
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Prolactin Support

    Of all the potential side effects connected to AAS use, decreased libido and sexual dysfunction are regarded as two of the most undesirable and for good reason. Not only do they interfere with one of man’s most prized activities. Although excess estrogen and testosterone deficiency are often...
  2. GRIM

    Prami glad I used again

    Long story short Ive had a slight ooze ever since I can remember even BEFORE real gear. Ive used both prami and caber never stopped it. currently on deca and tren e so running it. not even a big dose 1/4-1/2 recommended, ooze 99% gone! Stuff in past bunk perhaps
  3. J


    Can caber help with Gyno from anadrol. I know it doesn’t aromatize but I believe it raises prolactin levels and that is how anadrol causes Gyno. Any thoughts please
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Cabergoline - A Must for prolactin buildup

    Cabergoline(caber)is a dopamine D2 receptor agonist that directly inhibits prolactin. As you mayknow, gynecomastia can be caused by both estrogen and progesterone(indirectly),which can be elevated by exogenous androgens. Progesterone can stimulate prolactinserum levels which can increase mammary...
  5. Bama


    i started my cycle without anything on hand for gyno, didnt take long i had to get something so i got some caber and aromasin. My question is geared toward caber, what is the doseing supposed to be? Thanks
  6. A

    does caber control the mental sides that go with npp?

    npp make me a depressed, despairing, crazy jealous, mean, hateful idiot. but npp is my fav will caber fix this?
  7. Troy

    First time trying tren need as much help as possible!!

    So I decided to run a simple test prop and tren ace cycle to try tren. No idea how my body will react to tren but this is what I have in mind. Week 1-2 tren ace @ 420 mg per week (see how my body takes it) Week 3-12 tren ace @ 525 - 700 mg per week (adjust per tolerance/sides) Week 1-12 test...
  8. DaKajun

    Caber dosage

    What would be a good starting dose while running DECA? .5mg e2d? Pharm grade.
  9. tunaman7

    Madison James Research Chemicals

    Has anyone used any of the research chems from Madison James Research Chemicals. I beleive they are from somewhere over seas but the contact address is in NC. But research chems have to be liquid because small animals can't consume pills and tablets easily (remember they are sold for research on...
  10. dirtyjoe8605


    I just would like some advice or input on what any of my eg brothers think about pramipexole. I'm using tren an of course we all know it can make ya kinda crazy an lose sleep. But a friend on mine said Pramipexole will help me out from having mood swings an getting mad easy. I have Adex. So I...
  11. Daredevil

    Problem with sex drive

    Cycle Weeks 1-4: Sustanon 600mg/week, Deca 400mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day Arimadex @ 0.40mg every other day and MaximPeptide caber @ .40mg twice a week. Weeks 5 onward: Sustanon 800mg/week, Deca 575mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day Arimadex is the same and caber is the...
  12. JuicedVenom


    Npp and Tren combo has finally come to a point where I'm in need of caber or PRAMI. I'm looking for a good source?!?! Anyone who can help me with this will be a enormous helper. I don't know if I should go research Chem or what. In the past I've always been able to get it via pctshop...
  13. Daredevil

    Bulk cycle plan

    Gents, nearing the end of my cutting cycle. Already dropped NPP & Tren A. Just running 800mG of test C for 3 more weeks along with T3 @ 70mcg a day. Going to do a run of Clen soon for 14 days and see how I react on that without the Tren. Since when I tried it with Tren A I was having rapid...
  14. A

    HELP sore nipples and small lumps

    Can someone give a protocol for combatting this. I've been on 400mg testE and 400mg DECA for 4 weeks now. I also have a little oozing out of one nipple. Thanks for any help given.
  15. lith56bigguy

    When does everyone take their ancilliaries and estrogen blockers etc?

    Basically when do you take your either aromasin, arimidex, and or nolva, how much and how often and what parts of the day???? And why?
  16. B

    gyno help

    ok guys running test e tren e var & win right now and got some solid lumps going, been running 20mg nolva per day and .5mg caber 2x per week, it has reduced some but not much but at least its not getting worse. got letro and prami on the way. how would you dose letro its been 3+ years since I've...
  17. B

    Caber or Prami?

    Hey guys, I'm super prone to both kinds of gyno, I'm currently running 400mg tren e/week, 300mg test e/week, 40mg var/day and 50mg win/day (win just added in 2 days ago) I'm in week 8 of 10. I've been running 20mg nolva 4-5 days a week, and .5mg caber 1-2 times per week. got some nice knots lol...
  18. D

    my light cutting cycle

    okay guy 194 about i think 14 % bf im 5'9 so to start i was gonna do tren ace 50 mgs eod 200 a week and test prop 50 mgs eod 200 a week so 400 mgs aweek t3 50mcg when i wake up and clen 2 on 2 off starting seeing where i can handel it then one week on one week off i will be using caber 2 mgs a...
  19. D

    good Cycle for Endomorph

    So Its time for me to blast again, Im about as Endo as it gets, what are some good cycles for lean mass gains? I read keeping the test low, and hitting other steroids like EQ, and tren higher? Just wondering if any other endos have good cycles that they have ran. Thanks!
  20. LittleTom

    Prami or Caber

    Anyone know a good source? Thanks ;D