
  1. 01dragonslayer

    6 Rules for Guaranteed Bigger Calves

    How to Build Bigger, Stronger Calves Your genetics might stink, but there's still a way to gain size and look impressive in shorts. Follow these rules. Want big calves? There are six rules that'll help you get them. But first, let's look at a great exercise that illustrates many of the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Grow Stubborn Calves With High-Volume Training

    by Andreas Abelsson Key Points: The calves are often stubborn and refuse to grow, with some people claiming that the size of your calves is determined solely by genetics. A new study compared a different number of weekly sets of calf training: low (6 sets), moderate (9 sets), and high (12...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Diamond Calves

    We can separate people into two categories in the gym. No, not the dedicated versus the lazy. I am talking about those with genetically blessed calves versus guys with toddler calves. You know exactly what I mean. We all know people who walk around with the perfect De Beers diamonds hanging off...
  4. EG News

    Get the Results You Need When it Comes to Calf Training

    This story has been told a few thousand times, but we’ll go again. In his bodybuilding heyday, Arnold Schwarzenegger was so embarrassed by the size of his calves that he cut off all his training pants at the knees (or maybe he just wore shorts) to shame himself into calf training. History tells...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Cure for Cowardly Calves

    When it comes to training calves, most people leave room on the table in terms of hypertrophy. I'll be the first to admit that the lower legs seem to be the most "genetically influenced" muscle group in that some individuals don't do squat (pun intended) and have great calves, while others...
  6. 01dragonslayer


    Calves are the hardest muscle group to transform. Historically, humans had to walk for hours each day. The ankle joint is primarily solicited during that action. If all the effort of propelling your body was provided by a muscular effort of the calves, they'd tire out too fast. That's why the...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    What Are the Best Calf Exercises? How to Build Bigger Calves at Home!

    The calf muscles are neglected by many gym-goers, and those who do train their calves seem to treat them like a "cool down" after annihilating every other muscle in their legs. It’s no surprise that people often complain they can't get their calves to grow. The reality is they just don’t put...
  8. EG News

    These 3 Exercises Can Help Craft Bigger and Stronger Calves

    Not everyone has bodybuilder-size calves—this writer sadly included. But if your calves need growth, you can still do what Arnold Schwarzenegger once did: Work on them—daily if necessary. You can begin your quest for quality calves by trying out some of the moves below—hurry, because shorts...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    What are the 7 hardest muscles to build?

    According to Biology, 40% of your body weight is from the muscles. Fascinating, right? Phenomenal muscles mean working extra hard to ensure they are equally built. This might seem like a walk in the park, but achieving this is challenging as you must devise a functional workout routine. If you...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Can’t Get Your Calves to Grow? Here’s The Fix You Need

    Today we are going to pounce on a topic that has been grazing my mind for a while – the calves. Why is it that so many gym goers train their calves with halfhearted effort? Or worse yet, they don’t even train them at all. Growing the calves into thick slabs of striated muscle is arguably one...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Build Great Calves With These 8 Tips

    Set aside the notion that you have "bad calf genetics" and get proactive. These eight muscle building tips are designed to help bring up your weak and lagging calves. People say it all the time, “If you aren’t born with great calves, you’ll never have them.” That’s simply not true. There are...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Standing Calf Raise vs. Seated Calf Raise: Which Builds Bigger Calves?

    Calves have always taken a backseat to other “look at me” muscles such as arms, chest and abs. Even the quads get more attention than the weak and puny lower leg minions. Ever to stay in the shadows of the more popular body parts, the calves need some special TLC, or more like a brutal beating...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Legs and Calves

    Alright guys, listen up: it’s leg day and your man, John Doe has some new tips out for you to get you pumped to destroy those legs! And since it’s leg day, let’s take a closer look at one of the most misunderstood topics in bodybuilding: your calf muscles. It’s true that the appearance of your...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    The Bizarre Secret To Unlocking Calf Gains

    Think the only pre-workout that elite lifters take comes in a powder form? Think again. Years ago, there was a great topical cream that worked wonders for strength athletes. The product was called Zanagen Ignite. Speaking from experience, I can say this stuff brought a blast of heat to the...
  15. EG News

    The Ultimate Arnold Schwarzenegger Training Guide

    It’s been more than four decades since Arnold Schwarzenegger won the last of his seven Mr. Olympia titles in 1980, yet the workouts that helped mold him into arguably the greatest bodybuilder ever are as valid today as they were then. From the time he migrated from Munich to Southern California...
  16. EG News

    Train the Olympia Way: Calves

    When you compete in bodybuilding, you need to make sure you’re targeting all of your muscles—yes, even the calves. This muscle has become a meme within the fitness industry, and many on social media will admit to neglecting it during leg day. The calves are, admittedly, one of the hardest parts...
  17. GRIM

    LMFAO I found this funny

    So Im reloading a prepaid card for an order Im trying to place On way out this guy approaches me, guess hes won the main city in my states BB competition numerous times asking if I compete. I say nope as Im a gimp, he thought my best feature was my calves 'checking me out' I hardly even work...
  18. EG News

    Want to Grow Your Calves? Here’s the Ultimate Training Technique

    Calves represent quite a dilemma for many when it comes to creating a complete and balanced physique. They’re among the most difficult muscles to develop. This is in large part because of the difference in calf structure among different individuals. Everyone’s calf structure goes from the knee...
  19. EG News

    The best workout routines for bigger calves

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: gilaxia / Getty If your calves refuse to grow, it’s probably because you’re not...
  20. EG News

    The heavy-lifting workout routine to grow your calves

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Ian Spanier You may hate training them, but thick, meaty calves help bring any physique...