
  1. GRIM

    Diet products make you fat
  2. F.I.S.T.


    5000 CALORIE SAMPLE DIET Day 1 Breakfast------ Calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat 2 cups cooked oatmeal (prepared with water) 294.84 50.54g 12.17g 4.68g 1 cup blueberries 114.57 29.13g 1.49g 0.66g ½ cup sliced almonds 265.88 9.08g 9.78g 23.29g TOTAL 675.29 88.75g 23.44g 28.63g Snack...
  3. GRIM

    Cutting secrets

    Post them up..
  4. EG News

    Get Big On a Budget

    Unless you have a cow you can milk or a pig you can butcher in your backyard, then you are, like us, at the mercy of the rising costs of bodybuilding staples. The harsh reality is that a trip to the supermarket can be a pricey outing, especially when loading your grocery cart with pounds of...
  5. GRIM

    Weight loss

  6. F.I.S.T.


    SAMPLE 4K CALORIE DIET Here is a simple example day. I have included a rough guide to calories, protein and carbohydrate levels bodybuilding is not a maths class after all and your diet doesn't have to be either! Of course,this can always be changed to better suit your individual needs. The...
  7. millenium girl

    Bland diet

    I'm in a bland diet for the next two weeks because I will have two procedures on March 30th. I'm hungry. The first couple of days are the worst. I drink a lot of broth for the minerals, I eat cottage cheese and yoghurt and crackers but that's about all .....
  8. GRIM

    The Warrior Diet

    File Name: The Warrior Diet File Submitted: October 12, 2016, 4:54:27 AM The Warrior Diet Ori Hofmekler Click here to download this file
  9. GRIM


    Whats your favorite/best move for working abs..
  10. MattyIce

    -23 lbs and 7% in 60 days

    I can't seem to find a before pic but here's my 60 day weigh in. Lol Down from 247lbs to 224 lbs. I didn't lost any numbers on my lifts. I'm going to try to shed another 7-10lbs over the next 2-3 weeks.
  11. Junky87

    knocked down..but wont stop me from getting back up.

    Hey guys...I almost got crushed by a 1200lb rack at work on Fri. All I got was a sprained left shoulder/elbow/wrist...I'll be down for about two weeks hopefully then I can bring it back up in the gym..
  12. ElChango

  13. killinit88

    Where i am at, NOT where i wanna be.

    I need A LOT of work, I suck at making diets as you can see with my BF.... I might start working with HG if the funds allow it here soon, i sure could use the help. Let me know what you guys think. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. Z82

    Keto dieters wet dream!!!!!

    yeah i was a happy camper today when my pack showed up. its not all that healthy depending how you look at it. just more chems to help me be where i want to be! is the shit. PB2 is fucking TITTIES!!!!! [attachment deleted by admin]
  15. Paulrockr

    Is this some motivation or what
  16. massdig

    Zone diet

    This deals with blocks instead of counting calories. You are still measuring but that gets easy after a while. I have heard a lot of good and negative reviews. These diets are good for those that are not extreme atheletes, and I mean the type that are running 10 miles a day, or exercising most...
  17. RS50

    Surprising Diet For Weightlifting Record Setter 6-foot, 361-pound Williams 860 P
  18. GRIM

    What's for breakfast

  19. G

    whats for lunch

    spaghetti and peanutbutter must gain weight
  20. GRIM

    What's for supper

    steamed salmon and veggies