
  1. halfnatty

    Has anyone ran primo ace

    Like to know how you liked it and cycled it, thanks
  2. EG News

    How does kinesio tape work?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/K-Tape-GettyImages-956490414.jpg?itok=2qR4SMa1&timestamp=1556891447 Carmen Vicedo / EyeEm Even if you don’t know what...
  3. EG News

    Could "keto crotch" be the keto diet's weirdest side effect?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/1109-woman-fish-smell-GettyImages-181064235.jpg?itok=YiWLEwRn&timestamp=1551998267 Lepro / Getty If you’ve heard of the trendy...
  4. W

    Trenbolone and igf1 serum levels

    Sciroxx encourages any user to make serum IGF1 tests in order to asses the clinical effect of the GH. There are multiple factors which effect the IGF1 levels. Different drugs do have their impact on the IGF serum levels, one of them is trenbolone. I've seen in few references that trenbolone...
  5. W

    Ultradex - highly potent cutting/lean gains agent

    Buy Ultradex 150 By Sciroxx laboratories The ultradex's roots are back in a brand known as Syntrop which my team also founded, many pro BB in Europe have used it back at the day, and this was the preferred pre-contest secret key of many of them. It combines the most potent and active...
  6. Southerncross

    Best for hardening

    Whats you fellas opinions on the best anabolic to add in to a basic test run with the most pronounced hardening effect...not including tren. Stanzolol? Masteron? Eq? Share your experiences please! Looking for a good anabolic to harden up with.
  7. W

    IGF1 vs Insulin and Metformin

    Some of my customers have asked me about the usage in metformin, as well as insulin with or without GH. Both of these harsh drugs are actually used in most cases in combination with with GH to negate the negative effect of GH on insulin sensitivity. GH by its nature releases glucose (and fatty...
  8. W

    GH, IGF1 and should I combine them ?

    I've been asked more then several times if IGF1 should be combined with GH, and why not to take it by itself or instead of GH usage ? I posted this on my section as a source as well, and was adviced to post here as well to bring this to the attention of as many memers as possible. In a nutshell...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    6 Mind-blowing Experiments Science Cannot Explain

    6 Mind-blowing Experiments Science Cannot Explain Sunday, August 30, 2015 Listen, I think it’s great science is trying to figure out things like quantum mechanics, time travel, and all the rest of that jazz, but am I the only one with my hands on the reins pulling back? WHOA… WHOA… SLOW...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    The High Protein Diet

    The High Protein Diet thebodypolitic As diets go we’ve seen our share. Since the beginning of the obesity epidemic there have been a ton of dietary fads and quick-fix diets, the majority of them with the same outcome. The epidemic keeps spreading exponentially, and while many of these diets...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Dianabol (D-BOL) - Methandrostenlone

    Dianabol (D-BOL) - Methandrostenlone Heres a good read on Dbol I found yrs ago and posted on other boards.Thought it would be a good thread here as either a refresher or new insight for those in need...... Dianabol (17-Alpha-Methyl - 17Beta-Hydroxil-Androsta - l.4Dien-3-on) is a new...
  12. F.I.S.T.


    Saw this on another site yrs ago and thought it was a great read for all interested in DNP use....... Credit to the gods that wrote this... :) HOW TO NOT FUCK UP DNP: Since some guys have been playing around and disrespecting DNP and then griping to the forums about the painful results, we...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    How soy affects hormones

    How soy affects hormones Lara Briden, ND Primal Docs Fri, 13 Mar 2015 I've never been a huge fan of soy. I don't like soybean oil because it contains mostly omega 6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation. I don't like processed soy protein because it impairs nutrient absorption. I don't like...
  14. N.O.V.

    Which wolf are you feeding?

    This is an article from Tnation, by Chris Shugart. I thought it was a good read and wanted to share for those who don't visit their site regularly. An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My child, there are two wolves inside of every man, battling one another every day. One wolf is evil. He is...
  15. J

    OMFG… Can't cum now!!

    Ok, so most of you that have been following my personal life shit that I have shared with you know that I ended up going to a psychologist because I was severely depressed and anxiety because of the kids. Well, he put me on Zoloft. That was about almost 1 month ago. So for a good 3 weeks now, I...
  16. RockShawn

    The very Basic guide to GHRP/GHRH Peptides

    The newish supplement to be used by Bodybuilders are Peptides that naturally release GH from the body, the problem is that many make it all to confusing much more than it needs to be so i thought it would be a good article to write to try and clear some of the confusion on the subject. if you...


    Clenbuterol works the same way as ephedrine. However, unlike ephedrine, which is out of the body in a few hours, clenbuterol lasts for days. So you are on it 24 hours a day. No one chooses to be on ephedrine 24 hours per day, because it interferes with sleep, and so clenbuterol is more...
  18. TSizemore

    Oral Turinabol

    Chlordehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol) Profile (T-bol) Average Dose: 20mg per day Half Life: 8 hours Water Retention: minimal to zero Aromatization: No DHT Conversion: none Oral-Turinabol is an oral steroid which was developed during the early 1960"s. OT has a predominantly anabolic...