
  1. ram97

    Small lump

    OK guys Im running tren and test. Tren at 100 eod and test at 250 a week. Problem is I got a small lump about the size of a pencil eraser behind my right nipple. It is sore to the touch. What do most guys use to get rid of this? Letro? Adex? and dosing? I gotta get rid of this damn thing. Ram97
  2. krustus

    would you use your card at aurapharm

    i need some caber... aurapharm seems like the best deal. do you guys use your credit card on their site?
  3. bigdude

    Tren and npp

    Ok I know the taboo in running these to compounds together, I don't understand the science totally but it could be bad.... Question is who run deca or npp with tren for joint relief and what are ur dosages?
  4. B

    Building my next cycle

    12 weeks (mwf pinning,m-f first week to front load) Test e 375mg/week Tren e 600mg/week Primo e 600mg/week Anavar 60mg/day Clen between 40mcg-120mcg/day T3 between 50mcg-150mcg/day (Clen and t3 ramp up, maybe ramp down also haven't decided) Adex 1-2mg/week Caber .5-1mg/week Hcg week 11-14...
  5. lith56bigguy

    NPP whats your results

    Planning my next bang which as of now is going to be 800mg sust/400 npp weekly. with a kickstart of 50 mg t-bol daily I just love what I get out of 14 weeks of deca and test so Im hoping to achieve results sooner with npp due to the shorter ester. This will be my first run with npp...
  6. L

    Night sweats without taking Prami

    Current cycle: 600 test C and 800mg Tren E. Currently 6 weeks in I have done Tren before so i know what to expect, at the most i get is insomnia and night sweats. What's new for me is that i didn't have any caber on hand this time, so i picked up some Prami. I have been dosing it at .5mg at...
  7. Akhusker

    running aromasin still puffy

    OK so I have a guy that is super sensitive to test I guess. I started him out on 500mg of test P per week. He came back a few weeks later saying his nipples hurt and so I started him out on 12.5mg of aromasin EOD. It went away quickly now he says its back! He is now taking 25mg of aromasin ED...
  8. B

    super sore nips on tren

    ok guys still on 600mg tren e and 300mg test e per week. sore nips started 2-3 weeks ago i started .5mg caber e3d about 12 days ago, i'm also on adex 1mg eod. i've never been this sensitive on the nips and i don't feel its getting better, should i up the caber and how much?
  9. ElChango

    This is what happens if you

    Don't use caber
  10. Torres

    AI'S AND SERMS !!!

    Alright bros, heres gonna be a serious post concerning the sides we all get from doin Anabolics. Im sure everyones aware of how to take Anabolics, for the most part, but few of us, Im included, are sketchy of when, how, what, and how much AI's and Serms to take to keep sides at bay and help us...
  11. mig139


    hey guys! any domestic affordable Caber around?! point me in the right direction please!
  12. F


    How many Mgs should I run if I need to run caber w/tren?
  13. back4more

    Arimidex(liquid or cap/pill form)?

    I was curious if there was any difference in terms of quaility between Arimidex in liquid form(Liquidex etc.,) vs Arimidex in pill/capsule form? I bought some Liquid Caber a while back and it wasn't until I recieved it that I found out Caber in liquid form is highly unstable and was probley...
  14. F

    1st tren cycle

    I start my 1st tren cycle tomorrow. I'll run test w/it I was thinkin 500/600mg The tren is E 200 Ive got my ai but is there anything else I need on hand?
  15. Torres

    Sensitive nips!

    Hey bros, I have a question, after I started feeling signs of gyno , I stopped my cycle, 300 mg of test e , 300 mg of deca a week . Also was doin Tbol at 40 mg Ed. Well I began to take aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed , and it did calm down some, then when I got my hands in caber I began that at .5 mg Ed...
  16. B

    Tren and sore nips

    A few years back I used some tren converted from pellets, at 76mg Ed and I used winny liquid orally 50mg Ed...I gained 17lbs in 5 weeks and had no fast forward a few years, every time I've run tren a since I start having sore nips within 3-4 days of starting at any dose....I've...