
  1. GRIM

    Are steroids bad for you?

    https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/are-steroids-bad Are Steroids Bad for You? Uses, Side Effects, and Dangers To increase muscle strength and power beyond the natural limit, some people turn to substances like anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Anabolic refers to growth promotion, whereas...
  2. R2D2


    Might run some of this with test prop and/or test ace this summer Protodrol Protodrol was introduced by i-Force Nutrition, designed to be a less toxic compound than some of the older prohormones on the market. Daily dosage was 50-75mg a day. It is not currently being sold.. Effects: ...
  3. EG News

    The mossman-pacey paradox: how steroid abuse leads to infertility in the pursuit of male...

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/Anabolic-Steroids-Testosterone-Needles.jpg?itok=CT1KiLtN&timestamp=1559838082 Simon Hausberger / Contributor / Getty...
  4. EG News

    Could "keto crotch" be the keto diet's weirdest side effect?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/1109-woman-fish-smell-GettyImages-181064235.jpg?itok=YiWLEwRn&timestamp=1551998267 Lepro / Getty If you’ve heard of the trendy...
  5. M

    Methyl-tren review

    There is a quite interesting review going on other major forum on this product - It's done by someone who is considered a GURU for steroids, I'll share with you his reports, his reviews are detailed, interesting and based on vast knowledge and experience
  6. EG News

    Does cbd oil actually work?

    Claudia Weingart / EyeEm / Getty There is plenty of press around the benefits of CBD, but for every positive news clip, there’s a doubter ready to throw cold water on this so-called miracle oil. So what’s the truth? Well, it’s a bit more complex than it seems, so we decided to put CBD on trial...
  7. GRIM

    Effects of diet passed down for generations

    Effects of a high-fat diet may be passed on for three generations -- ScienceDaily A high-fat diet in female mice affects their offspring's obesity, insulin resistance and addictive-like behaviors for three generations, according to a new study. A high-fat diet in female mice affects their...
  8. tutelagroup

    Cbd info found for horses

    Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that are found in cannabis and hemp. They match and map to endocannabinoids in the ECS (Endocannabinoid System) found in all mammals. These systems are not identical across each species, but they do function in much the same way. Phytocannabinoids trigger an...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    L-theanine for anxiety

    L-Theanine For Anxiety L-theanine may sound like an unfamiliar substance, but theres actually a good chance you have encountered it before: for example, in the cup of green tea you drank this morning. Questions have been raised about whether L-theanine, a type of amino acid, can have beneficial...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Deca vs. EQ

    Deca vs. EQ Steve Smi Deca Durabolin Profile Deca Durabolin (Deca), chemical name: nandrolone decanoate, is a nandrolone based anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) that was extremely popular during the 'golden age' of bodybuilding. The main reasons of such popularity were weak aromatization...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Androgenic responses to resistance exercise: effects of feeding and L-carnitine.

    Androgenic responses to resistance exercise: effects of feeding and L-carnitine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16826026 Kraemer WJ1, Spiering BA, Volek JS, Ratamess NA, Sharman MJ, Rubin MR, French DN, Silvestre R, Hatfield DL, Van Heest JL, Vingren JL, Judelson DA, Deschenes MR, Maresh...
  12. A


    I am 6 weeks post op .. and the past three days had some chest pain and shortness of breath and back pain.. well i know there was something up .. so.. long story short have a pulmonary embolism.. so laid up in the hospital for a few days.. and been researching the effects of anabolic and...
  13. S

    Finasteride in Management of Elevated Red Blood Cells-Withdrawn but intereste

    H-36731: Finasteride in Management of Elevated Red Blood Cells Hypogonadism (low testosterone) is becoming an increasingly recognized problem that affects numerous men in the United States. Symptoms may be always feeling tired, lower sex drive, and loss of muscle mass. Treatment typically...
  14. Vw4334

    MK 677 or MK 2866

    Anyone have any experience with these, thinking about using it after i get off as part of a pct/bridge id like to know of doses and what to expect
  15. bigbreads80

    First time w hgh

    About to start my first run of hgh. Got some greys from a good source that everyone is pleased with. I've pretty much got all my ducks in a row, but just looking for a little more advice. First , is timing of pins. I don't really see a concensus on when is the best time. My goal is adding...
  16. A

    does caber control the mental sides that go with npp?

    npp make me a depressed, despairing, crazy jealous, mean, hateful idiot. but npp is my fav will caber fix this?
  17. E

    Researchers investigate effects of new steroid treatment on children with ARDS

    Researchers investigate effects of new steroid treatment on children with ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) affects hundreds of thousands of people each year, many of them children. Those with this life threatening condition have severely injured and wet lungs, and are treated...
  18. F.I.S.T.

    Deadly Chemo-Drug Costs 4,000x More Than Gold

    Deadly Chemo-Drug Costs 4,000x More Than Gold Posted on: Sunday, March 20th 2016 Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder One of the oldest marketing tricks in the book is to dramatically overprice something in order to increase its perceived value. Ironically, the less intrinsic value the commodity...
  19. E

    Nociceptin could help to reduce effects of asthma attacks

    Nociceptin could help to reduce effects of asthma attacks An international team of researchers from the Universities of Leicester and Naples has examined the role of a receptor in the body that could help to prevent or reduce the effects of asthma attacks. Source: Nociceptin could help to...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    Growth Hormone Treatment - Dosing and Monitoring

    Growth Hormone Treatment - Dosing and Monitoring http://www.agelessforever.net/growth-hormone/growth-hormone-treatment-dosing-and-monitoring GH Research Society [1] and Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines [2] recommend dosing GH independent of body weight, starting with a low dose...