Why Are Older People Taking as Many as 30 Big Pharma Drugs?
by Christina Sarich
Posted on October 1, 2015
Taking over 40% of Big Pharma meds.
Seniors represent only 13% of the population, but they take over 40% of pharmaceutical drugs in the US. In the UK, 45% of prescriptions are doled out...
STATINS RED ALERT: Widely prescribed drugs act as cellular poisons that accelerate aging... deactivate DNA repair... promote diabetes, muscle fatigue and memory loss
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) The statin drugs prescribed to over 100 million...
Man, 41, arrested after police seize steroids haul
A 41-year-old man has been arrested after a significant quantity of steroids were seized in Co Londonderry.
He was detained when police searched a house in the Greysteel area.
Go To
The suspect is being...
Ross Ulbricht, creator of the underground website Silk Road, which let users anonymously buy and sell anything from drugs to hacking tutorials, was sentenced Friday to life in prison after he made a tearful plea for leniency.
Ulbricht, who is 31, was convicted in February on seven counts ranging...
Sean Cleathero steroids death: Pair convicted of drugs offences
6 July 2015
Sean Cleathero died after taking a steroid which was not suitable for human consumption Two men have been convicted of drugs offences as part of an inquiry into the death of a 28-year-old man who took steroids...
Are Psych Drugs Killing 500,000 Seniors?
Posted on: Monday, June 22nd 2015
Written By: Margie King, Health Coach
Does the long term use of psychiatric drugs cause more harm than good?
Yes, says Professor Peter C. Gotzche. And, he contends, the harm done by psych drugs causes a shocking...
SUBOXONE: The Psych Drug Behind The Charleston Church Shooting?
by Robert Harrington
Posted on June 20, 2015
Why does media always neglect pharma drugs?
Suboxone is a powerful psychoactive drug which is utilized in breaking heroin and narcotic pain reliever addictions. Just like...
Combination of contraceptive and cholesterol-lowering drugs kills cancer cells in a new way
The combination of a cholesterol-lowering drug, Bezafibrate, and a contraceptive steroid, Medroxyprogesterone Acetate, could be an effective, non-toxic treatment for a range of cancers, researchers at...
Cancer as a business model: $100 billion spent on chemotherapy drugs last year
Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream
Tue, 05 May 2015
If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost...
Two existing drugs may potentially become new drug target for multiple sclerosis
Two drugs already on the market -- an antifungal and a steroid -- may potentially take on new roles as treatments for multiple sclerosis. According to a study published in Nature today, researchers discovered that...
Federal Govt Admits Marijuana Kills Brain Tumors, But You Still Can’t Have It
by Anthony Gucciardi
Posted on April 7, 2015
Safer than big pharma drugs.
The federal government admits in newly funded research that compounds found in marijuana have an unprecedented ability to go in and kill...
Louise Slaughter: Congress' only Microbiologist is trying to regulate the drugs
Willy Blackmore
Fri, 27 Mar 2015
Since 1999, U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter has been either a sponsor or a cosponsor of the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act. On Tuesday, the New York...
Anti-anxiety and sleeping drugs found to double the risk of death
Jeremy Dean
Fri, 03 Oct 2014
Like many drugs, those prescribed for anxiety disorders, like diazepam and temazepam, have a number of known side-effects like daytime sleepiness, falls, an increased risk of...
Buyer beware: How Big Pharma uses fear to boost sales
Martha Rosenberg
OpEd News
Wed, 11 Mar 2015
Long before the Internet and direct to consumer advertising, the medical profession tried to reassure people about their health concerns. Sure fatigue and headaches could be a symptom of a brain...
The Cholesterol Drug War: ABC Australia bans docu exposing statin drug scandal
Health Impact News
Tue, 17 Mar 2015
Dr. MaryAnne Demasi's documentary on the criminal activity of the pharmaceutical industry regarding cholesterol-lowering statin drugs sent shock waves through the mainstream media...
Statin scandal: More doctors reveal their dangerous side-effects and failure to improve outcomes
Jenny Hope
Daily Mail
Sat, 21 Feb 2015
The benefits of taking statins have been exaggerated, two leading experts claim.
They say the cholesterol-lowering medicines - hailed as miracle drugs when...
Deaths from Prescription Painkillers Triple in 20 Years – What’s Going On?
This is the real war on drugs.
The deaths of Philip Seymour Hoffman and Heath Ledger may have grabbed headlines, but there is a far larger tragedy behind...
This list seems like a good start for discussion so I thought I would post (cut and paste) it up here and see what the boys here say!
1. Lack of a proper base
2. Dose too low or too high for your size weight height and experience. We all build up a little resistance. We all get different side...
I read this on another forum and wanted to pass this along to others...and they want to go after supplement companies??? Gee I wonder why lol!!!
The drugging of America summarized in 19 mind-altering facts
Michael Snyder
The American Dream
Mon, 10 Feb 2014
The American people are the most...
So I have a script for Androgel. I might be getting a job that tests for all kinds of drugs. Im wondering if say I'm on cycle and get tested, are certain drugs shown specifically?
For example, If I'm running Test, tren and EQ, and It shows on the drug test that I'm on gear, Can I just blame...