STATINS RED ALERT: Widely prescribed drugs act as cellular poisons that accelerate aging... deactivate DNA repair... promote diabetes, muscle fatigue and memory loss
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) The statin drugs prescribed to over 100 million...
Niacin prevents HDL crash from Anabolic Steroids
Niacin is known to increase HDL better than any medication. As shown in the following abstract, athletes who use anabolic steroids have very low HDL (high density lipoprotein) blood levels. HDL is the “cleaning agent” that removes what the...
LDL and Response to Resistance Training: Is high LDL really that bad?
by Physics_phitness
So for those of us who are AAS users, one of the big things we look at when we get bloodwork done is lipids. HDL is generally crashed and LDL is way above normal range. Low HDL bounces back pretty...
Coconut Oil – Bad Oil Gone Good
By J Hurricane
Coconut oil has had its ups and down in the food industry. One minute it was the best thing since sliced bread, the next it was being touted as a potential reason for heart disease. In the past year, many health experts have come out to fight...
Medical Alert: ‘Statins Linked to 50% Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes’
by Robert Harrington
Posted on May 20, 2015
Among other concerns.
A recent study from Finland suggests that cholesterol-lowering drugs known as Statins may increase ones risk of developing the highly-preventable Type 2...
An Ordinary Apple Holds Many Secrets
by: Maryann Marshall
(NaturalNews) Apples are an important source of phytonutrients. These plant-derived chemical compounds are associated with positive health effects. Many of the phytonutrients found in apples are strong antioxidants, fighting free...
Combination of contraceptive and cholesterol-lowering drugs kills cancer cells in a new way
The combination of a cholesterol-lowering drug, Bezafibrate, and a contraceptive steroid, Medroxyprogesterone Acetate, could be an effective, non-toxic treatment for a range of cancers, researchers at...
Full copy can be found at:
LGD-4033 was safe and well tolerated over the range of doses that were evaluated over a 3-week period. Even during this short treatment period, there was clear evidence of the compound’s androgenic...
The Cholesterol Drug War: ABC Australia bans docu exposing statin drug scandal
Health Impact News
Tue, 17 Mar 2015
Dr. MaryAnne Demasi's documentary on the criminal activity of the pharmaceutical industry regarding cholesterol-lowering statin drugs sent shock waves through the mainstream media...
Statin scandal: More doctors reveal their dangerous side-effects and failure to improve outcomes
Jenny Hope
Daily Mail
Sat, 21 Feb 2015
The benefits of taking statins have been exaggerated, two leading experts claim.
They say the cholesterol-lowering medicines - hailed as miracle drugs when...
Protein powders have 10-30 grams cholesterol plus saturated and trans fats
Cottage cheese has5 mg cholesterol in no fat
peanut butter has 17g of fat but only lists 3g of saturated etc
chicken has cholesterol
What the hell do I do here
Well to start off, I got lazy in the clean diet department this cycle. I wasn't taking my fish oil regularly and started stopping at Dunkin doughnuts for a sausage wake up wrap and hashbrowns every morning. That was just the start. Then a 20 pc. wendys crispy nuggets and value fries...
Time-released version, niacinamide, is reported as being HARDER on your liver and MUCH LESS EFFECTIVE on cholesterol AND HighBP.
The regular niacin causes the flush BUT is supposed to be MUCH MORE BENEFICIAL.
The flush is not all bad...
BP pressure high, bad cholesterol is high, good cholesterol is low. Doc has me on lisinopril for BP just hadnt taken it this morning. Think thats why it was high. She also told me my thyroid was crashed and havnt taken t3 for a couple months.
********She told me if I keep on track and dont get...
I take not credit for the text below as I pulled it from another site - but the info is good to get you going... enjoy the read and for anyone that has researched this please chime in.
(also known as GW-501,516,GW1516 or GSK-516) is a PPAR***948; modulator compound being investigated...
Just wanted to remind you the benefits of Vitamin B3 (aka.: Niacin). I have heredity high cholesterol, and 2g of Niacin daily has help lower my cholesterol. Here's a little study I ran across this morning...
The safest, most effective, and cheapest treatment for high cholesterol is a vitamin...
"The study:
37 participants were asked to eat 3 eggs per day and another 37 were asked to eat 3 egg whites only. Both groups followed a diet of 25% carbohydrates but ate all they wanted (ad libitum)...
The effects of Miotolan (furazabol) are similar to Winstrol except instead of having an adverse effect on cholesterol values, therapeutic doses of Furazabol purportedly improve a person’s blood lipid profile. As such, Furazabol was prescribed in Japan under the trade name Miotolan in the 1970s...