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James Baigrie / Getty
Earlier this month, the New York City-based coffee...
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So there’s a new Quest Bar out and you want to hit your 200 grams of protein a day. Sure, you could down 20 of the newest flavors every day, but you want a little variety in your diet. So might we make a suggestion to make the Mocha Chocolate Chip Quest Bar your morning go-to...
Your iron intake raises hemoglobin/hemocrit numbers, which too high of hemoglobin/hemocrit can put you at risk of having a stroke/heart attack.
By drinking coffee during a meal your body absorbs 37% less iron from the meal.
By drinking tea during a meal your body absorbs nearly 79% less iron...
Study: 3-4 Cups of Coffee Per Day may cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk
by Julie Fidler
Posted on December 16, 2015
And this isn't the first of the findings.
Good news about coffee is always exciting, so here’s a bit more: scientists have linked drinking 3-4 cups a coffee a day to a decreased risk...
‘Cubosomes’ in Coffee Could Offer All-Day Energy in Just 1 Cup
by Julie Fidler
Posted on December 14, 2015
Via a slow-release new technique.
Nestle claims to have created a way for people to get an all-day caffeine boost from a single cup of coffee.
Scientists at the Nestlé Research Centre...
Tastiest Natural Remedy for Cough: Coffee Plus Honey (More Effective Than Steroids)
By Heidi Kristoffer
Posted Friday, November 13, 2015
A study (1) had a conclusion: “The combination of honey and coffee can be used as an alternative medicine in the treatment of persistent postinfectious...
8 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good for You
Written by Healthline Editorial Team | Published on June 29, 2015
Ask any coffee drinker and they’ll tell you: coffee has worthwhile benefits. Beyond the pleasant aroma and the morning pick-me-up, there is growing evidence that our coffee habits could...
Heavy Coffee Drinking Linked to Improved Colon Cancer Survival Rates
by Julie Fidler
Posted on October 5, 2015
While decreasing the chance of recurrence.
Heavy coffee drinkers are far more likely to survive colon cancer than those don’t drink coffee, a new study concluded.
Get The Most Out Of Your Favorite Pre-Workout
by Jenevieve Roper, PhD (ABD), CSCS
Caffeine is probably the most common nutrition supplement used. I mean, how many of us absolutely must have that morning pick-me-up? A survey conducted by the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Pennsylvania...
Bulking Monster Mass Oatmeal
Monster Mass is a very popular bulking protein powder. Try you favorite flavor in this easy to make, on the go, high-powered muscle mass building breakfast meal.
What You Need
4 scoops Weight Gain Powder, your favorite flavor
1 packet plain...
in vitamin shoppe today i seen javapro. its coffee with 20g of protein. two of the greatest things combined! ive got to try this out. there was a couple flavors. anyone had this. i bought a bag so ill tell you how it is
Ok guys so if your in need of that warm drink by the fire with your family or just need to get a caffeinated protein shake this will hit the spot and it tastes exactly like hot coco.
Start by making yourself a 12 oz cup of coffee.
Add 10 oz milk, I use fat free.
Finally add your chocolate...
Well, ive been on it for about 2 weeks, Im actually keeping carbs lower than previous ckd, just because I have no real craving for them. I think I can attribute it to the coconut oil.
No set solid meals but an example is
0900: Bullet proof coffee (coffee with 2 tbs of coconut oil) MAYBE add a...