
  1. EG News

    Drilldown on Strategies for Training Energy Systems

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness In this 3-part series, we have reviewed: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning Part 2: Getting Technical: Tying Fitness Goals to Conditioning Approaches & Metrics Here in Part 3, we discuss strategies for training using various energy...
  2. EG News

    “Conditioning” Your Body: What You Need to Know – The Essentials

    Conditioning is the process of introducing, accustoming, training, and tolerating new physical characteristics or states; broadly speaking, conditioning is making those seeking to be more fit, BETTER! In this 3-part series, we review: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning Part 2...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Energy Supplement for Body and Brain

    N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine: Smart Energy You can feel jacked-up and frazzled or you can feel motivated and focused. Here's a top choice for feel-good energy. The word "energy" is used a lot in the stimulant world, but it means different things. In the category of pre-workouts, there's everything from...
  4. EG News

    Scientists Discovered How to Convert Fat Cells Into Energy Burners

    Most fitness enthusiasts know that, broadly speaking, there are two different types of adipose tissue collections inside the body. One is white and the other is brown, but alongside those white cells sit beige deposits too, and that’s essential to know, because brown fat cells begin to disappear...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Calories Burned During Exercise: The New Science Science Proves Exercise Sucks for Fat Loss

    Exercising is really a lousy way to burn body fat. The amount of calories burned surprises most people. One would practically have to drag a sled filled with pig iron up Kilimanjaro to equal the number of calories saved simply by not helping themselves to seconds at dinner. The fact is, simple...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Diet That Makes You Feel Like Crap

    THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR DIETERS When some people decide to get lean, they make a big mistake. To reduce calories, they go low carb and low fat... at the same time. Your body needs an energy substrate and you need to consume it. While protein can technically be transformed into energy, it's a...
  7. EG News

    Incorporate Cluster Sets Training To Get Stronger Rep by Rep

    In the gym, an overwhelmingly common practice for size and strength is that of simply performing straight sets of exercise, just like they did it in the old school days. Sure, this plan may be tried, tested and true, but it offers few options if you’ve found you’re in a plateau for either your...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Why Most Diets Fail

    It’s a common observation that most diets fail, but the reason they fail isn’t about the weight loss. In fact, most diets are successful in that regard if the dieter has any degree of discipline and motivation. The reason most diets fail is that the dieter fails to keep the weight off. You can...
  9. EG News

    Feeling Fatigued from Food? A Nutritionist Explains the Reasons Why

    Feeling sleepy after chowing down on a juicy burger and fries is expected. Same with a plate packed with Thanksgiving Day foods. But if you’re experiencing a food coma regularly— especially if you’re eating clean—you may be wondering what the cause could be. Postprandial somnolence, the medical...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Monohydrate vs. Kre-alkalyn: Which Creatine Is Best for You?

    Do you want to build muscle, enhance your fitness, or improve your athletic performance? How about getting complete nutrition from food products and avoiding toxic chemicals? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, there is no better option than creatine. Creatine is one of...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Take Pre-workout?

    Pre-workout supplements are extremely popular in the fitness world. Taking pre-workout can enhance your energy levels and endurance, making them perfect for a wide array of activities, including bodybuilding. But whether you’re a bodybuilder or trying to get lean, professional, or a newbie at...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Eat, Lift, And Condition To Lose Fat And Maintain Muscle

    By Bret Contreras Eat, Lift, and Condition to Lose Fat and Maintain Muscle By Marc Lewis and Travis Pollen With summer just around the corner, fat loss and concurrent muscle preservation is on just about everyone’s mind. The trouble is, there’s a whole lot of gimmicky — not to mention...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Can You Stay Shredded?

    Getting really lean is a common goal, which a fair number of people regularly achieve, and it’s easy to find trainers and books to help you do so. However, getting lean and staying lean is often viewed as a holy grail, at least in bodybuilding-centric circles. People pursue this goal for many...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Optimizing Bulking Diets To Facilitate Hypertrophy

    Weight loss is a common goal for people who wish to improve their health, compete in a physique sport, or make weight for a strength sport with weight classes. However, weight gain is an equally valid and important diet goal, and should be approached just as strategically. This article discusses...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    How many additional calories does each pound of muscle burn?

    Old-school gym lore suggested that each pound of muscle burned 50 calories per day. The more common figure you’ll hear from sciency folks is 6 calories. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Arecent discussion with Shane Duquette in the MASS Facebook group 1 prompted me to consider something I...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Why More Exercise Doesn’t Always = More Calories Burned

    Most people tend to view exercise through the lens of the ‘additive’ energy model: More exercise = more calories burned. But back in 2016, Herman Pontzer and colleagues published a study that put forth the ‘constrained’ energy model: Energy expenditure does increase with added activity, but...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    You Snooze…You Win?

    By Aadam | Last Updated: July 7th, 2022 This post is taken from the Vitamin. Every Thursday, I drop some knowledge bombs on your face to help you reach your goals faster while avoiding all the bullshit. We get so caught up in trying to find the “perfect” nutrition, training, or supplement...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Macronutrient Breakdown: Carbohydrates

    Performing cardio, lifting heavy, hell, getting to the gym and warming your body up—they all require energy. Your muscles are much more than physical attributes giving you confidence and your desired appearance; they are your motor. Knowing that, think about this for a second. You’re going on a...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Why Nobody Cares That You “Eat Clean”

    Amongst the countless dieting protocols spoken of and utilized throughout the world of fitness, there is always going to be that one person who likes to be considered just a clean eater. He may not count macros, carb cycle, be on a bulk or a cut, but you bet that he is eating clean! Seriously...
  20. 01dragonslayer


    The term ‘energy availability’ refers to whether or not you have adequate energy to maintain not only the energy demands of exercise or sport but also of normal physiological function. You can be at energy balance, maintaining a stable body mass, but be in a state of ‘relative energy...