
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Estrogen Dominance: The Effects Of Estrogen On Body Composition

    Estrogen plays a huge role in body composition. Too much & you'll gain unwanted fat. Not enough & your bones will become brittle. So how do you optimize? When it comes to achieving the body of your dreams, estrogen typically is not high on the list of things to look at. However, what is not...
  2. Thunderbolt

    Help !!! Complete loss of libido ..

    I am experiencing complete loss of libido ..I have tried hcg and clomid ..cialis and provirin aren't helping all I was running was test ..maybe the test is no good ..please help ..
  3. Tyson13

    Switching To Test C and HGH....Recommendations

    I am currently running a a cruise of the following: 1) 200 mg Test C/ Split up twice weekly 2) 300-Primo/Split up twice weekly 3) 1 mg Adex/Spit up twicw weekly 4) 100 mcg T4/daily 5) 25 mcg T3/daily I am going to phase out Primo and work in 3 IU's of HGH daily. Would you suggest 200 or 250...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Pro-Testosterone Benefits of Resveratrol

    Here's what you need to know... Resveratrol isn't just a health supplement. Evidence suggests it raises Testosterone while preventing the aromatization of T to estrogen. Resveratrol is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and may even increase fat burning while preventing muscle catabolism...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Aromasin (Exemestane) Explained

    Aromasin (Exemestane) Control of estrogen levels is often necessary in anabolic steroids, due to aromatization of steroids such as testosterone, Dianabol, nandrolone (Deca), or boldenone (Equipoise.) In the aromatization process, the aromatase enzyme converts these androgens to estrogen. If...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Antiestrogen Compounds Explained

    Antiestrogen Compounds Explained Because of their ability to reduce risk of gynecomastia (abnormal growth of breast tissue in males) and enhance recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle, use of antiestrogens such as aminoglutethimide (Cytadren) and clomiphene (Clomid) has...
  7. puff88

    Size/estro Risk/reward

    What would yall say is the best AAS to use when seeking size and strength but also keeping estrogen/gyno risks to a minimum? I make it a point to truly avoid "wet" compounds and i am also very cautious of anything that can easily cause gyno related issues. Dealt with Gyno during puberty and am...
  8. puff88

    Back Acne

    It seems like even on low dose TRT i am very prone to some annoying back acne. It seems to be centered on the middle of my back for the most part with a few randoms a bit lower, but not on my upper or shoulder area. I was prone to acne on the upper back and shoulder area back when i went through...
  9. halfnatty

    Ai help

    Taking 300 mgs a week of test and definitely feeling that estrogen lol iv been playing sad music in my car and im a heavy metal guy so thats saying something, what can i take and dosage? Thanks rather get hwlp then just do anything. I have been take 300 mgs of dim but not helping
  10. J


    So I have couple friends I get gear for struggling with bad acne. This is one side effect I don’t get bad. I have a little but controllable. Can anyone tell me anything that could possibly help them
  11. Inhuman2024

    Arimedex joint pain

    Good thing mipple sensitivity is down majorly. Bad part knees are killing me. Im running 400mg npp a week. No joint relief. Only dianabol gives me joint relief. Well and tits too. Lol
  12. puff88


    What's up fellas, Been trying to do my research on these 3 drugs to fully understand when and how to use each, and each ones benefit over the next. I think I am pretty clear on arimidex vs. Aromasin, but still trying to get fully comfortable with letro's place and purpose over the other 2. Is...
  13. Thor

    Man On A Mission

    This information is from an article/ interview with Micheal Mooney back in Nov 2002 in Muscle Media 2000, he wrote a book called "Built to Survive" involving Mauro Di Pasquale, MD and I am sure most of you have herd of the DR so I won't go into that. back in Muscle media 2000, November of 2002...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    All you need to know about GYNO.

    I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Why is it important to run an AI when on cycle?

    I've seen the theory that you do NOT need to use an AI on cycle for a while now. From newbies having read various profiles, from senior members in our community. My opinion is that this is based on poor logic and understanding. Here's why... Its well known (atleast I think it is) that estrogen...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Ancillary Reference Guide

    Found this on another site where I belong....great article for reference..... Ancillary Reference Guide The purpose of this reference guide is to go over the different ancillaries that may be required during an anabolic steroid cycle or in post cycle therapy and discuss what they do, how they...
  17. Wacker

    Estrogen Total

    So I have been doing some research outside of forums on estrogen totals vs e2 only and am beginning to think the idea that all that matters in men is E2 is total BS and that taking a AI like letro or aroma will not lower your total estrogen complete bro science...maybe I am insane and someone...
  18. halfnatty

    Test cyp cycle

    My guy wants to run test at 350 a week for 6 weeks and he’s on test cyp 100 a week like I am from the doctor but Iv never did anything like this so I have know clue what to tell him lol but he wants to run test prop 50 mgs Ed Monday trough Friday to total 350 while he’s on he’s cyp trt. he just...
  19. halfnatty

    Blood work back estrogen is high

    everything was good and my test levels were at 900 And my estrogen was at 43 witch she said normal range was like 39, so I’m not sure what to do
  20. halfnatty

    Hgh questions

    Couldn’t really find a good answer on it but does it raise a estrogen at all ?