Andy Yingling Collaborator
10 Principles to Boost Your Muscle Building Diet
you've heard it all before: You need to eat in order to pack on muscle. Pretty much a no-brainer, really. you've also been told a few other so-called muscle building diet rules that aren?t so true. These are taken...
How Moderation Can Make You Fat and Miserable
Many fitness influencers say you NEED to eat junk food in moderation. Really, that's the trend. Are they right? Not really. Here's why.
It’s become weirdly trendy for fitness influencers to promote junk food. Some even go so far as saying that you...
Is Eating the Same Thing Every Day Healthy?
Most bodybuilders and athletes eat the same foods all the time. Here are the pros and cons of diet diversity and a possible compromise.
Make no mistake about it, Tony was one fatty pancakes. He carried about 260 pounds on a 5’10" inch frame, and very...
How to Cure Stabilized Fat Storage
Still lugging around an extra 15 pounds or so of fat? Here's a simple, not-too-painful way to get rid of it.
Some people have been fighting the same 15 pounds of extra body fat for years. They are no longer gaining weight, and they're certainly not obese. But...
Cheese is rich and creamy, and that is the reason most of us love the stuff. So much so, that the average American guy consumes nearly 42 pounds of the dairy product each year, an amount that has been inching upwards in recent years. Sliced, shredded, melted, crumbled, or baked, we can’t get...
Trying to lose weight can feel like a constant battle. The yo-yo effects of dieting can take its toll on the body, mind, and soul. Finding a sustainable and balanced approach to weight loss is something that most people struggle with, but Qi Gong Master Lee Holden has the answers to take all the...
Intermittent fasting has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years prompting scientists to try and determine a safe fasting protocol that can work as an effective strategy for weight loss. The latest evidence, based on a large sample, may have the answer to one of the most asked...
Both Sides Are Annoying As Hell
If meat eaters are really sincere about eating meat for its alleged nutritional benefits, they need to take it one step further.
Dickish Diets
Vegetarians should 'fess up to being a little dickish about the whole not-eating-animals thing. If you've ever had the...
College athletes are a competitive breed who aim for success in both the classroom and on the field, but a recent study suggests that not eating enough calories could lead to failure in both of these areas. That seems fairly obvious, but less clear is why growing boys and girls would restrict...
How to Cure Stabilized Fat Storage
Still lugging around an extra 15 pounds or so of fat? Here's a simple, not-too-painful way to get rid of it.
Some people have been fighting the same 15 pounds of extra body fat for years. They are no longer gaining weight, and they're certainly not obese. But...
Stick with this fitness thing long enough and you'll notice that everything gets recycled. Exercise and diet trends come and go... then come back around again later. It's a lot like fashion.
One dietary approach that's found a resurgence in the last few years is...
In a 2020 survey, 24 percent of US adults said they had tried intermittent fasting (IF) for weight loss, making it the most popular “diet” in the US. Judging by the countless headlines on fasting we’ve seen in more recent years, it’s safe to say that percentage has risen.
In addition to being...
Have you ever done one of those “juice cleanses” before? Did it work? Probably not… just my guess. I’m also guessing you felt hungry all the time, missed your coffee and whole food meals, felt groggy and tired, and then, whatever “weight” you lost during the 7 day to 3-week cleanse all came...
Anybody who follows me knows I have a love for pizza and donuts. I’m also pretty fond of Mexican food and burgers as well if you want to know. I am a firm believer in ‘lifestyle’ eating that is sustainable. This is how I stay in fairly good condition, not competition shape, year around. But...
Over the past six decades, there has been a noticeable surge in the average weight of American adults. Although it is tempting to attribute this trend to factors like excessive sugar or fat content in our diet, a more fundamental offender emerges from the consumption of larger
portion sizes...
A common concern is that quantitatively tracking dietary intake may give rise to disordered eating. A new randomized controlled trial casts doubt on this idea, fueling optimism for people who want to more actively manage their diet without unintended consequences.
This article was first...
By Aadam |
The Magnifying Glass Effect is when we “zoom in” on a fuck up and become so hyper-focused on only that one fuck up that it becomes totally blown out of proportion and seems much worse than it really is.
In this post, I’m going to show you why a few ‘bad’ days aren’t as bad as you...
By Aadam |
If you wanted to be more productive, you would etch out a designated amount of time in your day to commit to doing work. If you just went about your day without a plan, haphazardly doing work here and there, chances are you wouldn’t get much done.
Dieting is no different.
If you want...
Amongst the countless dieting protocols spoken of and utilized throughout the world of fitness, there is always going to be that one person who likes to be considered just a clean eater. He may not count macros, carb cycle, be on a bulk or a cut, but you bet that he is eating clean! Seriously...
This is What We Call ‘Binge Eating’
At some point in your life, you find yourself shoving enormous amounts of food down your throat:
But there’s a problem: binge eating makes us come up with excuses for our behaviors:
It can also lead to binge eating disorder:
And if you reach that point...