
  1. Z

    HOW ESTER REALLY WORK-much more than time releasing

    PART1 September 06, 2007 September Newsletter Issue 1 Esters: Much more than just half-life… Esters: Much more than just half-life… by: Anthony Roberts Author of: Beyond Steroids , Anabolic Steroids - Ultimate Research Guide Vol. 1, Co-Author of Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde: Body Transformation...
  2. J


    same mgs in diff volumes...look at values and stability...FUCK HALF LIVES [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. tkasch30

    do you believe in frontloads or not?

    some people do it, some say it doesnt work. ive done it with test c and tren e and theres no doubt in my mind it worked. i think short esters for a kick start works better of course but i think front loading does work. your thoughts?
  4. B

    Allergic to prop ester?

    I was on prop for about 7 weeks and I used 2 different UGs. The first one had EO and I started getting something like hives. I would feel itchy and if I scratched it my skin would get raised, even itchier, red welts/lines from my nail or anything scratching. So I thought it may be a reaction to...
  5. gearbender

    lab results

    im on hrt but have been using tne to supplement. must have labs drawn soon. does anyone know how long it takes tne to clear your system so it wouldn't reflect in the T levels on a lab report? thanks, gearbender
  6. sportsfreak

    Test P cycle, need some help!!

    Ok, I have always ran long ester cycles and need some short ester help. I plan on pinning EOD so in my mind there will be 3 one week and 4 the next. I am trying to keep the oil at 3ml each stick and still get the proper doses. I plan on running 700mg test between my script and the prop, 500mg EQ...
  7. H

    Primobolan (methenolone acetate)

    Primobolan (methenolone acetate) Primobolan is one of those anabolic steroids which has a cult following not unlike the old original version of Masteron. Actually, as you can easily see from its anabolic:androgenic ratio below in the profile, its a pretty weak steroid but actually stronger(!)...
  8. C

    What is an ester?

    WHAT AN ESTER IS, AND HOW IT WORKS I'm sure that if you have taken an interest in anabolic steroids you have noticed the similarities on the labeling of many drugs. Let's look at testosterone for example. One can find compounds like testosterone cypionate , enanthate , propionate , heptylate...
  9. B

    Deca Phenylprop

    Substance: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Average Dose: 400 - 500mg/week (M) 100mg/week (F) Half Life: 72 hours Water Retention: Yes, some Aromatization: Low DHT Conversion:None Durabol is a fast-acting form of nandrolone. Nandrolone is chemically related to the male hormone testosterone...
  10. B


    Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as 30 mg propionate, 60 mg isocaproate, 60 mg as phenylpropionate, 100 mg decanoate) Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol Molecular weight of base: 288.429 Molecular weight of ester: 74.0792 (propionic acid, 3 carbons) Molecular weight of ester...
  11. B

    Half-Lifes/Detection Times/Ester Types/Ancillary Half-Lives

    Acetate: Chemical Structure C2H4O2. Also referred to as Acetic Acid; Ethylic acid; Vinegar acid; vinegar; Methanecarboxylic acid. Acetate esters delay the release of a steroid for only a couple of days. Contrary to what you may have read, acetate esters do not increase the tendency for fat...