If you've hit a plateau on your fat loss journey despite weeks of dieting to no avail, a refeed day may just be the key to your new found success.
Have you been dieting for as long as you can remember? Are you following a very low-calorie diet? Are you struggling to break through a fat loss...
Let me be straight with you, if I had the exact answer for how to calculate the perfect macros for your goals I wouldn’t be writing this article.
I would have cashed in on my genius, made millions, and be drinking gin and tonics (diet tonic of course, gotta watch my figure) on a yacht in the...
The ketogenic diet is a diet that capitalizes on a very interesting aspect of human physiology, namely ketosis.
Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when we consume carbohydrates in such low quantities fatty acid oxidation becomes the main source of fuel.
When fatty acid oxidation reaches...
Carb cycling is a dietary tool that essentially uses a fasted and fed approach; however it is unique in that it focuses specifically on carbohydrate intake and not any other macronutrient.
It uses long periods of carbohydrate restriction coupled with short windows of carbohydrate referring (aka...
Carbohydrates are controversial among people trying to lose weight. Because individual carbohydrate needs aren’t one-size-fits-all, we’ve put together an informational guide to help you optimize your carbohydrate consumption and choose healthier options, whether you’re trying to lose weight...
Carbohydrates remain a hot topic around weight loss. While carb-restricted diets work for some people, they also have their drawbacks. That may be why other approaches that play with carbohydrate intake without removing it completely — such as carbohydrate cycling — are generating a lot of...
How To Use Metformin for Bodybuilding
By: The Steroid Guru
Let me make a few things known from the beginning. Metformin will not cure all of your worries and allow you to eat like the true fat ass you’ve always dreamt of being. It is not the fat loss pill you have been searching for...
Do They Increase Body Fat & Sabotage Your Six Pack?
Ever go to the gym and see those guys carrying around big jugs of fruit-colored water? It seems there is a belief that we must have plenty of carbs to fuel our training. True, our muscles use glucose from carbohydrate to fuel strength...
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One of the great...
Seven Best Carbs to Build Muscle
By Flex Staff
Some carbs may get a bad rap, but they're a great (and easy) way for bodybuilders to gain muscle and enhance recovery.
FLEX has compiled this list of seven great high-carb bites that bodybuilders--especially hardgainers--can use to enhance muscle...
Everyone has some body fat. Healthy levels of body fat actually improve a person’s health and appearance, but excess fat tends to increase the risk of poor health and is generally viewed as unattractive in most cultures. Excess fat accumulates in different areas from person to person, though...