
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Carbohydrate confusion

    How do we define good carbs and bad carbs? The glycemic index system of ranking carbohydrates remains the gold standard of categorizing carbohydrate sources. Lower-glycemic index carbohydrates—including beans, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and most vegetables and fruits—are typically recommended...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Macronutrient Breakdown: Carbohydrates

    Performing cardio, lifting heavy, hell, getting to the gym and warming your body up—they all require energy. Your muscles are much more than physical attributes giving you confidence and your desired appearance; they are your motor. Knowing that, think about this for a second. You’re going on a...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    In part 1 of our series we looked at evidence in whether the distribution of protein had an effect on body composition as well as whether breakfast was necessary. Today we look at whether when we eat our food, matters, with a particular focus on when we consume carbohydrates. No Carbohydrates...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Eating Too Few Carbs?

    by Maggie Ethridge Carbs sometimes—ok, almost always—get a bad rap. With more and more people trying low- and no-carb diets (hello, keto), it’s no wonder dieters get a little mixed up about this mighty macro. But here’s the thing: Carbs aren’t the enemy! In fact, eliminating them altogether...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Carbs for bodybuilding

    Carbohydrates are a very important part of your diet especially if you are a bodybuilder. That is why we need to know what carbs are. Read on! What Are Carbohydrates (Bodybuilding Nutrition) By Gerald J. Riches If you're about to embark on a new health and fitness plan, it's imperative that...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

    If you are into bodybuilding than you owe it to yourself to at learn the very basics of bodybuilding nutrition. Bodybuilding is not just about lifting weight! Learn the basics of how to feed your muscle and you will excel in the sport of bodybuilding. The following article should be a big help...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Carbohydrates: Timing Recommendations for Enhanced Performance

    Due to the unique energy demands of strength and endurance based sports, athletes who participate in these activities have different carbohydrate requirements needed to fuel optimal performance. Aerobic endurance athletes and those who train for 60 minutes or more a day (think runners, cyclists...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Biggest Myth About Dietary Fat

    What do we think of when we think of “bad” food? No, not the tastes bad Fear Factor type foods, but the naughty foods we’re discouraged from eating. Desserts, potato chips, hot dogs, deep fried mayonnaise balls, and the list goes on. Generally speaking, we classify fats as “bad,” and we classify...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Carbohydrates: Timing Recommendations for Enhanced Performance

    Due to the unique energy demands of strength and endurance based sports, athletes who participate in these activities have different carbohydrate requirements needed to fuel optimal performance. Aerobic endurance athletes and those who train for 60 minutes or more a day (think runners, cyclists...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs: Do You Know the Difference?

    Do you love carbs? Of course, you do! They’re delicious! Carbohydrates are a great source of energy when our body converts them into glycogen. However, when you look at many diets that people are following these days, the majority of them are low or no carb. Look at the Atkins Diet and...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Keto Diet: The Biggest Mistakes and Side Effects

    The keto diet is becoming the ultimate "love it or hate it" diet in fitness. Its advocates rave about fat melting away from their physiques, skyrocketing energy levels, increased mental clarity, and a wide range of health benefits that scientists are only now starting to investigate more deeply...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    The Importance Of Post-Workout Nutrition!

    From what I see on a daily basis, it's clear to me that most people in the gym are wasting their time investment. They're spending precious hours engaged in strength or endurance training programs that yield little or no results? Need proof? When was the last time someone in your gym made any...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Low Carbs Big Muscles

    You can starve and build big muscles. You can starve your body of carbohydrates and make your body crave muscle building protein. I am sure most of you reading the title "Low Carbs Big Muscles" are scratching your heads thinking I have lost my mind. I mean, how can you possibly build massive...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Macronutrient Basics and How to Diet

    Nutritional science grows increasingly intricate when the context concerns bodybuilders and athletes looking to maximize muscle growth and enhance fat loss. The physiology behind macronutrients enable these processes is complex, to say the least. Nevertheless, it serves to benefit any level of...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    All About Insulin Resistance and Sensitivity

    Every cell in your body has chemical (metabolic) reactions occurring that either consume or release energy. These reactions are divided into two classes: Anabolic and catabolic; the former class of reactions utilize free energy to manufacture cellular constituents while the latter class of...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Post Contest Rebound – The Optimal Approach

    If you have been involved in competitive Bodybuilding for any length of time, I am sure you have witnessed what many refer to as “the post-contest rebound.” You may have witnessed someone go from a granite hard, shrink wrapped, work of art – to a puffy, doughy, and water retentive catastrophe...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Explaining Nutrition for Newbs......

    There are many schools of thought on nutrition, especially when it comes to strength and power athletes. Unfortunately there are no human studies on nutrition involving supraphyisiological doses of AAS making most "bodybuilding" and "powerlifting" diet advice anecdotal. If you've never...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Did You Know The Source of Your Macros Should Be Prioritized?

    By: Matt Weik It doesn’t matter what diet you’re currently following, the source of your macros needs to be prioritized. The belief that a calorie is a calorie is completely false and misleading. Don’t allow people to feed you incorrect information and tell you that whether you consume 500...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Fat Loss Guide: Understanding Fat Metabolism & Macronutrients

    Fat loss has become important for all of us; whether we’re losing weight for our health, the beach, or a contest, we follow all kinds of diets and workout routines in an attempt to lose fat. Yet when people tell us what to eat, what workouts burn fat, etc; we fail to understand how fat...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Cutting Diets & Carbohydrates: Do You Need To Go “Low-carb?”

    It is considered an absolute truth that to get shredded you must cut or cycle carbohydrate intake. Learn why carbs might just be helpful during periods of fat loss. One thing that seems to pervade the health and fitness industry is the supposition that carbohydrates must always be highly...