
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Deca Durabolin

    Deca Durabolin is a very popular AAS made with the Nandrolone Hormone. It has the Decanoate ester attached which helps extend the release of the hormone. Nandrolone first began being synthesized in the 1950s making its first appearance in 1960 and began being marketed by Organon for commercial...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Ester Profiles

    Ester Profiles Acetate ( C2 H4 O2 ) Also referred to as Acetic Acid; Ethylic acid; Vinegar acid; vinegar; Methanecarboxylic acid. Acetate esters delay the release of a steroid for only a couple of days. Contrary to what you may have read, acetate esters do not increase the tendency for fat...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Esters Explained

    A Primer On Esters And How They Work One of the most misunderstood subjects in the world of steroids is the ester--the mechanism by which injectable esterified steroids like testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and Sustanon work. If you take a quick look around the Internet you will...
  4. halfnatty

    Has anyone used test prop or tpp for trt?

    Just curious
  5. 01dragonslayer


    This is from Chemical Wizardry Complete ESTER PROFILES Sustanon: The "king" of testosterone blends. The four different testosterone esters in this product certainly look appealing to the consumer, there is no denying that. But for the athlete I think it is all just a matter of marketing (Hell...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    History of Tren vs Parobolan

    Trenbolone and Parabolan What Are They? Trenbolone and Parabolan are two of the most popular steroids of all time. For decades Trenbolone and Parabolan have been popular in bodybuilding and gym rat circles due to the visual effects they can provide. When it comes to Trenbolone and Parabolan...
  7. Tyson13

    Test prop to???

    What up EG!!! I have been taking 100 mgs of Test P EOD for several years now. Due to circumstances I would ideally like to switch to something hat only requires a once to twice a week injection. I would prefer no bloating. Also, I am only wanting to do a high dose of TRT. I don't want to...
  8. A


    I know this is probably a stupid question but im on self prescribed TRT and going to Europe for 3 weeks. Any secrets to slide some test through the security without a script? LoL Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  9. halfnatty

    So last injection i did was last monday and already

    my acne is going down wtf that’s kinda weird does hormones drop that fast?
  10. GRIM

    Long v short ester

    Usually I run short or a mix of short and long ester This is really my first all long ester run in a long time and Im not feeling it like usual I know product is good from other indicators just man some of you find short works better for you as well by far over long?
  11. GoPro

    Ester weight and actual dosage.

    so I was just browsing the web and doing research and came across this thread on Ester weights and the actual dose you are getting after the Ester is cleaved off. This is good info so you can actually dose your cycle properly and get the right dosages that you seek to achieve. Give some feed...
  12. kingofclowns

    Question about PIP, test cyp + npp

    Hi guys, just to give you a short background, I was diagnosed with primary hypogonadism at 30, and I started TRT. After a lifetime of low testosterone, on only 120 mg cyp a week (60 mg E3.5D) I am making decent gains and feel like the king of the world in comparison to how I have always felt. So...
  13. tunaman7

    Esthers and the percentage of compounds

    I ran across this article and wanted to check with our vendors to see if it holds water... Here we go What is an ester? In the context of injectable AAS an ester is an acid with carbon backbone of a certain length, that is attached to the 17beta-hydroxyl group of the AAS. The general purpose...
  14. monster-ish

    Rate my cut blast!

    Hey fellas, I like to get as much feedback as possible. I've already posted this elsewhere but like I said I want all the opinions and feedback I can get. I will be starting this blast around Jan 10. Here it Cut cycle 2016 test e- 500mg/week 1-10 Test p- 100mg/eod 10-18 Masterone- 400mg/week...
  15. Daredevil

    Substanon injections

    About to start Substanon @ 600mg a week soon. I've been researching about it and have read that quite a few people have pinned once a week and some others recommend and do 2-3x a week. The ones who do once a week say that each ester picks up where the other eater left off at that certain point...
  16. misterB

    primo cycle advice - feedback needed

    going to run Drakon primo e at 750 a week, questions I have its Enanthate ester so should i front load ? if so what dose ? double since its long ester im considering M/W/F injections of 2.5 mls plus test on Monday / Friday is this reasonable . just did 100 days of tren a everyday and im kind...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Injection pain: Why it happens / How to prevent it / How to cure it

    Injection pain: Why it happens / How to prevent it / How to cure it By one8nine First we'll talk about esters: Ester – An ester is a chemical modification were a alkyl group or groups are added to increase circulating time of a steroid compound, which controls the release of the hormone into...
  18. Dago

    enanthate ester

    What do you guys think the best injection time for this ester is to keep blood levels more stable 5 days or 7 ? I know this may seem not all that important but I been around these boards for years and heard a lot of good points on both. I've done 250mgs test-e every 5 days but I think my best...
  19. RockShawn

    NPP vs Deca. What's the diff?

    I fully understand that nandrolone is the hormone in both products, but it seems side effects and intramuscular activity are different between the two compounds. For me, Deca makes me bloat and feel like I'm retaining water all of the time. NPP on the other hand does not while I do gain strength...
  20. A

    Site Injection/Enhancement

    Found this on another site and thought this is a good way to start discussion on seeing what chems other peeps use for site/muscle infections... found on anasci- written by Will Synthetek, Seems a lot of body builders are using this technique in hopes of bringing up weaker body parts, or to...