Bulldozer Bodybuilding Bulking System
Here's a completely different (but proven by many to work) nutritional diet scheme for bulking.Give it a try and see how it works for you.
Much is said about the subject of bodybuilding bulking. Two primary bulking camps exist: clean and dirty...
What determines a persons need of each percentage of protein, fat, and carbs?
Is every person different? If you are bulking VS cutting are the percentages different? I would think so.
So my question is: How do I find out what percentage of fat, protein, and carbs will I need for a good bulking...
This is a big pet peeve of mine b/c I see guys (mainly noobies) trying to keep up with john doe who is 200lbs and claims to eat 4-5k calories in a day or some 240lb mcfatty who eat this same amt and think he looks good b/c he is big (but yet fluffy :-[) I fell for this same trap many times...
Going to be starting This cycle tomorrow.
1-4 Anadrol 100mgs
1-6 Test E 700mgs
1-10 NPP 450mgs
7-12 Tren A 75mg ED
7-12 Test Prop 100mgs ED
7-12 Tbol 50mgs
I usually run My Test at 600mgs during my cycles. But i was thinking about upping it 700mgs? and i usually run my NPP at 400mgs and was...
The cycle im on now Which is Cherrybomb Var Test E EQ NPP. i ran 2 orals Var and Cherrybomb(Dbol 25mgs Anadarol 25mgs)
Think i should give my liver a rest this next coming cycle? I was thinking about adding Tbol in this Tren cycle but dont want to put to much stress on my liver.
This Tren...
you might have seen my intro i just posted a few days ago. im 5'10 155lbs 8%bf 32 yo. im just starting a cycle with tren in it, i have used tren before, but question is do i need to eat a calorie surplus while on tren to gain muscle. i kind of hate to gain a bunch of fat bulking up but if thats...
I need A LOT of work, I suck at making diets as you can see with my BF.... I might start working with HG if the funds allow it here soon, i sure could use the help. Let me know what you guys think.
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Is IGF worth it? I just started looking info it after a friend started talking about wanting to run it. From what im reading the dosing is from 20-100+mcg/ED and can be ran for 30-50 days with equall time off. Pinning ive read can be sub-Q or IM but from what im reading IM yealds better results...