in achieving both their off-season gains and pre-competition goals. Bodybuilding?s attraction, lost somewhat in the modern version of the sport/pageant, is a presentation of aesthetics and potency. Size and...
Fat loss is a goal that has escaped most Americans, as the rates of obesity escalate. Yet, for decades, bodybuilders of all races and nationalities have demonstrated that it is possible to achieve body fat percentages in the low-to-mid single digits. The disparity between the burgeoning midline...
The Modern-Day Olympia Fat Loss Stack Versus the ?90s
It is hard to say when a new generation begins; for simplicity?s sake, let?s go with 25 years. Coincidentally enough, 25 years ago seems consistent with the emergence of the ?modern? from the classic bodybuilder generation. One might argue...
Courtesy of Netflix.com
By now, we'd be willing to bet you've either watched or know someone who's watched the Netflix documentary Game Changers, which examines the science behind a vegan diet and chronicles the rise of plant-based athletes. The film—and people in it, such as Arnold...
[Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/Steroids.jpg?itok=SQ8r-PMG×tamp=1548862309
Simon Hausberger / Getty
Ever take a look at a professional bodybuilding...
Water serves many functions in the body, and it’s particularly critical for bodybuilders because training and nutrition regimens really increase the need for it.
Here are the primary benefits of drinking enough water.
Bodybuilders often underestimate the importance of keeping...
To bulk up your body with muscle, learn to bulk up your diet with vegetables. Low in calories, vegetables also provide a host of nutrients that are otherwise deficient in many bodybuilding diets, including fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
Most bodybuilders acknowledge the crucial...
Guess what? Many top bodybuilders love junk food — and they consume it regularly. That’s right: in the offseason, many pros eat foods considered to be forbidden on a bodybuilding diet, items such as bacon, cheese and sweets. For some, it’s sheer necessity — with high metabolic rates, maintaining...
Study looks at criminal element of performance enhancing drug market among bodybuilders
Many bodybuilders illegally sell steroids to help fund their own use of performance and image enhancing drugs and maintain their social status in the weightlifting community, a new academic study has found...
Im posting this mainly because during my last set of labs I had some issues with my kidneys. (Proteinurea, Protein in my urine).
Athletes who use anabolic steroids may gain muscle mass and strength, but they can also destroy their kidney function...
I found this article in T Nation when I was researching the rumors of Big Ramy's Cycle . Thought it was a great read and wanted to share !!!
Steroids: What Pro Bodybuilders Are Really Using
by Shadow Pro | 01/08/15
Tags: Steroids Bodybuilding
Here's what you need to know...
A pro bodybuilder...