When we discuss diet plans we can typically put them along a spectrum where food quantity is on one end and food quality is on the other.
Diets like If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) fall as far to the food quantity side as possible while clean eating falls as far to the food quality side as...
Powerlifter Evan Kardon was hoping for a big deadlift during his birthday workout, but his plans were thwarted by one angsty gym-goer who was not a fan of Kardon's use of chalk.
The fellow gym patron was so bothered that he decided to silently prevent Kardon from deadlifting. According to the...
No matter what you read about the exercise being "bad for your back," or people saying that you "shouldn't deadlift heavy" for whatever stupid reason they come up with... if you want results, you should be deadlifting.
Snatch-Grip Deadlift
I think the snatch-grip deadlift is one of the most...
as of now of this week I’m on Greek test cyp 500 for 10 weeks of bulk and .25 arom eod
This summer I’m stay away from tren after getting the flu I guess the tren got the better of me lol but ima try npp witch I heard can be great on a cut
200 -250 cyp not really sure what dosage I should do...
Gripping and ripping 580 pounds is an impressive feat that'll earn you some serious cred among your fellow gym bros. And cleaning that much weight up to your shoulders is bananas. But pressing it all overhead? That's some Thanos-type strength. Well, Georgian...
Anyone here ever do this? Or know anyone that has?
Met this guy at the gym the other day. Good build, fairly lean yet still thick and wide. He eats 4500 calories, bulking or cutting. The difference is were the calories come from. So bulking he wont skip pizza, cookies etc. but wont go over...
Whats up ladies and gentlemen? I have a situation on my hands thats pretty freaking tough ok here it goes:
My best friend is back out there on dope and i dont know from day to day if we are gonna get the phone call that nobody wants to get, when i say "dope" here in TN is pills and heroin. A few...
i think this is totally correct... calories are the most important factor and is often over looked...deficit to loose ...surplus to gain... then macro ratio helps maintain muscle...
i don't eat "clean" ... don't get me wrong ...to hit cals and macros i can't eat all pizza and ice cream...
Thought it'd be a good topic.
Do you think. Thread or a subforum?
My life has been turned upside down by addicts recently. So much my car stolen, thousands of dollars, credit cards and possibly more for trying to be nice and help.
Any tips to help bros both going through addiction and people...
Gents, I'm cruising for next 3 weeks then have a checkup with my doctor and then will do another blast.
My last blast consisted of 800mg of Test Cyp, 400mg of NPP, worked up to 70mcg a day of T3 and down off, 50mg of Proviron/day and one 14 day run of Clen ramping up to 140mcg a day and down...
Cheat Meals (Part 2)
September 12, 2013 By John Doe
Right now I’ve had 6 Yuengling Lights in me, a fat cigar, Taco Bell, and an ice cream Snickers bar thingy. Tonight was cheat meal night, and when I do it I do it big.
But the next week straight is all business. I have my fish and rice...
Cheat Meals (Part 1)
August 9, 2013 By John Doe
OK, so the longer you go without a cheat meal the better, in 90% of case scenarios. I don’t give a shit who says what about “refeed days” or even “cheat meal to kick your metabolism in the ass” the bottom line is the longer you can go eating...
The Hygiene Hypothesis - Can being too clean harm your health?
Elizabeth Renter
There are all sorts of recommendations out there telling us when to wash our hands: before we eat, before we cook, after we shake hands, after touching something that has been touched by someone...
Hello all, excited to be here. I am 51 and have been lifting on an off for many years. My last "breaK' was for about 8-9 years (yeah, life happens). One day I looked at a photo of my 6'4" body and thought I was a skeleton at 175 pounds. I had started running and got my weigh down for speed...
I just recieved my pack from aurapharm and it was cut open and green tape that said exam. They opened allthe boxes eeverything is here is there anything to worry about?
I might ramble a bit here so just bare with me.
In recent memory I've had a slew of slight "reactions" after my pinnings. Never really sure if its an abscess due to slight infection or if I injected too shallow or too deep, thus creating an abscess that is either sitting above or below the...